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Posts posted by pigeonjake

  1. On 02/11/2017 at 1:52 AM, Ulysses G. said:

    Can't understand why people get them. Maybe one in a thousand looks good and it makes it harder to make a positive impression or get a job. They ook even worse on women. :sad:

    I've got a few, mainly kids birthdays,

    Oh and for work I'm a qc engineer currently on a project in the UK on £430 a day my work has took me all over the world in the off shore and subsea game,

    So my few tatts haven't really done me any harm on the job front

  2. 12 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    In my line of work, day-rates have gone down by 70%. Not even enough work to turn it down......

    70% bloody hell.

    I no I'm back in the UK working, but still on a very good day rate 

    Ok I'm not at home but I'm earning very good money,

    Let's hope things get better for some of you guys 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Yes,  Los  V,  not  LA.  And   yet  the  desire  to   find  an Islamic  link   is  the  priority?

    That  is  the   sickening  blind  focus  of   both  politics  and   media   now.  If   not  then then  the   motivation  will  not  be  lucratively   newsworthy .


    this makes me laugh,, ISIS the day after tried to say he had converted to islam

    it was them who was trying to take the blame,!!!!

  4. just 1 cockeral,

    i hope you have put him in a pen with say just 6 hens?


    when you see the motorbike coming round selling day old chicks, we all know that they are cocks, buy some of them they are the cocks from the farms, they will be white but they are a great cross for you RIR your hens out of them will be white, they will still lay great,

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:


    Before you dismiss comments like this, just think about what people are seeing in Britain over the past decade or so:


    - The number / proportion of Muslims growing rapidly, already estimated at 6% of the total UK population.

    - In 2001 there were 600 mosques in the UK, and now there are 1,800.

    - Large parts of big towns are becoming majority Muslim (Tower Hamlets (35% Muslim), Newham (32%), Rochdale, Luton,  Walthamstow, Bradford, Birmingham to name just a few).

    - Islam is now the second largest religion in the UK.

    - Between 2001 and 2009, the Muslim population increased 10 times more than the non-Muslim population.

    - The birth rate for Muslims is ~ 3 times higher than for non-Muslims, and non-Muslims must convert to Islam to marry a Muslim


    Based on current momentum, what do you think the UK demographic will look like in another 30 years? 



    some just cant pull there head out the sand, or dont want to,

    muslims are trying to take over the world, thats what they are tought,


    i said it before,

    not all muslims are terrorists,



    There are no go areas for white people in some of the big cities in england, yes in england, posters on lamposts telling after 8pm only muslims,

    they are the most racist bunch of people in the world,

    they move from sh@t holes then try and turn the places they take over into sh@t holes,


    you see gays sticking up for them, that is unbelievable as they will be the first thrown off a high building,!!


    How many of these muslim imigrants has Dubai taken,, they know they are trouble,

    And i know this thread is about thailand, but please take a look at what has happened in other countries,

  6. Hi,

    You say you make 800bht a day,

    Have you taken off that the price of building the pens, the hens, the feed costs ?

    just asking, we had laying hens and used to sell everyday to people in the villages ad i bought my feed at cost from the mill not from shops, and eggs were 5 bht each,

    there wasnt much profit when you take out the price of the hen and feed, thats without the chicken pens

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Racist? Don’t think so. 


    I’ve lived in Muslim areas. The call to prayer soon becomes background noise. 

    why should that noise even have to become back ground noise,


    im old school, if you want to live in our country abide by our laws very very simple, but nowadays with people like you,, well dont get me going on that one,

    and if you want to call me racist because i dont want to see the once great britain become a muslim state then please feel free

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