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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. Was 7 hours in the train with a teacher and she told, the kids all know a lot more about sex than she know (blushing a bit), she can't teach them anything new.

    That teacher is as ignorant as her students.

    "Knowing about sex" is much more than knowing how to <deleted>.

    These kids know nothing about birth control or prevention of STDs.

    As near as I can tell, sex ed at most Thai homes consists of "That is dirty, do no do that".

    Of course it is ignorant.....But I also doubt that the kids don't know about Kondoms.....I guess everyone above 12 knows that.

    What does "know about Kondoms <sic>" mean? If the parents and/or the schools are not teaching them, where are they getting their information?

    As was the case for many of my generation, my parents did not tell me anything, and sex education was almost non-existent in the schools back then. Through a bit of luck, and some effort to educate myself, I made it to adulthood,and to this point with no unwanted pregnancies. My older brother was not so lucky...his first child was born at the end of his junior year of high school.

    "Knowing about" condoms does not imply that these kids know the proper way to use them, or the various aspects of birth control and STD prevention.

    For such an important topic, I would prefer to assume that the kids know nothing, and teach them.

  2. Was 7 hours in the train with a teacher and she told, the kids all know a lot more about sex than she know (blushing a bit), she can't teach them anything new.

    That teacher is as ignorant as her students.

    "Knowing about sex" is much more than knowing how to &lt;deleted&gt;.

    These kids know nothing about birth control or prevention of STDs.

    As near as I can tell, sex ed at most Thai homes consists of "That is dirty, do no do that".

  3. Some offices might require the Kor Ror 2 (wife's marriage abstract).

    This document is easily obtained from your local Amphur.

    I just did my 8th Extension of Stay based on Marriage. For the first 5, the Kor Ror 2 was never mentioned. On #6, it was requested, which required a trip to the Amphur and return to the immigration office.

    For #7 and #8, they did not seem too interested in that document; they merely took a look then gave it back, no copy was required.

  4. My last entry was 14 October, mid-afternoon. I was in the Immigration queue for well over an hour.

    At best half of the booths were manned. Somying working the queue was marking every card "Ph #" and telling us to fill in a number.

    I did not notice anyone's entry taking an inordinate amount of time. My guy was sure to tell me, after conferring with a manager, that my permission to stay would expire in three days (my second extension of stay visit with Immigration was coming up in two days).

    More amusing was my departure 8 days later. While the Immigration officer was stamping me out, I saw his eyes light up when he saw my entry stamp, thinking he had me nailed on an overstay. As soon as he looked at the next page and saw my new Extension of Stay and the new re-entry permit, I could see his face change...he looked as if someone had just taken away his birthday.

  5. On two occasions I have stepped in to stop Thai men from physically abusing their wives, and both times I prevailed, and the other Thai men standing around did nothing to support either me or the Thai man.

    I have also had confrontations with a motorcy taxi or two, and it came out in my favor, without me being ratpacked.

    Good for you,

    On the other hand, I've never been all that bothered about what other people are doing.

    As long as they aren't abusing me, I don't have much interest.

    Good for you.

    Normally I do not get involved as well....it is not my business.

    Both instances were family situations, which makes it my business.

  6. Leaving during the "under consideration" period is no problem, as long as you get a re-entry permit and return to Thailand before your "follow-up" date to Immigration.

    I do this every year, for 8 extensions now...come in for the application visit, get a new re-entry permit at the same time (either single- or multiple-entry depending) which will be valid until the day of the follow-up visit, leave Thailand for work, and return before the follow-up.

    As others have stated, the TM6 number that you used for the application is irrelevant, as your latest entry would be under the new re-entry permit number and new TM6.

    • Like 1
  7. your obligations are your must be prepared to lose everything you have.

    To be more specific an arm and a leg.

    Or in extreme circumstances-DEATH! it does happen-watch out for the neighbor next door. Have 2000 baht and he will do anything and he means anything.


    You have been sitting on too many barstools again.

    I have to go with billd766 here.

    I have never figured out why Thai men have such a reputation for being badasses...that has certainly not been my experience.

    On two occasions I have stepped in to stop Thai men from physically abusing their wives, and both times I prevailed, and the other Thai men standing around did nothing to support either me or the Thai man.

    I have also had confrontations with a motorcy taxi or two, and it came out in my favor, without me being ratpacked.

    I know that is the common wisdom, that if you fight a Thai you fight all of his friends also...but that has not been my experience.

    And I am a badass by no means....5'6" 180# white guy.... but so far I have managed to hold my own.

  8. they want you to make visa run to bring money to smaller towns .by example many people go to udon before going to Vientiane.

    if not, what would happen? , millions of guys staying with their girlfriend all the time, eating at market and go beach in the evening and that s all? . kicking you out every 90 days is good for the Thai economy. airlines, bus, tuck tuck, they all make money.

    and more money they make, more they can decrease prices to compete with more companies. enjoy your little visa run...

