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  1. N. Korea President Kim is way, way smarter than S. Korea President Yoon. Even though Kim is much younger and just around 40 in age.
  2. Yes protests in S. Korea is frequent and nothing unusual. BUT Emergency martial law is NOT. The last time calling for emergency martial law in S Korea was in 1979. S Korea President Yoon was mistaken and misjudged very badly.
  3. Thailand welcomes all. Similarly, Singapore welcomes all too. Not long ago, Singapore received USA 45th President and received North Korea President on same day. That made history worldwide in case you forgot. The world is not just black or white, John Wayne or villain, 1 or 0.
  4. Except one particular, I don't doubt and deem 50-50 call phony. Replacing Biden in late July, Kamala had every thing going her way in August and September too, particularly Kamala had a strong DEBATE against a surprising poor Trump showing in the ABC debate early/mid Sept. Only turning into the final 3 weeks, some polls and betting pool had Trump got into the lead. What is so damn phony is that in the final week, out-of-the-blue there was so called credible IOWA Poll stated she led 4% in IOWA ( voting was Trump won 10+ % in Iowa ), it is very certain it was money-biased phony poll.
  5. Trump won. -- Yes A biased press lost big time. -- Yes Tradition won . -- Not so sure, let's see what is next. IMO, USA Election 2024 result is more about rejection of Biden-Harris, long-time mainstream media NBC, CNN... a very long list, and war mongering and fear mongering advocacy. Still your commentary is much better those who is so keen on name calling ( kid's stuff ) and fear mongering type.
  6. On-going G20 Brazil Summit now, Joe Biden was missing in action while dozens gather to take group photo. Further more, Joe Biden was the sole leader afraid to walk a long upward ramp. Why not get A. Blinken to represent USA, and save humiliation to Joe Biden personally and humiliation to USA ??? One person F around and ....... Don't care if this person was elected by the public or whatever.
  7. Thai TV news showed Joe Biden held the young Thai PM hand firmly for a short moment while they were walking away after the group photo. Another one of Biden "losing it momentarily" scenes
  8. Peru President Boluarte and China Xi together opened a Seaport near Lima, Peru 2 days ago. Planned and signed contract 2019, construction started 2021, completed 2024. USA Biden announced "Build Back Better World" grand global scheme amounted to few trillions USD in 2021 as well. Just talk so far. BTW yesterday young Thailand Prime Minister had meeting with Peru President Boluarte too while attending APEC Summit there .
  9. The young Thai PM had already left Los Angeles and arrived Lima, Peru for APEC 2024 Summit. She had already met Xi and China officials on the sideline ( like in a hotel hall ) in Lima, Peru. Xi was relaxed and easy talking to counterpart. Young Thai PM appeared shaken facing Xi, her facial showed her a bit nervous deep down.
  10. This young Thai lady PM got no experience. True. Look elsewhere. Is this the only case ? Of course NOT. In countering to your thinking " a PM needs to have some qualification", the most worldwide well-known No experience President coming to the office happened not even that long ago Barack Obama had zero governing or government experience too in USA Election 2008 and started USA President job in 2009. Deny or Argue whatever you want. There is facts/reality/history and I stick to it.
  11. Not relevant. In this Region, Trump is to squeeze every bit from Japan, S. Korea, Philippines, Taiwan. They should get ready to pay higher protection fee as demanded by the new USA President. Thailand is neutral, not paying any.
  12. Donald and Elon should CO-sponsor ONE DAY MCDONALD party in USA. Everyone eats and drinks free of charge with Donald McDonald for a day. Not much $$ for them after all.
  13. Blame games to start as soon as tomorrow

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