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Everything posted by HashBrownHarry

  1. Hello. Oh, i'd forgotten about this..... will this prediction be as 'correct' as the downfall of Pattaya - lol. How long have you been predicting this now? has it happened?
  2. As i've ( and others ) have stated many times it's not worth it for regular 'tourists' for long stayers it's acceptable. Everyone has their own agenda.
  3. LOL. It's his balcony and condo ( rented or otherwise ), guess he can do what he wants. Unless it's a non smoking condo block entirely. I also dislike smoking and what you describe sounds like a pain but i'd be surprised if there's anything you can do.
  4. What's a seat beat - lol. But yeah, normally a seat belt helps to save lives or reduce injuries i agree, this is a horrific head on though.
  5. Judging by the state of the vehicles it's unlikely a seat belt would have made much difference.
  6. That does n't make sense, there's loads of 2 day packages available for less than 15K. Where does it say that on Thai Pass? Is this for T and G or 5/7 day quarantine?
  7. Nothing is free. 2 days against 5 or 7 will be much cheaper. But yeah, up to you, i will do day 1 and day 5 test with T & G.
  8. Last two years i have been told to come back on exact date mentioned. It's always been ready.
  9. Yes, so long as you're confident you'll arrive with a negative test this a more secure way 'hopefully' eliminate getting covid between day 1 and day 5. I think it's only 5 days you'd need to do.
  10. Can we, pls explain why? Was easy last time, why would it be difficult this time? Have you any experience with it? did you find it too hard?
  11. Thai pass is for entry TO Thailand not departure. You'll be asked for it at check in from wherever you're travelling FROM.
  12. my garage is cleaner than that restaraunt and it's a mess! where's all the table and chairs?
  13. As someone said, the ride to Chantaburi is ok once you can join the coastal road. Check out Peggy's Cove at K Wingman ( think that's the name of the beach ). A very unique hotel, nice quiet area to hang out at. Little bit further you can get a photo at the thinest part of thailand, i think 4kms.
  14. Which other countries speak Thai where it would be useful? It's handy in red light districts throughout the world tho!
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