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Posts posted by simro

  1. The REAL FORCE ... for Productivity, Security and Performance is called "Mac OS"

    i stop using windows at NT 4.0 already .. and so far it did not getting better at all until vista :D

    I have worked with Macs at the University of New South Wales and have support the users, it is a very good programs to support, but to put Vista as a good program is sort sighted!

    I still use XP and rolled out 1000 P.C's at the university, no one uses Vista on the Business Machines! :)

  2. Typical English, putting down Australians, I would like to know when the lower class English will get over the fact that they sent there relations to Australian over 200 years ago?

    Australians are not allowed to bring beer inside their own pubs back home; you obliviously had a few English migrants that had picked up the accent after being thrown out of England for being ignorant!

  3. My wife's spousal visa application to join me the husband here in the uk was refused because she failed to disclose a material fact of having being to the UK in 1998 where she applied for Assylum and was refused. She did not disclose this in her application form and also at the interview. She was not deported with public funds, she was released and allowed to leave the UK at her own expense. She left the UK in September 1998 for Ghana. This was discovered through her fingerprint results at the time of the interview. She had never discussed this issue with me before the interview. She said she feared I might change my mind about the relashionship if i knew. Please advise me. I have a very good job in the UK and I was able to satisfy all other requirements. I met her last year may and we got married in May 2008. She was given an appeal, but is there a way I can appeal against this decision? Please advise.


    Why appeal! do as you said and put another application in with the correct details, I have this advice from an Immigration Barrister here in Australia, "you only fight the fight you can win"

  4. Hi Andrew,

    Just an idea for the evidence you need to think about, I put photos of my wife and myself at different locations whilst she was on a visitor visa here in Sydney.

    Some site that host photos.

    And other photos that where taken at occasions whilst in Thailand.

    I gave this information to the Australian embassy in Bangkok, my wife has now been on a Provisional Resident p620 Sub Class 309 Visa since 30 April 2007.

    I did receive all the documents back that I gave the Embassy.



    Sydney Australia

    Hi ThaiVisa Experts!

    Sorry to bother you, but my wife and I just wanted to get a quick answer to a quick question ...

    Some of the supporting documents we are thinking of sending with my wife's application for an Australian Spouse Visa are special and valuable things that we cannot get copied, so we will need to send originals. We would like to know if the embassy in Bangkok will return those things to us or not.

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give

    Andrew and Nueng

    Oh dear ... silly me! I wrote that message too late last night, and obviously wasn't thinking too clearly. I wrote "documents" in one or two places, but that wasn't the best choice of words and is a little misleading. I probably should have used a word like "evidence" instead of "documents". The things we are asking about are not official documents as such, which we can easily get photocopied and certified, but rather a few personal things -- a printed wedding book, for example, as well as a couple of other little items that we can't easily copy or that won't copy well.

    Basically, we will have all the copied and certified official documents that we need to supply, but we thought it might help to add a few other little things we have that prove the strength of our relationship. Maybe they're not essential, but we do think they might be worth sending in to support the application. They have a lot of personal value for us, but the visa is more important. If we think these other items will help with the application, we really want to send them even if we may not be able to get them back -- but obviously we will be much happier if we can have them returned.

    Also, we doubt they'll be of any use in a few years when the issue of a permanent visa comes up, because they are only really relevant to the years prior to this particular application, not to the years between the issue of temporary and permanent visas. I imagine we probably have to supply further supporting evidence that specifically covers that period.

    I hope this makes our question a bit less confusing for people ... but if it still sounds like a stupid question, please just ignore this thread and skip on to the next one ;-)

    Sorry, Andrew

  5. Have 112 rai in Chantaburi. A little over half the land is older trees, not sure of the age. Most of the rest of the land has young trees, about 3 years old. A small part of the land has a pond, mangosteen and some others that I dont know what they are.

    Hi my wife has land in Chantaburi, which she grows mostly mangosteen, I am looking at buying a Rubber plantation, do you know the cost of Rai in that area?

