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Iron Tongue

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  1. Give it up. There is physical evidence left on the moon in the form of RetroReflectors. These are mirrors left on the moon's surface that Earth-based lasers use to calculate the exact distance between Earth and Moon. Currently there are 6 working ones left by the USA, Soviet Union, and India. Yes, even India. These reflectors have even been used to bounce laser light back to Earth.
  2. Six men, six kilos of weed. Obvious it's for personal use only. These tourists are being railroaded!
  3. Yeah, I'd pay 500 baht to play. But why does the title say "scam"? Perhaps the use of silicone?
  4. I have a guess. Could it have been ...drugs?
  5. Haven't done any in decades, and now the coke in the US is likely adulterated with fentanyl to boost dealer profits. Has fentanyl hit the drug scene in Thailand yet?
  6. Are you in a high risk group? If not, perhaps you can take a pre-screen test with a stool sample? These are becoming more accurate as they check for DNA changes & blood which look for cancerous or pre-cancerous changes. So you have to poop into a bucket, but it's done at home and a lot more dignified than the colonoscopy cleansing ritual & then having a probe shoved-up your backside. There is even a newer test using a CT scanner, but I don't know if it's available in Thailand yet.
  7. Great. Thailand and Philippines tourism pact. Casinos to draw the very best kinds of people (all from China obviously). Do they also want to exchange bargirls?
  8. You really need to find something else to do, or are you seeing yourself as a Tireless Champion of Justice? 7-11 employees are poorly paid people who probably hate their jobs. Why would they bother to overcharge you so to enrich 7-11? They are responsible for balancing receipts to payments at the end of their shift. Or you are saying that they overcharge you, and then dip their hands into the till to steal that loot when nobody is watching? Perhaps you aren't aware that 7-11s trust their employees less than customers and watch for thieving employees? While I do not doubt that thievery may happen, but only as much as employees do in other shops, but they probably get caught faster.
  9. Sure, but that didn't happen, did it? The van did hit that lady. Besides, if it was travelling at a safe & legal speed, you can swerve all you want and still not roll the vehicle. Vans have very low centers of gravity.
  10. It is being realized that the Cybertrucks are killing machines. Rather than plastic and crumple zones, this is an all steel truck that will crush and tear apart any other vehicle it may hit on the road. Of course humans would be pulped by one. I almost bought one actually, put down my deposit and waited my turn, but I came to the realization that I did not need a US$120,000 pickup that was too huge for daily travel. It being bullet proof and very survivable in crashes still are selling points to me though.
  11. Of course remote work for entire departments isn't efficient. As for "enough working places" the Federal Govt has hundreds of office buildings throughout the US, where the largest group of employees are the maintenance & cleaning staff. ...and just announced today, Federal workers are demanding 32-hour work weeks while keeping their full salaries and benefits. The US can likely save billions++ by firing these "empty seats" and selling off the excess real estate.
  12. Hitting a little old lady and bicycle wouldn't be enough to flip a large vehicle like that van, unless excessive speeding was involved.
  13. I suspect that his diving quals may have been exaggerated by a bit. If he was already a certified Master Diver (50 dives), I don't know of any additional diving quals that someone could get so quickly, let alone 2. As a certified Master Diver, the next step would have been pursuing his DiveMaster cert, which would have required at least 10 more dives and a lot of time & training. I think he very likely rushed his ocean dives before he was ready and got himself killed, perhaps even a heart attack.
  14. Tall, thin, blonde, he's going to be popular in prison. He may even grow to understand why people don't like having their backsides "tapped" by strangers.
  15. Spare set of eyebrows. The man is Turkish after all.

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