    More likely "they" do not want people doing visa runs at all.

    I am sure the government would rather have people obtaining the proper visa for their intended purpose in staying in The Kingdom.

  9. That is not a steel "pipe".

    It is structural steel, not intended to transport liquid or gas.

    That said, my wife and I saw this on the television news yesterday. We discussed the various ways this could have had a very different (worse) outcome...someone in that seat, the load-carrying truck being one meter to the right, or the Toyota being a meter left, etc etc.

    It would definitely be a &lt;deleted&gt; moment.

  10. Every year Dan Kwian Immigration tries to shift me from an Extension Based on Marriage to Extension Based on Retirement.

    And every year I say "No thank you".

    "Easier easier"

    "Mai ouw khrap"

    Why do I not want to switch?

    a) Lower financial requirement with marriage-based extension (I could meet the retirement-based requirement as well)

    cool.png I may want to work in Thailand again at some point

    c) I prefer that my extensions reflect the true reason for my long-term stay

    d) However remote the chance is of it ever happening, I would think that if some changes were made to make longer stays easier (say 5 year extensions rather than 1 year), those would be offered to people on marriage-based extensions more readily than retirement-based.

    Understand your thoughts but not D. Yes, it would be great if they gave a 5 year extension but do not understand why they should be offered more readily for marriage based extensions, and not retirement. I would like to see your reasoning for such a suggestion. Equality is the name of the game.

    If I was a high-level government official looking to modify/improve the immigration process for a group of long-stayers, I would look at those that are offering the most benefit to Thailand.

    #prama generalization ON

    Someone on a marriage extension, especially over a long period, is likely providing benefits to a larger group (wife/children/extended family) than a person on a retirement extension.

    #pragma generalization OFF

    I do not understand "Equality is the name of the game" ... this is false more often than not.

  11. A dress code should not be required. Adults should know how to dress appropriately.

    Rationalize it however you want. Go ahead and go to Immigration dressed like a bum; do not whine when you are treated as one.

    Like it or not, appearances matter.

    When I go to Immigration, or any other government office, I dress the same way as I do for work...jeans and long-sleeved dress shirt (have to hide those scary tattoos).

    The goal of a visit to a governmental office is not to express your individuality (Look! I am unique! A slob like everyone else!)....the goal is to complete one's business there successfully, and hopefully in a pleasant and timely manner. Whatever I can do to stack the deck in my favor, I am going to do.

    By the same token, I do not wear shorts and t-shirt when I fly also.

    True, adults should dress appropriately!

    But looking from the other side, professional government clerks must treat everyone the same no matter what clothes.

    Even someone who complete disrespect them should be treated the same under the law which doesn't differ between well and bad dressed people.

    All "must" be treated equally.

    That is a fine sentiment, but in the real world (to paraphrase), "All people are created equal; some are more equal than others".

  12. I have just had a look at the stamps in my passport, and none of them are entitled " visa extension" or such like.

    2 of them have "RETIREMENT" in block capitals.

    My latest stamp from Surat Thani starts with the words "extension of stay permitted until.....".

    Mine has a "RETIREMENT" stamp on the page.....NOW take a look at the OTHER stamps on the same page..

    Look for stamps that starting with:

    1) EXTENSION OF STAY...............etc...........

    2) TO KEEP YOUR STAY PERMIT.............etc.........

    ...and nowhere in any of those stamps does the word "visa" appear.

    • Like 1
  13. It's an annual extension based on retirement. You know it is too so why keep playing this silly repetitive game? Just to be argumentative I am guessing.

    I have learned this yes.

    I honestly think most people would say you are being pedantic.

    Just because I will not relent under criticism does not mean I am being silly, or argumentative.

    On my passport, it says passport. Same, driving licence and numerous other documents here and there from various sources governmental or otherwise.

    On the final stamp it really says nothing definitive. So people will call it what they think and retirement visa is about right.

    "Visa" is not right.

    A visa gives you the right to attempt entry to a country. The Extension of Stay does not do that.

    • Like 1
  14. You no longer have a Visa. If you got a new passport the old expired Visa would stay in the old passport because it's of no further use.


    Every year when I get a retirement extension on my Non-O Visa, issued 5 years ago, I need to provide a photocopy of this visa... therefore it is still of use.

    If I get a new passport, what exactly happens? Do they transfer a notation of the original Non-O visa to your new passport? Or must one provide a photocopy of the original Non-O visa from the old passport?

    My experience is the same...every extension of stay I have done (8 of them), Immigration has wanted a photocopy of the original Non-O visa.

    My past 5 extensions have been in a new passport. There is no transfer or notation of the original Non-O visa in the new passport.

    When I go to do my yearly extension, I take both the previous and current passport, as well as photocopies of the photo page and every page that has any sort of stamp or visa, from both passports.

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