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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. or better yet, dismiss evidence that would contradict your evidence, because you don't like the source ????
  2. the point that you blatantly missed is they pay much less than we are, for the sole reasons that we are more strategically dependent on him than Putin is on us. at the end of 2023, oil and gas will still be massively imported from Russia, simply because we have NO better alternatives despite claims by the anti-Russia crowd we are strategically linked to Russia, and they are not going anywhere, so eventually we will have to make peace with them
  3. right, small Russia GDP etc... but still huge impact on all western GDPs and creating disruptive conditions for our recovery, so at the end Russia has us by the balls, and that's the elephant in the room Ukraine is going to lose anyway, unless we want to start WW3, so what's the point waiting and killing more people. Zelensky will have to sign a peace deal eventually with Putin, he knows it, Putin knows it, everyone knows it, except the extremists in Ukraine and Europe.
  4. Trump would get things moving, and would go places, unlike the senile ragged doll ???? ok he was a bit noisy and controversial, but at least the world was a better place with him, and would expose world leaders hypocrisies on climate change we need more leaders like him, maybe not as loud, but as bold
  5. Europe is united? maybe for a few seconds, that Europe united is a shameful front, see the cracks happening in the next few months, above all when winter comes and we will need Russian gas more than ever Biden is playing a dangerous game with Ukraine, but he is not on the front line, we European get the FULL results of the sanctions, not the US the EU is in shamble over the whole thing, and again we are paying for it, not Putin or Russia or Biden
  6. I am starting to see expats living 10+ years in Thailand leaving this place in the last 2 years, same in China, in particular Shanghai where it's an absolute nightmare this is what happens when you let authoritarian governments micro-manage your life
  7. welcome back to the Carter years, he is not going to be re-elected let's hope Trump give it a try again so we can all have a revenge laugh ????
  8. stealing the election? not impossible, maybe not with Trump, but remember the 2000 election and GW Bush and the Faux News team "twisting" facts and changing the outcome of the results and let's not forget JFK election, highly suspicious as for Trump, we will never know for sure, these things are not impossible despite what some claims here
  9. he survived because they know their side could get away with it, and if the opposition was in a strong position, it would make supporting Boris impossible without consequences in the next general election
  10. it's an island, it's not part of continental Europe ???? Tell the Brexiters, they must have missed the memo if the UK is part of continental Europe ????
  11. the only reason he survived is because there is no real alternatives and the opposition is completely powerless the devil you know etc... which makes UK politics great entertainment for us Europeans ????
  12. long time British citizens living in France can also get a French citizenship post-Brexit a number of British expats and journalists living in France, without any family roots in France, still got their French citizenship, which is kind of amusing when you think of it ????
  13. actually you could blame Theresa May for this, she was trying to impress the Euro Group and the extremists in her party incidentally Boris father has voted with his feet and is getting a French nationality and possibly moving to France in the near future, probably shopping for a new South Provence Mansion as we speak ????
  14. for you Brits ???? What would you do without the French ???? "The French Marquise de Créquy wrote in her book "Souvenirs", that the tune Grand Dieu Sauve Le Roi (God save the king) , was written by Jean-Baptiste Lully in gratitude for the survival by Louis XIV of an anal fistula operation."
  15. it's interesting to know that the actual British anthem for the Queen is a French song written under Louis IV I think ???? oh the irony for you rosbeef ????
  16. about time, vote that clown out, he is a liar and a disgrace for the UK
  17. he is right, but at the same time, Zelensky is not offering any valuable and credible solution for peace IMO, he is a liability for Ukraine Stop the war ASAP, it could have been avoided, and still can be avoided from getting deeper
  18. going to the US soon, the CDC cryptic as usual got Covid like 3 times, but only one shot of Pfizer should I be good to travel?
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