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Posts posted by mgjackson69

  1. I was just looking I could buy like 2 years old streetbob 2011 for like 10000 eur, tht is like 400000 bht and in Thailand idiots want 1 mill for sportster that is like 6 years old, they should be shot


    anybody have streetbob in Thailand?  That is my favourite HD



    Like, why should they be, like, shot? They can, like, ask whatever price they want. That does not mean someone is going to, like, pay that price.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  2. Most of the OP's questions have simple answers, some are a bit rhetorical:

    Why do policemen wear clothes that are too tight? That is what they prefer

    Why do policemen wear white T Shirts? What color would you have them wear?

    What is it about uniforms? My daughters have different ones for every day! Let alone government officials Many schools in many countries have uniforms

    Why are the electric switches upside down? compared to what?

    Why does the electric current fluctuate wildly? poor generation and transmission facilities...and Thailand is much better than some countries I have worked in

    Why do most hotels not have 3 pin plugs? because they use two pin (no earth)

    Thais tell me, and I agree, they don't understand why Lotus does not stock large enough clothes The clothing is sized for the native population

    Why do Thais like unripe fruit? I have not noticed that they do, any more than anyplace else

    Why Thai/International companies don't spell check their adverts Who knows...laziness?

    Why are Thai ATMs back to front? compared to what?

    Why does life come to a halt at 12.00 on the dot so everyone can go and eat? That is not unique to Thailand

    Why in some Jangwats do the dogs have vaccination labels and not in others? Some are vaccinated, some are not

    Why is 100B 1 loy not 1 roy nueng roi or nueng loy

    Why are secondhand cars (and new cars) so expensive here? New cars are not particularly expensive. Used cars? Thais seem to think you can spend 700,000 baht for a new car, drive it 10 years with little maintenance, and it is still worth 600,000

    Why does Thailand drive on the left? Is it because the first cars came from Japan? But then why does Japan drive on the left? Who cares? One side is no better or worse than the other

    Why are traffic lights in all Jangwats not the same? different contractors, different suppliers, lights were installed at different times

    Why is most Thai acting 'ham acting'? is it? It is certainly exaggerated...That is what Thais like I guess

    My guess is the OP considers "Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways" to be a profound question worthy of deep philosophical consideration.

  3. I have standard telephone wire that is run 924 meters from the line extender amplifier so running anything better in my house won't improve performance and there's no upgrade in sight as I live in the sticks and it took 6 years just to get the internet. 5MB is all that I get but it's better than dial up or edge. What you put in your house will be limited to what is run to your house.

    True enough...but it would suck if 5 years down the road the limiting factor was inside the house, because one chose to save a few baht.

  4. People are advising "let the girlfriend handle it" and "do not involve the police". In the opening post, it was stated that the girlfriend was threatening police involvement.

    What would I do? I would go to the pawnshop and retrieve the camera, shame the boy as much as possible, and have no further involvement with him, ever.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. To the OP's question: Do I have a problem referring to my Thai step-daughter as 'my daughter'? None whatsoever...I married her mother, she is now my daughter. But then, I grew up in a blended family...my parents divorced when I was very young and both remarried to people who had been married before. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters who grew up in 3 different households. Only my older sister has both parents in common with me. To me they are my brothers and sisters... I do not use the step-, half-, or 'real' designations except for purposes of clarification.

    Feelings are overrated. You should be honored that the young ones consider you as part of the family. I consider it an honor that I am 'papa' to my daughter and that she shows me the same level of respect (or more) than she does to her biological father.

    You are the adult in the relationship...step up. It seems the children are doing fine with it, you can as well. And really, what is more fulfilling and more honest than interacting with one's children?

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  6. If the police want to "hide something" would it not be easier to just turn those cameras off, rather than going to the effort of physically covering them.

    It seems more likely this is a scare tactic

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Just had a talk with a former "hard core " red shirt.


    Basically she said that Yingluck has invoked the ISA because if any deaths occur in that area she cannot be held responsible.


    The cctv cameras are obviously being covered so that there is no proof of wrong doing. In other words the government will deny any claims of violence started by the police.


    These are her words not mine, but I for once in my life tend to agree with her.

    It is not obvious at all.

    If the intent is to merely 'hide something', why would the police not simply turn the cameras off?

