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  1. Whereas millions of Israelis really referred to him as a low life criminal.
  2. And the millions of Israelis who wanted Netanyahu removed from office are they anti-semitic too?
  3. You've answered them with more of the same deflections aimed at the person rather than at the issues..
  4. Once more, instead of addressing the issues you deflect by making it personal.
  5. Do I really have to explain to you why this is another personal comment? And on top of that you post a video which has no probative value at all. Just another nasty way to be personal.
  6. Instead of addressing the facts raised, you go to a personal comment instead.
  7. First off, let's see if it survives on appeal. The Sullivan doctrine is long established law. That doesn't mean the Supreme Court won't overturn it. I know that Clarence Thomas, at least, would love to see the rich and powerful able to silence their critics through fear of financial disaster.
  8. No, I asked you what does the name Biden Crime Family signify? You seem to think that this is some kind of Rorschach test in which anything you say is not to be challenged because it's subjective. If your thought process is irrational, which in this case it clearly is, then it deserves to be called out as such. Hypocrisy and dishonesty are not in themselves crimes. But if you want words to have meanings peculiar to themselves, then you don't belong in a forum where a common language is the medium of communication.
  9. What many have been saying is that right from the start of his administration Biden was suffering from dementia. I posted a link pointing out that in February, some European diplomats noticed a recent decline. George Clooney noticed a sharp decline on Jun 15 from a few months earlier.
  10. Stop trying to deflect. You claimed that hypocrisy and dishonesty were the reasons you called the Bidens a crime family. I asked you if hypocrisy and dishonesty are crimes and all you did was revert to referencing the crimes of Hunter Biden and the crime of Joe Biden's niece. What have their crimes got to do with the rest of Joe Biden's large extended family? It should also be pointed out that if, In fact, if hypocrisy and dishonesty are crimes, it's a fair bet that most of humanity are criminals. And that would certainly include quite a few ex-Presidents.
  11. Even if your characterization was true of all or most of the Bidens, is dishonesty a crime? Is hypocrisy a crime? More nonsense from you.
  12. Because I stated that there's a big difference between Biden formerly and Biden now. And that accusations that for all of his presidency Biden was mentally impaired are false. And the evidence that you offered does nothing to disprove that.
  13. I'm not going to get into your track record of making personal comments. The mods frown on that. The relevant point is that vaccines don't have to provide 100% immunity to be of great therapeutic value.
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