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Everything posted by Bruno123

  1. Your post doesn't make any sense to me. So you are saying that it's not worth spending 150 to 200 baht more to get one with a temperature control in your opinion or are you just playing the fool, as you are wont to do most of the time? Fluffing about? Is that like buying cheap cr@p that you've had to replace three times, as opposed to buying one that does the job and doesn't rust?
  2. How can a four year old laptop have Windows 7? ????
  3. Uninstall the current package and install the new.... or https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kaspersky-total-security-2021-1-year-3-device-global-key-i2518839993.html or https://www.lazada.co.th/products/kaspersky-total-security-2022-2-year-3-drive-i3706919644-s14031471740.html
  4. I understand that it gets on your wick. But it doesn't change the fact. It is only 800 odd baht; so don't cry when someone informs you that it's a bit of nonsense without a temperature control. Though you can wrap things up in silver foil to mitigate. You obviously are not an 'Internet Smartypants'. You have another name ????
  5. Your air fryer sounds about as useful as the bull you just described. I make my own seasonings. One with coriander, garlic, fresh chilli and salt and extra virgin olive oil. Use that as a base for other things; such as mixing that with Madras curry powder and marinating chicken pieces overnight to make shawarma. Brown the chicken pieces in a frying pan and finish them in the oven. Pide bread, yoghurt sauce and chopped tomato and cucumber at the ready. Houmous too if I have it. Can make fajitas similarly by adding dry spices to the coriander spice mix.
  6. No, what we have here are members taking the time to help other members. Taking the time to find the best price for a particular air fryer. Let us know how the meat roasting goes. I know they like meat and fish 'well done' in Oz.
  7. I don't believe you. You seem like a shill for a particular online seller. Sadly you are doing them no favours, as such an aggressive and transparent attempt to denigrate less expensive good weed will only backfire on them. If I were they, I would ask you to stop 'recommending' them.
  8. The conclusion that I have drawn is that this is just another embarrassing blunder from you, to add to the claim that you stated that people agreed that GC was brick weed. https://www.leafly.com/strains/suver-haze https://www.leafly.com/strains/silver-haze Apart from anything else, Suver Haze looks nothing like ST1.
  9. You win on price. ???? Though mine has a 15 day return period and a guarantee that it's genuine. ????
  10. Lazada fought back; 1590 baht plus delivery. ????
  11. Back to Lazada for 1590: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tefal-42-ey2018-i899878681-s1816986872.html
  12. Again? ☺️ https://shopee.co.th/TEFAL-หม้อทอดไร้น้ำมัน-รุ่น-EY2018-ประกันศูนย์-2ปี-(EY201866)-i.9585389.4956872573
  13. You delete everything from the question mark onwards, before clicking on Submit Reply.
  14. No need to post tracking links https://www.lazada.co.th/products/tefal-ey201866-42-2-i1709594235-s4851162090.html
  15. Still, a lower heat is needed for cooking meat. I roast a lot of meat at 170 to 180 using my convection oven. Hopefully it will work out for you. Their air fryer with temperature control was only 200 baht more. But it's seems you specifically wanted one with a fixed temp of 200 degrees Celsius.
  16. Thank you for bringing some common sense back to the thread. The OP seemed to think that I was attacking him.
  17. Exactly the one to which I linked: https://www.otto.co.th/product/23435-19128/หม้ออบลมร้อน Something like 770 baht at Makro.
  18. But the latter still come here anyway, as they want a piece of the action. But note how many of them come back to report on the quality of the cheap weed they bought. None. marcus111 said he bought some and then suddenly went silent about it.
  19. I can see my fan, both through the plate and from the side. No rust. Some caramelised residue is all.
  20. Maybe the Strains thread is a better place for your 'expertise'. Take your 'straw man' argument with you on the way out. You make up an argument that no one was discussing in the first place and then present it as if you somehow made a point about what we were actually discussing. Pathetic.
  21. You must have bought a dodgy model. Mine is so old, that the colour has changed from red to pink. Fan and element all still fine. Haven't ever seen rust on the fans. I understand the convenience of a drawer for when it comes to chips. But I cannot abide frozen chips anyway. I prefer to microwave whole potatoes, cut them into chunks and to toss them in extra virgin olive oil and the seasoning of my choice and then put them in a baking tin in the oven. Crunchy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. Proper ???? Maybe the same can be done in the smaller air fryer.
  22. Without giving credence to the resident Trolls; imported seeds means that it is not native Thai weed. No one suggested that it was the highest grade and no one is expecting the highest grade. It's not like anyone eats Japanese Wagyu beef every day or breaks out their vintage Dom Perignon at similar intervals. It's utterly pathetic all this blathering about 'top grade buds'. It seems that majority as happy with the 'mid grade' flowers. Whether the standard is 30% below(or whatever arbitrary figure) what could be grown under optimal conditions is neither here nor there. The prices reflect that and the quality is clearly good enough.
  23. Hopefully you can still help the OP with suggestions.
  24. Does yours have no temperature control and a fixed temperature of 200 degrees? If so, your experience will be useful to the OP.
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