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  1. now you are a war expert? what is your "objective evidence" of that ? ????
  2. well I am assuming you are not Europeans, because the impact is real here, prices at gas station are at an all time high... try critical thinking and question what you are being fed with official narratives. But I guess it's too much for some people, and they will prefer the "emotional assurance" of following the official "news" narrative to go through their day
  3. what is it you don't understand that all you are posting is "opinions" and "claims", news links and government statements are not "objectively confirmable" evidence, just opinions posted by others you accuse others of doing the exact same thing you are doing
  4. because you think you know more by repeating Biden words and news headlines. At best, you are like the Putin crowd following a scripted narrative...
  5. We really don't know what was his plans, analysts are trying to interpret his moves, but there could hundreds of reasons why he is doing these tactics, maybe keep the Ukraine army busy while he is attacking other fronts. The truth is nobody can tell, not even the Pentagon spies. Not even Placeholder or you the Minsk accord he signed was doing this, yet was ignored by Zelensky and the Europeans. He claims he doesn't mind Ukraine joining the EU as long as it doesn't join NATO. Putin says what he means, unlike our western leaders. I don't think they are putting all their forces out there, some analysts are surprised by this also. Is it incompetence or strategic (saving resources for later attacks)? you can't tell, I can't tell. it's debatable, and I think it will be at the end, many died for what? for a peace accord that was a copy of what was already signed yet ignored. War is always for nothing at the end.
  6. Zelensky is unprepared and being invaded, he is in a weak spot. Russia is not going to stop the war for all the reasons we explained before. It's too late now. We should have acted before. Like I said, unless we want to start WW3 and have NATO involved, then Ukraine will fall one way or another.
  7. right, because we all know the Pentagon and WH always put all their international deals on the internet ???? and we must assume that because it's not on the internet, then those expensive toys are free ???? Excuse me if I don't buy it for one second, knowing the story of the US and the Pentagon in particular when it comes to "selling" toys
  8. I am not pro-Putin, I am pro-European, so I wouldn't know ???? The pro-Putin will do whatever their dear leader decide to do, so if he wants peace, that would be the right choice Ukraine destroyed is not an option. Russia destroyed or weakened is not an option either.
  9. not in the mind of Zelensky pro-supporters, peace negotiation is "surrender" for them. I agree, it's not really "surrendering" per se, even though it's a lot like it, but it's a noble exit, and sill better than a total defeat I am not looking for Ukraine to be defeated and destroyed, that's my point. Let's stop Putin before he makes more damages to Ukraine. One party is unprepared, and the other was better prepared. Nothing we can do about this.
  10. Zelensky is going to fail, unless we want NATO to intervene Putin is winning slowly but surely on the ground, but he already lost politically Peace negotiation is the only possible exit here, not war.
  11. but that's not going to happen, so all for nothing at the end. Zelensky will eventually surrender and go for peace with Putin, under a round of applause with EU leaders
  12. nobody is naive enough to believe that Ukraine will not pay eventually for those "expensive" toys one burn every minute, and have a bridge to sell the obligatory accusation of propaganda when obvious questions surface
  13. how is it different from imposing a ban on Russian imports of oil and gas? world leaders are living in lala land,
  14. they will do anything to stop him, because they are so afraid he will be re-elected in 2026

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