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Posts posted by liketobe

  1. Hi,

    We have just called Immigration and they told us that renewal still will be possible?

    From Jomtien Immigration Office (Pattaya) about 2 hour ago :

    "The 3 million baht investment visa will no longer be available in October...

    ... but a 10 million baht investment visa will substitute it."

    "The renewal will be possible by investing 7 million baht more..."

    "Most visa financial requirement will be "updated" before the end of 2006"

    "The 2 border runs limitation will not concern people arriving in thailand by plane"

    There was an "unofficial meeting" this afternoon at the Immigration Office

    with several people of the "Pattaya Expat Club".

    I suppose they will make soon a complete report on their web site.

    Wait & see...


    Thanks for the info. Still, 10 mio is a drop in the ocean compared to, for instance, HK's USD 1 mio for a similar one. Not sure how other countries in the region compare.

    I did forward details of the Philippines special visa that was mentioned on the other, big, thread to a mate who's married to a filipina but lives in HK. He chortled that it was a waste of money (USD 75k).

    special retirement visa was reduced months ago to $20k-not many go that way-he is married to a philippin citizen-has other options-there are many Philippin forums PM me for the seriuse forum with real answers-turist visas extendable for one year or get married-can do buisness with phil partners holding 60%-but all the rules are different and change depending on which judge you get and how much bribe money you have-there is no way you can pull out of thailand and go back in to buisness in the PI with out learning on the grownd for a wile-PI exports thousands of teachers every year only work for none citizen would be in private language schools for koreans low pay-good cheep health care but perscriptions for blood pressure or diabetie(?) cost more than U.S.-it's a place to retire $1,200-1,500 month-it's simple there invest or loan=you lose-don't listen to some one who goes to Manila and angeles for two weeks-avoid Manila go Hong Kong direct to Cebu and listen to those who live there. Sorry about getting of subject got carryed away.

  2. Same-same Philippines foreigners can not own land.

    Makes no differance if Thai or Philippine girl, if they come from a family situation with finances only generated from farm or village store there experience with money is limited. Family pressures to share money start as soon as she marries any one with more foreigner or not "that money in the bank is just rooting away"

    Retired forigners repeat after me:

    I will live in the country I chose to retire in for six months before I make a final decision.

    I will not get married untill I know the girl well and understand the mistakes that those who have come before me have made.

    I will not loan or invest in any business ventures.

    I will not walk around with expensive jewelry or watch on my person.

    I will not walk around with more than one days cash in my pocket.

    I will have as much fun as I can-could be dead tomorrow. :o

  3. This topic has bin really helpful to me because I will be meeding a maid also.

    With the information put forth I understand the two options.

    1-Maid/gf-utility multi function model that will save me money.


    2-young-masters degree, clean house, cook, in the nud_e, and go away-9k a month.

    Do I have the same trade in option with buth? :o

  4. Thanks for the replies and sorry I didn't answer to clarify right away.

    To make it clear to all I'm just asking the last question that needed to be asked to understand the total picture when retiring permanently in Thailand. What the monthly cost will be in the future when I find it hard to get around on my own and need assistance. To h..l with a rest home just wheel my chair over to the window so I can watch the girls walking around better than hanging around with a bunch of sick-os. I get free VA medical in the states but not interested in a veteranse home. Its easy to feel young if I don't look in a mirror and I don't have glasses on when I'm cleaning up in the bathroom, can only tell if its time to trim the beard a little and don't even do that six months before X-mass so I can do my santa clause routine.

    So I'll use the figures quoted for a full time aid+10 inflation. Maybe I'll take applications for a tall lady-boy that can push my chair down walking street wile clearing away the hustlers, put blinking lights on my chair and toss candy and condoms to all-HO HO HO Marry Christmass.

    Thanks for the replies. Is it doable? Do the numbers add up? Yes!

  5. trying out asia retirment, in the US now seriously planing at least 6 months it not full time in Thailand.

    Bar girls would say-ya he here early Tuesday nights, buy one lady drink then go, we going to give him one free shot time in sympathy.

    If Pattaya is the place for me then I would locate in Jomtien area, the hight and debris field away from the ocean one tower when it falls over.

    Even though I'm linguistically challenged I don't see a problem with the language, just need to say "methinks" in the right tune and I'm good to go.

    View Talay 5 is the place or View Talay 7 when completed both in Jomtien Dongtan Beach

    "Bar girls would say-ya he here early Tuesday nights, buy one lady drink then go, we going to give him one free shot time in sympathy." You must be jokeing :D

    the bar girls will clean you out before you say jack robertson here in dodge city they will licqudate you go home :o

    Thanks for the replies.

    Pattayatony:No matter what I read reality on the ground will be different. Just trying to make a good decision where to start, I'm not one for running all over retired already three years.

