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  1. Try this mall in bangkok there's 1 floor nothing but computers I think it's the 3rd floor I bought my Intel nuc there mimi pc
  2. Go on windy.com go to air quality tap pm 2.5 and no2 the map shows everywhere move the map to Thailand monitor it for a week, month then you can decide best place to live I'm in jometin and I'm thinking the same about moving I have copd
  3. It's not the road that makes it safe or unsafe it's the people driving on it .
  4. Your expiration date becomes your birthday so doing it after your birthday your start date starts on your next birthday my birthday is the 27th renewed mine on the 29th got 2 days short of 6 yrs
  5. Simple mind maybe the tolls are backed up, Google predicts the time when I googled it all times very thru out the day
  6. My 1st time riding with tolls it wasn't complicated as you thing all the tolls I came across has cash payment any those lanes are the middle ones basically when you get on they give you a card when you get off you give them the card and pay what they ask other tolls pay as you go thru them
  7. According to Google it's a 6 minute difference
  8. If your using Google map you can turn on avoid tolls and don't have to worry
  9. Why don't you Google your treaty with Thailand see what it says in America they can't tax our social security or our pension so Americans are good its that simple if your able to read English
  10. https://changpuakmagazine.com/en-article/THANKSGIVING-DINNERS/162519/
  11. I'm using dental Square clinic on 3rd. Rd. Sign says Dr. NAAM . I hate dentures too . I'm having the upper denture replaced with an implant . Installing 4 female studs 35000 each total 140,000 adding bone to 1 stud 7000 new denture 20,000 Installing a titanium plate with 4 male studs 90 0000 total 257 000 my bottom denture are perfect from them its the upper I have a medical problem with .
  12. Try another agent or 2 see what they say every agent is different .
  13. https://thailandtripexpert.com/can-you-carry-a-knife-in-thailand/
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