  6. :o

    I just told the wife about this "news", and she asks why it is not being reported on TV? Then I log on to here and see it is merely a rumor. Passing on rumors this way is not very helpful, in my estimation, anyone can dream up stuff like that. Let's see what happens tomorrow, huh?

    samak the bungling fool dreamed up a rumor that he was going to get arrested at the airport once. it never happened of course.

    but that was newsworthy enough for the newspapers at least.

    its truly amazing people actually votes for this moron. and will probably continute to vote for whoever the next puppet is

    People who vote for the likes of Samak and Thaksin are the uneducated masses and as long as Thailand does nothing to improve the educational system in this country (standards and access to a full 12 years of school), nothing will change. The elite like to keep the upcountry folks dumb to keep them down, but what the elite get in return is the likes of Samak and Thaksin running the country.


    To explain this to the "Upcountry Folks" you would need to develop a "Rather Specil Programme"

    Yes they need to know how to spell Special! :D

  7. Ww are 30k outside Tung Song with 15 rai rubber, land prices around here for land with trees 7 years old or more now 150k per rai and up. Thinking of buying more but concerned about the price????? Any comments

    Hi latex,

    What price are you concerned about? The land or the price of raw latex? The price of latex SHOULD be okay for some time...

    I need mu glasses, I want to buy a Latex farm.

  8. I guess i'm lucky. This is why I whine a lot less than the other expats living in Thailand. It's still a great place if you make a western salary.


    Am I supposed to sympathize with those expats trying to shuffle by teaching english for a few baht? Well, I don't. Foreign expats have the luxury of choice. You can either choose to live here and make crap wages for relatively unskilled labor or you can go back home and get a real job.

    I would rather live in Thailand on basic wages than live in a western (selfish) society, I lived in Phuket for 1 year and have very happy memory's Scuba Diving and doing the odd computer job, I am back at work in my country in a so called real job earning great money, but I was happiest in Thailand on minimal wages.

  9. I guess you are asking about working in Thailand during your wait for visa to Oz for the wife. You can not work without a work permit. A work permit could be issued on a non immigrant O visa (which is issued to visit family (wife)). But as said unless you have very special qualification it would not be likely - especially for a short term.

    As your goal seems to be to take her to Oz believe you would be best served to look for employment there and hopefully build up savings rather than to be spending. As for Oz requirements do not know them but the other visa forum will have more experience on that if you wish to post there. I suspect you may be able to have family help in meeting requirements if required. They would also understand "8503" perhaps.

    I am sorry I should of explained what a 8503 is, it is a condition the authorities put in your passport it means "no further stay" the only way around it is to ask for a waiver but you need a really good excuse to obtain that.

  10. I have lived in Thailand for 1 year and went back to Australia with my Thai wife, late September 2006. My wife had to return to Thailand in Late December 2006 due to the 8503 condition being stamped in her passport. I am about to put in an application for my wife to come and live with me in Australia, however I was unfairly dismissed from my job on Thursday and am under the impression you need to be working for immigrations criteria.

    I am thinking about joining my wife in Thailand and putting the paper work in with her and waiting with her until the decision. I have read the rules to apply form Australia and there is no criterion for the 400000 baht, which is a good thing as the dollar has dropped to 26 baht now. I need an introduction letter of my wife, a copy of her I.D. card, copy of our marriage certificate, my wife has already done the x-ray and health checks, I have got our marriage certificate translated and am obtaining the affidavits of friends and family.

    The question is I want to work and I need to no if I can do this on a marriage visa, as it does not say you can not, but does so on a retirement visa.

  11. Rubbish, I guess they have never driven down a back road from Kata to Rawi, I guess in low season it still was the tourist dumping rubbish on the side of the road, Chalong bay has a rubbish problem on the shoreline, signs has to be installed to stop the tossers, and the Thai's that work on the boat and cause this rubbish can be called tourist also! :o


  12. I need to know if I buy a fruit farm ith Mangosteen trees and assorted other tropical fruits if I would be allowed to farm it with my Thai wife, I am not looking at making money, as I am sure the prices would be really low per Kilo, I just want a hobby farm to relax.

  13. I was giving advice before I left Phuket Thailand not to put in an application for my wife to stay in Australia from Thailand but to apply for a tourist visa and change the visa from Australia, well it appears that was bad advice from a man I know to be a barrister and immigration agent.

    I applied for the tourist visa for my wife from Phuket and was not aware of the "No further stay” (8503) condition stamped on my wife’s passport until the day we left for Australia as the passport was sealed at the VFFS in Bangkok and they could not tell me if my wife had the visa due to it being sealed.

