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Everything posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. This is by far the biggest risk at present. If you have the means to fly biz class you can limits exposure the best, ie at check in / lounge / seating config on plane / acess & egress to the plane. Does not make you 100% safe but certainly much much safer than travelling cattle.
  2. try to pay a bribe and let us know how you get on.... try to keep up, the article was about a mini bus, you have a problem understanding this for some reason, strange...
  3. Mini bus mentioned in story, not ATR 72's. How many 72 seater mini buses have you seen? Not even close to same same.
  4. Senseless. Are you suggesting there's 300 seater+ mini busses?
  5. Everyone arriving last night had TP and some did not get the entrance that was planned for.
  6. And then the next one..... It seems to be endless right now!
  7. pretty logical that you should be insured for duration of stay, no? I don't think the dates are checked carefully,when i arrive last night all they really checked was TP and hotel booking.
  8. i arrived last night and overheard people being questioned about T & G, depending on where you're arriving from i think an unplanned hotel stay may be i order. I got two weeks quarantine regardless but i think a few people got somthing different than expected.
  9. Very crytpic. I have a rough idea i large purchases ( kinda ), no idea about anything bought in a supermarket, not even last week let alone 12 years ago.
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