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Everything posted by TooMuchTime

  1. I knew nothing about Ukraine before the war and still barely know anything about them but I will blindly support them because everyone else is.
  2. Thailand needs to do what western media is telling people to do. We need to urge Thailand to virtue signal for Ukraine! What I love most about Ukraine is their western led coup that took place and how Ukraine loves to lobby missiles to their people in Donbass! Such a great country that has 0 corruption and just because they are one of the only former USSR republics that ended up more poor after leaving the USSR doesn't make them bad!
  3. Yes. Europe sure did a good job of importing young single men from the middle east. Now many EU countries are full of beautiful multiculturalism!! So diverse and tolerant!
  4. What an anti The Science bigot!! Keep up with the times, we no longer care about cases and only deaths! No one cares if millions of young people get a virus and have a cough for a week. Vulnerable had enough time to get the super vaccine and be protected. Everything coming back to normal now and your virtue signaling is no longer welcomed. Such low death rates for young demographic which held true even before vaccines. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics
  5. Everyone will party like normal while the Branch Covidians here will stay locked up in their 30sqm condo.
  6. This is scary and sets a very dangerous precedent! We need to make sure everyone is fully vaccinated with 2 doses, fully 2 dose boosted, and 2 masks at all times if they even want to consider going to Thailand. Test before flight, test on arrival, test day 5, and test on flight out.
  7. I will. Even my parents and grandparents realize they get to choose if they want the vaccine or not. They do not care if others get it. They also are in the belief that the world shouldn't shut down and cater to them. They lived their life and realize the future generations shouldn't be shafted. When I am old, I will never think the world should shut down so I can have a non guaranteed extra 10 years of life at the expense of my children/grandchildren. Same if I had cancer or something and needed a lot of money for treatment. I wouldn't tell my kids to sell everything so I can live a little longer. Not selfish like many here. Peoples decision to not get the vaccine doesn't mean you can't get it yourself. Go ahead and get it, no one cares. No one is forcing/coercing you to not get it.
  8. That would be a good argument if after vaccination you cannot get or spread covid. Once it was known you could get and spread covid even after vaccination, people lost interest. It also doesn't help that covid doesn't have a high death rate for most people as shown previously. I also would never get a vaccine as a mark of respect, I would only get one if it provides immunity for a deadly disease. Getting the vaccine is more of a mark of respect to Pfizer's shareholders.
  9. Stats look to be in my favor and for the vast majority of people. If they are vaccinated, double boosted, and double masked, they shouldn't have much to worry about. Omicron has been shown to be more infectious but appears to have a lot less death associated with it. You can't get this one point in your head. I and many others have made their personal choice to not get any covid injections. They realize there is a chance of becoming infected and dying but have made their own risk analysis. Your posts read as an extremely scared person who watches TV and posts on Reddit. Ignorance must be bliss.
  10. Correct. Other people have had more than enough time to take their own precautions. If they didn't take any COVID injections, they made that choice. If they did, they are protected, right?. Free choice is a beautiful thing.
  11. That is great. You can have other people make decisions for you while others can decide for themselves. Case settled.
  12. It isn't essential, just something you can use. Using these CDC stats I have made the decision to not get COVID injections. It also doesn't help that protection wanes off within 6 months so you have to get continuous boosters. They still haven't determined the end amount of boosters needed though. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/mortality-overview.htm https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics Tell me why I should worry when I am not fat and have no medical issues at 30 years old. Using the data I linked from when I downloaded it in Oct 2021, there would be a 99.849% survival rate for those 30-39 years old.
  13. But would you make the final decision on whether or not a particular surgery is suitable? What process would you go through to make that decision? A mix of your own research and Dr recommendation?
  14. LMAO hope you guys enjoy your quarterly boosters. Someone has to make sure Pfizer reaches their quarterly sales target. No better feeling than being able to make my own health decisions based off my risk profile.
  15. Were they not able to track previously? They have passport details on arrival, hotel bookings, and registered SIM cards? Really no point for exact GPS position every 5 minutes which it seems to be what they want.
  16. Children are a big market that hasn't been tapped into yet. Big profits are to come if we can get this demographic vaccinated ASAP. Hopefully we can get the time before boosters reduced to lock in profits for the financial year.
  17. Why are they not wearing N95 equivalent masks? They should be wearing two masks and be at least 6ft apart. Can we please get a trigger warning if you will have that image fully displayed?
  18. COVID doom and gloom has become many people's identity. They will feel devastated when they no longer feel a purpose spreading doom and gloom after being double "vaccinated", double "boosted", and double masked.
  19. This would set up a very dangerous precedent. Prayutkhun can possible convince authorities to help "re-educate" them?
  20. Time to make it as easy as possible. Rapid test on arrival only. If negative, continue like normal. If POZ, eat some chicken soup and continue like normal.
  21. Doesn't really matter. Pharma corps already got their paycheck.
  22. Weak sauce. Was expecting some higher tier vehicles. Do better Thailand.
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