    So on the 20th September (Thai Government take over) I took a taxi from the airport to pick up the passport and returned to the airport no fully aware what the condition 8503 meant!

    We arrived in Australia on the 21st September and it would appear to me that I have until the 20th December to try and keep my wife with me.

    Has any one information on section 52b for waiving visa condition 8503.

    At the time of the application I had contact with Robert Chambers at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, I called Robert and was having a conversation with him and at the same time some one from the Australian Embassy in Bangkok called my wife unknown to me conflicting information was given to the other person from the embassy, this was due to my wife’s friend who was telling my wife what to say.

    The girl was a friend of my wife and did not want my wife to leave as she was her only friend at work, so when my wife was asked are you coming back the answer was NO!

    Also asked do you have a return ticket my wife said no, this part was irrelevant as my father who fitted the criteria for a sponsor was also a sponsor for accommodation and money’s

    The answer is you cannot waive the 8503 condition, it takes exceptional circumstances for this to be waived, nothing you have stated so far indicates that exceptional circumstances apply in your case....nor can you apply for a more substantive visa while she is in Oz on a Tourist visa....

    She will have to go back before the 21/12....

    Obviously that call had no effect on the outcome of the application. I am surprised that she was allowed into Oz without a return ticket....irrespective of your fathers sponsorship.

    Please give me the section in the Migration regulations 1994 where it says I can not apply for a more substantive visa and where it says my wife has to go back to her originating country?

    Please supply information where it says you have to have a return ticket. Please explain what you would judge be exceptional circumstances.

  14. My wife had the same condition on her old Oz tourist visa ( i just looked in her passport ). As far as I am aware the info you were provided was correct, she could apply for a migrant visa whilst in australian on a tourist visa, then immigration would just extend the tourist visa ( or issue a different type of visa ) untill a decision was made on the migrant visa. I dont know what that condition actually means but I believe that it would be stamped on all tourist visas just as a precaution to make people aware that they can not extend their visa, but written those words it does not say you cant try to change your visa type or apply for a new visaa whilst in Oz. I think all is well, but you need to contact immigration there and ask them, just one phone call would be all it would take but you will have to wait untill monday. Not that this is relevant, but my Thailand visa also has a similar stamp on it stating "extension of stay not permitted" but I got it extended at immigration here. Immigration are the ones that make all the decisions and they can change a visa or issue a new visa to a person as they like, so im sure all you would have to do is apply for her migrant visa as soon as possible to get the ball rolling.

    Thank you for the information.

  15. I was giving advice before I left Phuket Thailand not to put in an application for my wife to stay in Australia from Thailand but to apply for a tourist visa and change the visa from Australia, well it appears that was bad advice from a man I know to be a barrister and immigration agent.

    I applied for the tourist visa for my wife from Phuket and was not aware of the "No further stay” (8503) condition stamped on my wife’s passport until the day we left for Australia as the passport was sealed at the VFFS in Bangkok and they could not tell me if my wife had the visa due to it being sealed.

    So on the 20th September (Thai Government take over) I took a taxi from the airport to pick up the passport and returned to the airport no fully aware what the condition 8503 meant!

    We arrived in Australia on the 21st September and it would appear to me that I have until the 20th December to try and keep my wife with me.

    Has any one information on section 52b for waiving visa condition 8503.

    At the time of the application I had contact with Robert Chambers at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok, I called Robert and was having a conversation with him and at the same time some one from the Australian Embassy in Bangkok called my wife unknown to me conflicting information was given to the other person from the embassy, this was due to my wife’s friend who was telling my wife what to say.

    The girl was a friend of my wife and did not want my wife to leave as she was her only friend at work, so when my wife was asked are you coming back the answer was NO!

    Also asked do you have a return ticket my wife said no, this part was irrelevant as my father who fitted the criteria for a sponsor was also a sponsor for accommodation and money’s

  16. Sorry to be so not ''understanding"....

    We eat what we are, so do not blame any one changing their culture to the west. Goverment is doing that on TV every day. I personally love my wife going to "another side" eating - that is when we are alone out without our toddler at 18 months... :D

    Can eat burger, can eat you name it - as long as it tastes good RIGHT?

    :o It would seem to me the article was about cultural changes!

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