    Chatters & Skipper:Yes I'm joking, if only have cash in pocket for one lady's drink only one thing can happen-walk out.

    Naka:But I need the drugs! Ya I even look the type, they will have me peeing in a cup every day. No worries I'm bringing plenty with me, free from the US Veterans Administration. If I were incarcerated for any reason in any country I lose $2,300.00 each month disability in the free hotel. One month in jail=minus one trip to Amsterdam smoke all I want. I've made plenty dumb mistakes in my life will pass on that one. No need to have big blow out and be crazy for short time, got my official certified certificate of mental instability three years ago. Yep have my licence every one else just trying to pass the test HAHAHA. Have a good day.

  6. !'m 57, single male, kids grown with there oun, $2,000.00 month for expense's, $82,000.00 liquid reserve funds. Spent 10 months last year in Cebu Philippines trying out asia retirment, in the US now seriously planing at least 6 months it not full time in Thailand.

    The ocean for me is for viewing and soothing breezes and walks, if its flat calm waters no interest just another shrimp pond, why bother having to wash the salt off? Mountains are for fresh air but you can forget that unless above 3,000 feet elevation. Quiet is the most soothing to me but as we all know in southeast Asia that is a joke because of the population density.

    My usual routin-Shower and head out for some light exercise and a real cup of coffee wile contemplating what ever takes my interest that day, air-con Internet shop in case god is sending my last E-mail or some one has come up with the ultimate answer, back to the air-con sleeping room fart around till the sun goes down. Out to medium price dinner and then go sit some where with bottled water people watching till the clock says the risk of trouble is rising.

    Bar girls would say-ya he here early Tuesday nights, buy one lady drink then go, we going to give him one free shot time in sympathy.

    If Pattaya is the place for me then I would locate in Jomtien area, the hight and debris field away from the ocean one tower when it falls over. I'll brobably reside about 4 or 5 story's up, need help calculating distance from the consruction sit so that I don't have problems with my arthritic neck wile I watch it sore to great hight at a rapid pass. If you have never seen the welders sparks at night above 30 floors you have not truly lived.

    Some one said there is a bicycle path in Phuket, I realy would prefer to pedal(coast) than walk, harder for some one to stop me but slow enough you still feel in the environment.

    Forget Bangkok, Manila, LA, Honolulu, Chicago, etc. Goal is avoid, avoid, avoid, and did I mention a real cup of coffee in the morning?

    Even though I'm linguistically challenged I don't see a problem with the language, just need to say "methinks" in the right tune and I'm good to go.

  7. Oh ya! Big story! All you here about in the U.S. for days, and here they say the guy did not admit to killing the girl, was in a different state at the time, if no DNA match no evidence.

    On the radio in the U.S. it's pretty much excepted as a hipped story to keep the media from talking about the real story, cort rules that Bush has broken the law!

    Every one I know here have turned even the local state news off for a few days because they have no interest in the Ramsey case as presented in the media. And they are aware that Bush pressured Blare to blow the airline bomb threat be for they had evidence to convict because he needed some thingBIG NOW to instill the fear factor, election coming on fast.

  8. Personally, I wouldn't want to live in a condo. Too little control over what goes on around you. But to each their own !

    Not forgetting the urge to fly... :o

    totster :D

    Thanks Kerryd and suiging. Don't want to jump on any fales conclutions, but with the info you provided seams like I would do just fine there. Having the previouse experiance in Cebu it would be easyer for me to except things as they are in Pattaya. OH this is so much nicer :D:D:D.

    Why did I have to wast a year to learn? Wisdom comes with experiance young man!

  9. Greetings-I'm new to the group, 57, male, single, and retired.

    I've already transitioned to living as an expat, spent 10 months last year in the philippines(Cebu). From reading the most resent 45 pages of the Pattaya section things sound almost the same as the RP, except religion, food, and from the pictures I've seen more choice of decent condos. In Cebu you have two buildings two chose from only, plenty of places to live but not of the modern condo type.

    Are cock fights a national pass time in Pattaya? I mean if there is a house next to your condo is there ten crowing rosters next door?

    Do condo residents have respect for there neighbors when it comes to noise levels from TV and music?

    What is the air con situation in most condos, central air, unit in wall or window, or split type unit?

    I've read about piled up garbage that is some times burnt, but when you look out side about 7:00AM is there smoke coming up every where? Are food venders cooking with charcoal every where or do they use gas?

    Do you usually get a little breeze in the after noon or is it dead calm all the time?

    When you are driving or walking in the rush hour traffic just about dark do the head lights look like every one is going around in fog?

    For those living the condo life style, is it better to reside on the top or at the bottom close to the pool? Thanks-Liketobe

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