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Posts posted by pigeonjake

  1. 9 hours ago, peter48 said:

    Well with post Brexit kicking in over the next few years they have to compensate for less Brits hit by falling pound, falling pensions, less wealth for trips , higher prices at home , less jobs and the lost 500 million EU consumers that UK currently easily trades with. That's what happens when people listen to right wing demagogues  like Farage

    We arnt all worried like you say,

    And as for loosing 500 million EU consumers, I would say the handcuffs have come off and can no freely trade with the rest of the world, not that believe that the uk will loose 500 million consumers, just more bull

  2. 10 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

    Thailand has a reputation as a country for the sex trade and of course once you get here it is cheap, relatively. But prices are rising and now Thailand is not so cheap anymore so tourists are looking at the new Asean such as Myanmar and Cambodia.. Ok, it does not yet have the infrastructure of Thailand but who cares when you are on holiday.


    Add into the mix the terrible publicity of recent years that I won't repeat as we all know about it and it's not difficult to see why tourism is moving away (and it seems to be a pretty rapid decline)


    The delusion of officials in Thailand is that they can attract high numbers of high end tourists but like most things that come from some official or another it's hot air with no substance. High end tourists may have some options in Thailand but they are pretty limited and if you have real money there are many more attractive destinations to chose from.


    So, Thailand is heading for a very tough time. Falling tourist numbers, falling foreign investment, falls in exports,,, none of it looks very good right now.


    With the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and Cambodia all holding their arms wide open and welcoming investment, tourists etc and of course being cheaper as well what does Thailand do? All of its neighbours are growing fast, the Philippines will overtake Thailand in GDP in the next 2 years and is already a bigger consumer in many categories and its still growing by 8% with a bigger population.


    It is not until Thailand realises and admits that it is losing to it's Asean neighbours that some plan will form that starts to turn things around,, but I won't hold my breath for that admission from any Thai official.




    We all know they will never admit they are loosing,

    Loose to Cambodia, big face loss, lol

    I think Thailand has seen its glory days

  3. Back on topic,


    One that has always gotten me.

    No matter how lazy the family are, the girls will always try and support them,

    Respect to them for doing it,

    It's like some of the lazy buggers in england, life on benefits, it's to easy for them they will never look for work,

    Same same here, I've seen father's sit around all day doing nothing waiting for the money from there daughter, so they can go and get pissed for a few days,

    I'll never understand this

  4. Will we still be happy here in a years time?

    It's ok sitting here saying how happy we are with our lives and how much better it is then our home countries,

    But the big changes could come when and new king in on the throne.

    It's something none of us know,

    So make the most of it as it could all go pear shaped big time, 

  5. At the end of the day in a country were you can jump off an iron buffalo into a truck drive to a driving test (lol) centre and get a licence within a couple!e of hours what do you expect,

    Kids, well we have all seen them I meen kids ive seen maybe a 7 year old speeding about, what do you expect?

    Thailand isn't blessed with the greatest driving rules,

    Still no excuse for what happened there was faults on all parties involved,

    I will say one thing it just shows you need to have your wits about you at all times


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