    I think the police do not want a confrontation and are giving the protestors a hint to disperse.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. I replaced the original tires on my Vigo 4-door Prerunner at 4 years/115,000 km. The tread probably could have gone a bit further (not much), and the dreaded weather-checking was just starting to appear. They were Michelin something or other.

    I have not noticed over-inflation of tires here. It seems the Thais believe that every tire in every situation, be it motorbike, car, or light truck, gets 32 psi. My Vigo gets 42 psi at all four corners. The motorbike gets 40 psi front, 50 psi rear.

    Sent from my Xoom using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Everyone's story is different....I suspect the worst are probably fabricated.

    In my case, I did not build a house...my wife already had secured financing and bought a house before we ever met. She had it well over half paid off when we married; I paid off the balance.

    I have told at least three family members "no" when asked to "loan" money. The only person I have helped is Maae, when the stupid younger sister gave a finance company the chanote to 8 rai for land to secure a 40,000 baht loan. I paid the loan with the condition that the chanote be transferred to my wife's name, and had papers drawn up to the effect that Maae and Paaw can live there free as long as necessary.

    My wife has passed the word that I will not 'loan' money. She also knows that I am not going to let anyone (family) go hungry or have to sleep in the road. On more than one occasion she has also told me not to loan/give money if asked.

    I also do not buy whisky when the sloppy drunk nephew asks for it.

    Same here, sort of, rarely money... if they need stuff, and I think it's necessary, we go buy it together. Last year, irrigation stuff, next year maybe a rice harvester. We always buy a Kilo or so of chicken for them when we go to Macro.

    Anybody can walk in here any time and eat, they know that, the family even lent me money when my credit card got eaten, I don't usually eat rats and frogs but we can always go over and partake. They asked for and got, a duck from us last week, things seem so simple and civilised in this family group (10 people at present, it varies) that I am so lucky to be at the head of. (I think).

    The aforementioned "stupid sister" incident is the only time Maae asked me for help with anything, in 9+ years that we have been associated...and that was a desperate situation; the finance company was about ready to pounce on 8 rai of choice land. That guy was not too happy when I showed up and paid off the loan.

    Usually my wife and I will put in a couple thousand baht when Maae plants or harvests rice, to pay the workers. I have lost track of how many bags of rice Maae has sent home with us over the years.

  9. "Coaching" is probably not the proper term, if "coaching" implies "making up a story".

    I am looking for someone who can explain to her what to expect in the way of questions, etc and what is important to know. My wife had a poor experience several years ago at the US Embassy. Start with an interviewer who spoke poor Thai (we spotted this same person on a YouTube video yesterday provided by US Embassy BKK, BTW), and add in my (now) wife's poor knowledge of US geography etc and it did not turn out well...my wife ended up getting upset and calling the interviewer "stupid".

    As far as proving ties to Thailand, from what I have read that seems to be somewhat hit-or-miss, but here are some particulars.

    We are in Chok Chai, Korat

    We have been together for 9 years, married for 6 years

    I work for a company in USA, with most of my time spent working in various countries, mainly in the Middle East.

    When I am not working on site or at the company office in USA I am in Thailand.

    I have been on a Non-O visa with extensions based on marriage since 2008.

    My wife has not had salary income since 2004.

    She owns a house and farmland here in Amphur Chok Chai. Also, she has farmland in Nong Hin, Loei, as well as a rental property there on which construction is nearing completion now.

    She has a daughter who lives with us, 12 years of age.

    Our intent is to reside in Thailand; when I get tired of the travel I will either retire or semi-retire and seek some employment here.

    I know this has been a semi-frequent topic here, and I have read through several of the threads.

  10. I am looking for recommendations for and/or warnings against visa agents to assist in acquiring a USA Tourist visa for my Thai wife.

    What I am really looking for is someone knowledgeable who can explain the requirements to my wife and coach her through the interview process.

    I understand that the paperwork is not that difficult, and that no agent can guarantee a visa.

    Feel free to reply to me in private here in thaivisa.

    Thanks in advance,


  11. As others have mentioned, it will be difficult to fit in to a village or small town in Isaan with a 'sponsor' (read: friend/girlfriend from that village) to introduce you and provide the locals with a reason that you are there.

    Not speaking the language will make that even more difficult.

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