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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. I am always right, you just don't know it yet ???? in a few years, you might see the light ????
  2. it's always Trump fault even when he is not there ???? Biden is fully to blame on that one, didn't he say "the buck stop with me" during his speech? ???? he could have stopped the damage, but he didn't, and went full speed ahead he is definitely not there, you can see it in his eyes ????
  3. like I said, you believe in fairy tales, and you are not paying in cryptos, the rhetoric from the crypto enthusiasts is hilarious, you are paying in "cryptos" but first we "convert" them ???? no wonder you guys are so confused with all that non-sense propaganda ????
  4. no you are not. Maybe financials is not your strength and you are having issues with certain concepts. But your cryptos were sold to another currency to pay for your coffee. It's like using your credit card in EUR or USD and saying you are paying your coffee in Thailand in USD or EUR. You are not. You are paying in THB. and cryptos are not "financial security" like stocks, they are "coins", so your comparison was wrong here. To buy coffee, your credit card sell your crypto into a local currency, and that's the old system. Period. Like they do with USD or EUR when you spend your money to buy stuff in another country. It's a simple "currency" exchange.
  5. so you are not paying in cryptos, my point exactly. Your credit card is converting your crypto holdings, and it's not crypto that pays your coffee, you are still using the old system (credit card and local currency) to pay for your daily stuff ???? thanks for proving my point, nobody is paying in cryptos ????
  6. maybe different experience, different people. I know of small businesses who got their funding, yet insufficient, but they had all the proper paperwork. So it's not bs, you were just not one them. Probably government redtape so it's lucky draw.
  7. it did, but for large businesses, not the small ones. Since most small owners of Thai businesses "like" to avoid paying tax, they can't complain when they don't get government support. One exception though, if they are VAT payers, it's a form of tax, and the Thai government could "postpone" or forgive "VAT payments" for small businesses to help them through. This is what some European countries did in 2020 and early 2021
  8. that's basically the conclusions everyone are having, despite being "attacked" and "reported to mods" on it by certain members here, it's game over for lockdowns, was fun in the beginning, not so much now ????
  9. don't need to read another startup propaganda paper that I know are full of "sh*t", read too many of them already ???? but you can't replace "clearinghouse", it's a legal requirement, not a tech issue. This is what you keep missing. CHs serve a role that cryptos can't replace. So you have one giant roadblock here ???? the financial system is already super efficient, nobody is complaining, except the crypto "enthusiasts" because they are desperate to use their tech for good use, which is not any good or efficient at the end. Cryptos is not energy efficient, and will not address the elephant in the room, legal requirements of banking regulations which are not going to disappear overnight because cryptos enthusiasts decided so ???? it's a lost cause, dude. Use it for speculation and "beer money" trading, period ????
  10. good point, and a number of small Thai owned businesses also don't pay tax and don't properly register their staff, a big mistake eventually in this environment which means, that a lot of those micro and small businesses are not going to survive because they couldn't get government funding and I bet there are quite a few of those to be significant enough to have a big impact on jobs and future economic prosperity. large corps like yours always get away with things because they have the staff and legal structure to "save" themselves,
  11. lockdowns are too expensive to maintain in the long run, so governments are slowly realizing that using them doesn't solve any problem and only make things worse at the end with the economic disaster and psychology impact in has on the population yes they are finally giving up, thank god we have the vaccine
  12. again, SEPA is free, and so is ACH, so again why pay a few dollars for a new tech when simple transfers are already free? and SEPA or ACH doesn't need to run on GPUs farms, so it's actually more eco friendly and cost efficient than cryptos.
  13. and how is that a world problem or a pain that needs fixing immediately? not sure where you work, but we have SEPA and ACH in Europe and in the US respectively, and everything is automated, no manual work involved. Transfer takes 24h for SEPA and 1 or 2 business days for ACH because some regulatory compensation mechanisms are put in place between corresponding banks. That's hardly a tech issue, more like a legal requirement. Are you sure you work in the financial industry? ????
  14. to make a comparison that our crypto friends can understand, the world financial system is a mountain like the Himalayas, and cryptos are a few batons (a few tons if you will) of dynamites that think they can take down the mountain ???? not going to happen ???? Cryptos doesn't solve a pain or a world problem, it's that simple. It's simply a gadget or a speculative vehicle, like betting on the weather ????
  15. these are PR stuff, same as in 2015, my point exactly. None of these projects or statements went any further than a Press Release. Try to find someone who use cryptos in his daily life to pay for stuff, like coffee, pizza, beers ???? that's right, they don't exist ???? and they never did despite claims by the cryptos enthusiasts that we would use those everywhere. They have been claiming this since 2003 ????
  16. the financial industry is already efficient, so you are not addressing any pains or problem in the financial industry here, my point exactly ???? I tell you one problem that crypto is addressing, hiding money and promoting Money Laundering and criminal money, hence some kind of success in that space, this is by far the best option today to move money. But this will come to an end eventually, because it's "expensive" to run with the GPUs farms, and authorities will make those illegals eventually along with cryptos on AML grounds. For now they are trying, but only with the crypto exchanges. But like marijuana farms, they will find ways to shut them down. No calculations with GPUs, bye bye cryptos ????
  17. can you try English, not sure if these are typos or something interesting you are trying to say ????
  18. not everything can be disrupted, to be "disruptive" you need to answer a problem and the pain around that problem Cryptos doesn't answer any identified problem, and that's exactly the problem, and they try to justify their existence by making up stories about user problems that do not exist it's basically a problem/solution fit that doesn't exist, and worse, a product/market that doesn't exist it's like a startup trying to convince the world you need them, when in reality you can do without them why do we need cryptos? and what pain or major problem it addresses? it doesn't, you don't fix something that is not broken, and that's what Crypto enthusiasts are trying to sell us ????
  19. they might survive as some silly OTC creatures for pure speculation, but actual payments and a complete "disruption" of the current financial system, no way. Our current system is way too complex as it stands to be replaced with a single technology, that's what the crypto enthusiasts keep missing, but again they don't understand world finance or are poorly educated in financial matters, so can't blame them really for believing in fairy tales. money is already electronic, 95% of financial transactions are electronic, cryptos doesn't add anything more. And the whole charade about trust is a no go from the start, since it's untrustworthy as it stands, hence why they need the computations and the algos. A complete joke, for geeks and gamers, a dream come true ????
  20. I probably did, but that's the problem with bubbles and scams, it's impossible to time precisely when they pop or get exposed ???? look, Madoff got away with it for over 40 years, so anything possible ????
  21. yes, you are definitely not a CFA chartholder, we went over this before, only in your head you are a financier extraordinaire ???? and why some big firm making a PR statement for marketing buzz got anything to do with a complete takeover of cryptos in the financial world. It's not going to happen, mark my word, or I would do a MacAfee and eat my own d...k if it ever happens ????
  22. yeah, they said the same thing back in 2015, and look where we are now, nothing changed and Cryptos didn't take over the world finance ???? I am just laughing at gullible idiots who think cryptos will change the world financial system, when they don't even have the basics to understand the complexity of the world financial system. Hency why cryptos will fail eventually,
  23. a lot of those Toyota cars for the Afghan police was sourced by the Pentagon, and actually came from Thailand, from a Chonburi assembly line ???? now it seems all the hand of the Talibans ???? good job, financing terrorism everywhere ????
  24. Looks like Biden has sh*tted on his shoes, his presidency is over so much for being a sage capable leader, he will perceived as a big coward and the US military with it Of course, Obama is also to blame, didn't pull out when they could in 2011
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