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Everything posted by GrandPapillon

  1. get a better bank, problem solved. Could have used WISE also.
  2. yep, new regulation from SWIFT, a PITA but using crypto to replace a broken system with another insecure broken system like cryptos is not an option either
  3. that guy is simply not there, what a loon, listen to last 10min, it's hilarious ????
  4. more like $25, but who is silly enough to do a $100 transfer with SWIFT? nobody :) you pay with a credit card, like normal people do :p
  5. mobile phones are useful, cryptos are worthless ????
  6. "You just don't understand" is actually a translation of "I have no answer" ????
  7. I can tell you how it is determined, the number of suckers falling for it ????
  8. indeed, she is over-rated, and an intellectual fraud ????
  9. I suggest Crypto gurus should read a few books on market pricing models, learn what is a unit root and a random walk, what is a mean reversion trend etc... etc...
  10. it's all BS stats and graph, that's what the crypto genius keep missing and they are going to learn the hard way now simply the maths doesn't work when you have volatility that goes 4 standard deviation in a month, mathematically it's all BS. You are better off watching those "buy me too" videos ????
  11. yeah was going to say the same, why would you believe anything the clueless staff is saying when their default mode is to agree with anything you say just so they don't have to think about an answer ???? "does this salad has sea food?" "No ploblem" ????
  12. there is no research for cryptos, that's what you keep missing. At best it's a white paper (aka marketing brochure) selling some BS story out of thin air that only a fool could believe. as for "pricing research", there is no continuous tape and price transparency, it's all "Exchange owned", so analysis techniques for securities with outrageous volatility doesn't work. The pricing models are extremely weak and prone to "random walk" bias (aka unit root in stats talk)
  13. research in crypto speak means to drink the KoolAid and watch some silly YouTube videos how some random dude you know nothing about made a billion in 2 weeks ???? Sold! ????
  14. those bitcoins gurus without any prior trading experiences on "regulated" markets need to get that, putting a stop is not a guarantee it will work. It might work for a very liquid security but not for one with a huge bid/ask spread. When you don't really know who is doing the bid/ask in those "unregulated" exchanges, you can bet that those bid/ask will change dramatically when things start to go sour. This happens a lot in Equity "Options" markets since they work in market sillos, exactly like the crypto exchanges.
  15. dude, you need to watch that Netflix series: Trust No One ????
  16. they could start with basic "asset" diversification and equal weighted allocation among assets, and then watching assets when they go down 10% or go above 50% to rebalance quite simple actually, but people are lazy ????
  17. if you had a bit more experience with financial matters and the financial markets, you would know that the analogy to "ponzi" is right on the mark. Sad to see that some boomers seem to miss this and drank the KoolAid with the younger crowd. At least Millennials have an excuse for their ignorance.
  18. semi-retired boomers who didn't make enough with real work, yeah them too ????
  19. disagree, cryptos produce hope for those millennials not looking for hard work ????
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