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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. the question remains, why should we be afraid of Russia news organization? if they are lying, and our news organizations are lying, how are they different? simply because it's Putin? so at the end Putin is right, it's all about marginalizing him and the Russians. And I think the Russians will remember for a long time our over-reactions for banning them from the financial system when they had nothing to do with the war as simple citizens.
  2. well, I am sure they are welcomed with open arms when they show up at press conference.
  3. they might have saved a few lives but at what costs? countries do not have problem to send their people to war and die, or let them die with poverty or lack of healthcare, and somehow, they worry about a few thousands more? no, the real reason was that COVID was regarded as a "biological war" and that's how government leaders sold it to each other for going to extreme measures. They thought they were under attack. And maybe they were right.
  4. that's the problem with those countries that were overzealous with lockdowns and COVID protocols, it created a pockets of "contamination" just waiting to spread there is also the possibility that a circulating virus gave "immunity" to a large population, and die naturally
  5. it was never going to work, it was clear from day 1 of COVID, but somehow, in typical Asian stubbornness, they had to try ???? like Singapore, and Australia ????
  6. this all comes to data ownership and the financial and technical costs associated with it, RAID was a hot debate in the 90s and early 2000s, now it's a forgotten technology for cheap NAS solution like Synology
  7. yes, it comes from the legacy RAID5 now replaced with RAID0+1 first you should know that RAID1 and RAID5 storage is slower than RAID0, because you constantly need to "duplicate" and "checksum" data for the parity drive. IMO, those RAID things are things of the past, and why RAID+ storage is dying a slow painful death since 2007. New storage techniques are far more efficient in the cloud storage space. This is just my opinion. Why a parity drive for RAID0+1 or RAID5? data is stripped on all non-parity drives, and the last drive (drive 3 or 4 or 5) is there to calculate the "checksum" of the data stored in the non-parity drives. Which makes the whole process painfully slow, and why nobody is using this for fast "hot storage". Maybe for "cold storage" it could make sense, still it would be costly, so not worth it in my opinion. Clouding your data with a webapi is much faster in the long run. again, you need to define the urgency and "alternatives" for storage before using RAID algos. I think only RAID0 make sense these days. RAID0+1 are too costly in technical terms and there are plenty of great alternatives to "secure" your data online and offline. Syncing your storage to AWS is much better and probably faster than RAID5 or RAID0+1
  8. that's being very simplistic, and the exact same playbook of Putin, oh the irony despite our free press, we all know 'peer' pressure and self-censorship is rampant in the west, and lazy main stream journalists love to take the official "party" line to make a story. It's not news anymore, it's entertainment. the only positive thing is that our free environment make it possible to have dissident views, even though they are often ridiculed or marginalized by the main press corps, simply because they didn't source it. but what we are doing with Russia Today and other news organization from Russia is criminal and against all our "free press" principles. otherwise we become no better than Putin himself, why should we be afraid of Putin propaganda? aren't we capable of facing their views? well, apparently we can't, maybe some type of "truth" might be hurting us after all. Look how the press was "manipulating" the American public in 2003 to "sell a story with 911" for the illegal Iraq invasion. US journalists couldn't have been that "naive", they were complicit in the deception.
  9. have you paid attention recently to BBC etc...? Russia Today banned from the US, UK and the rest of Europe. Another news org from Russia, can't remember the name, also banned. The west is following the playbook of the Pravda ????
  10. the west seems be doing the same thing recently ???? they banned all Russian financed press corps, just in case they offer a different view or evidence of west propaganda ???? the first victim of war is truth, in particular in the west
  11. Actually they do, RAID0 for stripping and RAID1 for mirroring. You are probably referring to RAID0+1 that needs a minimum of 3 disks to be effective, as the last disk is used to "validate" the first two.
  12. that works fine for small NOMAD solutions and like Dropbox, it's fine for 99% of Windows users using a NAS gives you more control and options for your storage needs,
  13. probably added by the store as a free bonus, not the manufacturer HDMI cable are only 199 THB, not really a big value item
  14. they also quote in EUR and you can set the currency in your settings, anyway, they seem more reliable than the nightmare stories with local Thais abusing the system, as usual
  15. Ali is the real best in the world IMO, I don't know why you should bother with all those crappy copycats
  16. perfectly normal, manufacturers never include cables, unless it's a special promo from the store now you got scammed, could have bought one at TESCO for 199 THB, they are exactly the same
  17. why do you guys bother with Lazada? they are done I find better service with AliExpress !!! everyone in Europe is using Ali these days, and with over 100 orders with them, had only 1 or 2 problems and got refunded and kept the items.
  18. indeed, and the closure is only temporary yeah, it's all posturing and PR stunts, the west is caught naked and can't do anything with Ukraine invasion, so symbols and tokens is all there is left to feel good about yourself ????
  19. jesus christ, does this guy hear himself speak? of course not ????
  20. I wouldn't want to be an oil trader working in Russia or for a Russian trading firm right now ????
  21. it's already happening, what the crypto guys are facing now, I have been facing it for the last 10 years. It got so bad for the Futures and Commodities markets (to curb oil and commodities speculation), I had to stop trading some Futures contracts so the CFTC requirements could be waived.
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