I don't know how may people here on this thread are living in the States. I live in Florida. I can tell you, food prices are at all time highs. For example a little Walmart pie that sold for .49 cents for years is now .89. That is 45% and it's just one example.
Crime and drugs are rampant, even here in FL where you actually go to jail and do time if you get caught. The job market is not great. I'm lucky to be an IT person but lower jobs are becoming more and more rare and pay less and less. It's not hard to guess why.
A few last minute changes (like forcing out the incumbent against the wishes of the voters!) will not fix anything.
At the end of the day, the program is, give tax money from people who have it to people who don't and take a huge slice for Govt graft, theft and incompetence. Giving money to people who did not earn it will not increase anyone's standard of living. It just makes them lazier and the givers more divisive. It really is that simple. All the other issues are decoys. I've been around the world many times and it has shown me that if you can't make money here, there is no where you will be successful.