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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. Good thing I don't have to pay for some dumb covid test to enter Thailand anymore. Fully unvaccinated here and enjoyed my time in Bangkok never wearing a mask. Glad to see I inspired confidence in this decision.
  2. People like me said that was the general rule. It wasn't 100% but if you were to bet on a mutation being less deadly, you were likely right. "Fact Check" sites are cringe because they always take the most extreme case and do chit like the one you posted. Glad they struck down the claim that viruses NEVER mutate to become more deadly when the initial claim was viruses generally mutate and become less deadly. Looks like the people who made the claim viruses generally mutate and become less deadly but easier to spread were right. Almost as if in nature, things try to survive for as long as possible instead of immediately killing their host which end up ending the virus life.
  3. Oh look another farang bringing drugs into the country. Execution is necessary,
  4. Where did you have to mask up? I can only think of Govt buildings and immigration at the airport. I never wear a mask anywhere in Bangkok. Not the streets, BTS, malls, restaurants, taxi, anywhere.
  5. They should give him 25 years minimum and death maximum
  6. I am fully unvaxx and had covid for 2 days. Minor fever and coof for 2 days. EZ cure of sleeping all day.
  7. Damn, if only everyone got 2 injections to be "fully vaccinated" and then 2 more boosters to be super vaccinated. Good thing 4 injections and double masks have prevented covid.
  8. You sound miserable. You probably stay home all day rubbing hand sanitizer all over the place. Never risk getting the sniffles and a small COOF for a few days. I bet you cope and seethe knowing that I am fully unvaccinated and walk around everywhere in Thailand maskless. Go on packed BTS/MRT maskless and taxis too.
  9. Always go on BTS and MRT maskless. Never do those stupid hand temperature things either. Weird that so many people still wear masks. Likely just some weird peer pressure thing.
  10. A measly 10 years seems suitable for this farang.
  11. Easy solution. Public executions for all the farangs who are smuggling this drug in.
  12. Good. Hopefully some doped up farang don't realize the change and end up getting locked up 20+. jUsT a pLaNt bRoOo
  13. Test all the farang in their local hangout spot. We all know the demographics already.
  14. Fair game. I can't wait until all the pesky farang come to Thailand for their weed addiction and decide to make a stop in Singapore. Poetic justice.
  15. Klaus Schwab and his goons infiltrated Thailand?
  16. Take a salt tablet, hit the showers, and they'll be fine in 5 days.
  17. Woah that sounds like he will be better within a week. Let's close the borders and shut down the economy. I got sick before and had a fever and threw up. I carried on like normal. NEXT!
  18. With infectious farang crawling around Thailand like roaches, we can only expect the worse.
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