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Posts posted by twizzian

  1. 5 hours ago, ukrules said:

    What are you supposed to do - cook them ?


    If this dumb ass elephant didn't want to eat them it should have ignored them.


    Stupid elephant.


    The elephant did not want to eat "nam wa" (raw/unripe) bananas, why would it be a dumb animal.

    if a stranger forced bananas down your throat how would you react?

    It seems some folk on here can be dumber than elephants!

  2. 11 hours ago, rwdrwdrwd said:

    I grew up in the UK in the 80s and was a teenager in the 90s - MDMA is neither addictive, nor 'hard', it simply needs to be treated responsibly.

    As a parent, I'm perfectly happy for my kid to take he when he gets older, as I did and much of my generation did when I was younger. Not in this country though, it's unfortunately backward in terms of drug legislation.


    I'd far prefer my son to be taking ecstasy as a teenager than for him to be binge drinking like most kids do.


    With that outlook on drugs, I'm glad you and your children are not anywhere near me or my children.

  3. 17 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


     Did you accidentally answer to another post on the wrong page? Live and park your gf? Guess you meant leave and park, but even then it makes no sense. Sorry, I might haven't read that it's about bar girls here.


       You're paying for your gf's friends' hair jobs? And what about the horny foreigners with more money?  A joke? 


    Coffee shops pop up almost everywhere in our city and not to many people sit inside.


       I've tried a coffee once, served in a plastic cup inside the shop. 


    Edited to add:


        It's the same with so many other shops here. One starts a business and it runs well. Then you can see a similar shop not far away and within a few months they're all over the city.


       They don't seem to recognize that they destroy each other's business by doing so. 



    Exactly what I was thinking Lostinisaan.

    Was having a hard time trying to decipher those comments.

  4. 3 hours ago, arthurboy said:

    No mention of names, no mention of actual 'crimes', no mention of the money stolen, no mention of collusion with businesses or other authority figures, no mention of prison sentences and no mention of assets seizures.


    Conclusion: No point.


    3 hours ago, arthurboy said:

    No mention of names, no mention of actual 'crimes', no mention of the money stolen, no mention of collusion with businesses or other authority figures, no mention of prison sentences and no mention of assets seizures.


    Conclusion: No point.


    I doubt anyone will have the time to read the list of 'hundreds' of corrupt officials anyway.

  5. Those ridiculous skinny wheels & tires on those lawnmower bikes must reduce the traction & stability immensely. It's like putting bicycle wheels on those things & go at 50 mph on gravel, (which is what most roads are like here).

    A little pebble & bosh! down you go.

    Added to the fact riding erratically and bad car drivers. It's all a nice deadly mix..

    Should there be any sympathy?

  6. Hey Thai Police Wake up were where the Crash Helmets that poor little Girl does not deserve that her Mother should be Heavily Fined OHHH sorry that will never Happen in the land of frowns

    Then close all U turns forever & make some Roundabouts. Heavy fines for mobile use, no undertaking. On the spot imprisonment for drink driving, no children allowed on motorcycles. The list goes on..

    It will never never happen!

  7. Yesterday was my 90 day report in Kap Choeng office and the lady there told us there would be an office in Buriram soon which would be brilliant for me. thumbsup.gif

    Looks like I'm on the right tract. The Lady did say everywhere will have it's own visa office. I just put in PET: SUK: & K.P.PHET because she mentioned those pacifically.

    Joy of joys time for a beer.

    90 day report in N/S is always a breeze, in & out avg 2-3 mins.

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