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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. Spotted a Frankfurt School graduate from the ol bolshevik Weimer republic
  2. Leave this garbage in the farang countries where it belongs. People here will probably start urging Thailand to take in mid 20's male middle eastern "refugees" as well.
  3. ai farang!! Get them out of this country. Thailand needs to take a hardline approach to these farang and make an example out of them. It is time for Thailand to rise.
  4. Long live Thailand. Thailand is for Thais Why should they need a ThaiPass when they are citizens? The uncouth farang should always be required to have ThaiPass as they are a huge liability. The farang and their fragile ego need to be knocked down.
  5. Well if they said so we better just go with the flow then!! Jarvis, pull up COVID death statistics grouped by age, give percent of deaths that had 4+ comorbidities. The sniffles and coof will take out the children!
  6. We can't talk about that bro. Just be quiet and trust The Science
  7. What does endemic mean for Thailand? Back to 2019 rules for Thai citizens?
  8. Your logical thinking is very dangerous. You are lucky you are not living in Cambodia during the Pol Pot era. Stop thinking and just agree with the narrative.
  9. We need to fear monger more instead. I don't care if the stats show the elderly and those with multiple heath issues are dying. We still need to vaccinate the kids to make the shareholders happy. They are a big market that hasn't been tapped into fully.
  10. Loving your country isn't hate. The farang have this weird idea that Thais cannot have Thailand be for Thais. Sorry that Thailand isn't going the western route and importing male "refugees" from the middle east in their 20's.
  11. This should only apply to true foreigners aka farang countries. This should not apply to other Asian countries.
  12. You lose protection months after, get your quarterly boosters like a good boy.
  13. LMAO at "let airlines verify". They dont want any extra work paperwork. US airlines even begged to drop mask mandates and celebrated once the GOAT state Florida shut it down.
  14. They said they were going to do this in an article last month. July 1st is the expected day for normal entry as was in 2019.
  15. Glad I moved to Texas from California. People here don't care about muh variants!
  16. Full reopening for fellow Asian countries only. Keep current restrictions in place for all western countries.
  17. what is the absolute death rate for flu and covid? Give me the percent by age group instead of saying "10x".
  18. Dude, we need to do everything we can to ensure not even 1 life is lost to covid. I don't care if we lose more lives to govt reaction to covid than covid itself. As long as covid deaths are 0, we will be happy. If we crash the economy and destroy peoples lives, that is ok as long as covid kills NO ONE. Save granny and get double fully "vaccinated" with 2 doses and get 2 more boosters to become fully "vaccinated" again.
  19. 0.5% of people infected with covid will die? That is life, son. Disease happens and people can take their own precautions without forcing others.
  20. As they should. They are smart and not like western countries that import "refugees". Such wonderful people who thrive in western countries!
  21. The farang is just mad someone is stating he is exploiting the standard of living in Thailand. The farang doesn't realize the Thais would rather not participate in sex trafficking but only do so due to being from a poor family and not having much opportunity compared to a basic farang. LMAO at him acting like he is providing such wealth to Thailand. Definitely not the type of person I would want around children. Weird guy.
  22. Zelensky is a noble man who is open to criticism and made Ukrainians richer than himself.
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