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  1. Trump joins nobody. Trump is associated with MAGA only, period. The person writing Trump joins the axis, have had special hidden agenda.
  2. " Washington Reassures Ukraine of Its Role in Peace Talks with Russia " Only Trump decision matters in USA now All else including Marco, Keith, Michael etc are just side show So Why "Washington" is named here ? Gut-less opinion, rubbish article.
  3. Tourists staying 2 days to 2 weeks weeks do not bother to think of taxation matter for a second. Long-stay foreigners are a small sector of Thai tourism industry after all.
  4. The title and this thread is about Thai tourism. Your comments about trade, export etc are not relevant to the topic. You picked wrong thread posting such comment.
  5. For decades already, USA Security Guarantee had been to one and only one country : ISRAEL. British are unfortunate to have such childish leaders as Starmer, Johnson, Truss............. Dial Winton Churchill number for advise.
  6. First hand experience not long ago. I have Non-Imm "O" Visa. Sep 2024, I requested opening new saving account in one Bangkok Bank branch. The manageress asked me "Why you want this ? " Answered to satisfy her and got saving account opened. Oct 2024 Went to Bangkok Bank branch and applied for new Bangkok Bank Credit Card and opened new fund investment account. Was told "Cannot" unless showing a Business Visa. Oct 2024 walked into another Bangkok Bank branch. Surprisingly, yes to both and got done.
  7. Quite well known throughout this Region, Thailand had exceled in advertising and TV commericals for decades. Digital creation is modern version.
  8. Benjamin BiBi Netanyahu is a wanted man too, is he ? Was BiBi in USA just couple days ago ? Double standard or what ???
  9. Again, baht count is doubtful. Did I just type this sentence seconds ago. All common sense that there is no way to calculate the Baht.
  10. Be Real The Head count is of course credible. Not difficult about tally and adding all the arrival numbers. The Baht count is doubtful. Agenda hidden and Thai-Bashing foreigners are thinking otherwise.
  11. About your opening remarks 2-3 weeks ago, China released data about population change in 2024. More death than Birth by slightly over 1 million in China 2024, that is translated to less than 0.1 % of roughly 1.4 billion -- 1400 million population. At this rate and adding on the compounding factor. After 10 years, population would shrink by 1.3 % ; After 20 years, population would shrink by 2.8 % ; After 30 years, around 4.8 % Big deal causing China to collapse ? Western media and most English-language media amplify every negative on China on daily/weekly basis. The stupid simply follow the tone and unknowingly brainwashed along the way.
  12. Trump started the tariffs on Chinese goods in summer 2018, Biden compounded and expanded it in 2021-2024, at least increasing cars imported from China to 100+% tariffs. From 2018 to 2024, the gap of balance had been continuously expanding such that China had higher surplus on USA-China trade in 2024 than 2018, and vice versa that USA had higher trade deficit with China. In 2024, the gap had been the highest in history. The figure you quoted is true, but it is surely not as relevant as the reality of what is happening.
  13. Trump or No Trump, USA is on the downtrend. Trump or No Trump, China is on the uptrend. Regardless of China, USA is on the downtrend. Regardless of USA, China is on the uptrend. Two trends going in opposite direction Americans are upset because they see China uprising and challenging so rapidly. The comparison making USA difficult to hide their decline.
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