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Everything posted by Tango777

  1. I sat in a street cafe in Frankfurt in 2012 and talked with a local for awhile. They do not like, want or invite illegals. 13 years ago, and he was unequivocal. Funny, same here in America. If people break the law what do they expect.
  2. Just a quick note for people who don't read a lot, probably too busy or something. Trump is not 'far right'. He is moderate by any sense of the word.
  3. Not to mention that by any measure, Trump is a moderate. Compare that to the extreme lefty positions, if any actual positions can even be identified on the left. Most people would prefer someone closer to the middle like Trump.
  4. In most cases they are taking $ in one form or another from the S0ro$ gang and others, and they also do it to get votes from people who want something for nothing. All the way to the top of the left.
  5. Where are you from? Certainly not a USC (citizen). Bulletin: Most Americans do not want illegal migrants at all. I heard the same from a German guy in Frankfort 10 years ago. They do not want them. The only reason is to gain votes somehow.
  6. Clue to non-US citizens here. We do not want illegal immigrants. We do want DEI. We do not want higher taxes. We do not want violent illegal immigrant gangs, we have enough gangs. Hit YT for 5 minutes on Immigrant Gangs.
  7. I don't know how may people here on this thread are living in the States. I live in Florida. I can tell you, food prices are at all time highs. For example a little Walmart pie that sold for .49 cents for years is now .89. That is 45% and it's just one example. Crime and drugs are rampant, even here in FL where you actually go to jail and do time if you get caught. The job market is not great. I'm lucky to be an IT person but lower jobs are becoming more and more rare and pay less and less. It's not hard to guess why. A few last minute changes (like forcing out the incumbent against the wishes of the voters!) will not fix anything. At the end of the day, the program is, give tax money from people who have it to people who don't and take a huge slice for Govt graft, theft and incompetence. Giving money to people who did not earn it will not increase anyone's standard of living. It just makes them lazier and the givers more divisive. It really is that simple. All the other issues are decoys. I've been around the world many times and it has shown me that if you can't make money here, there is no where you will be successful.
  8. I took the train from BKK to Nong Kai once, walked across. It was a nice experience. The train was fine, nice compartments.
  9. 3 young women from Nigeria taking a holiday in Thailand? It's not cheap.
  10. Did OP say 4 Km/H ? That's like 2.5 mph over ! I don't think they can see that closely. Over here in the States tickets basically start at 10 mph over, in most cases.
  11. Not sure if these are the same units, but in Iraq they (the Iraqi recipients of US $) had these contraptions which were basically shoe boxes with coat hangers sticking out. And we had to wait at the check points. Check point are among the most dangerous places to be. They were bought at something like a couple hundred K each. A big scam. Around 2008. UK made I think.
  12. Fentanyl and Meth is epidemic here in the U.S. now. Pounds and pounds caught daily at the Mexico border. Zombies in the street across the nation and crime at record levels.
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