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Posts posted by gaikhao

  1. 4 hours ago, gjoo888 said:

    Can they torture him for awhile before they exterminate him?

    Why would anyone ask for torture? Do you derive pleasure from such an act?  The history of this country is such that  more often than not an innocent person is stitched up. Do you recall the case of the rape & murder of the two kids and how  "Burmese" were blamed and convicted? 

    If you were given the opportunity to torture someone, would you do it? You know peeling the flesh off or pulling fingernails, or cutting open  the body and pulling out organs etc. I find such things repugnant as do other emotionally stable normal people.  Why don't you take some time to think over your request?

  2. 19 hours ago, Fuchs said:

    I do not want a Western therapist, they are pushy and politically biased and I got the impression they are only in it for their own reasons, rather than healthcare. This is why Asian resources would be valuble to me and others, who are going to Bangkok or Phuket anyway.

    As opposed to what? Do not assume that Asian therapists are any better (or worse), as they have their own biases and common approaches. It's all about best fit. I expect that you probably had dealings with a western therapist and did not hear what you wanted to hear and are now looking for someone who will satisfy that emotional need. Your life, but these changes are forever changes so sometimes the western approach of  thinking things through and careful consideration isn't so bad.  BTW, do not listen to the comments that claim so many are on hormones, because they are not. The ladyboys are just very good at what they do, and have an advantage of not being overly masculine physiques to start with.

  3. 54 minutes ago, Wiggy said:

    None of the measures mentioned concern crop burning. I guess that’s a more difficult target as it doesn’t involve simply setting up a tent at the side of the road waiting for a problem to come to you rather than doing some footwork. Besides, I don’t think any of the above are actually happening. 

    Can we start with something even easier?  The leaves and rubbish burning. It's ridiculuous now.  When driving through some very nice estates last week, I noticed that the maintenance/ground staff were burning piles of  trash/leaves/branches etc., all at  estates with significant farang populations. Maybe we need to look at our ownselves too.

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  4. 13 hours ago, mokwit said:

    Clooneys are not real celebrities. They appear in the media because they have a huge PR campaign behind them. If they stopped paying for that they would vanish from the public eye.

    But George comes from bonafide American royalty too. His auntie was 300lb Rosemary Clooney best known for singing the virtues of toilet paper in her waning career days, and his father was a  noted local news anchorman just like the  very famous Ron Burgundy.  Clooney's wife the noted human rights lawyer styled by the top fashion houses, has a lot in common with Markle when it comes to shallow opportunism,  although Amal is educated and well spoken. 


    Frankly, I couldn't care less about Harry. He can get a cashier's job at Sainsbury's and aim for being employee of the month.

  5. I have the  one going around now; Congested sinuses with blocked nose, sore throat.

    Fortunately, my discharge is still clear, although I have a slight cough now. Been at this 3 days. My AC makes this worse as  I am breathing through the mouth with the blocked nose and wow what a sore throat. Fortunately, ambient humidity clears it up  within a few hours. I think the whole situation was exacerbated by the foul air quality. I am trying to limit decongestant use and was using Tylenol when I had the fever the first few days and it worked.

  6. On 1/6/2020 at 11:11 PM, RasiMike said:

    The concerns raised by the responders to my post mirror my wife's concerns. But I will always have to look after my family she knows this and is well aware of what I will do if required. This particular guy was trying to be a bully...if he was intent on causing harm it would've escalated and I would responded as appropriate. IMHO Thailand is full of these types and often they're not anywhere as dangerous when confronted. 

    You did nothing wrong and I offer that you were prudent. What the critics ignore is that sometimes these people have other goals in mind, like robbery or vehicle theft. Not an exaggeration but in the south it is not uncommon practice to cut a vehicle off or run it off the road and then plunder the occupants or steal the vehicle. All done under a minute. Whatever the motive, by keeping him behind you, you kept control of the situation. That's the  key: Never let the aggressor gain control.

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  7. 12 hours ago, klikster said:

    Call me crazy, but IMHO, Trump's "knee jerk" reaction will likely cost thousands of innocent lives. I'll bet he figured that wartime presidents are more likely to stay in office.


    Imagine the horrendous price that may be extracted for such a stupid tactic/scheme.

    Kneejerk reaction?????  All he did was authorize the  termination of a terrorist enemy of the west, who had been on the hit list for 10+years. His response to iranian threats, is in the language they understand. He is getting good advice from  his security & defense experts.

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  8. 56 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

    It's a mafia sign...just to make someone scare...They didn't want to kill him, just send a message...Can we know now why he was fired some months ago from his job..

    Considering that he took his own vehicle and visited a place of certain activity in a  very public area, I suggest that  the basis of termination might have something to do with poor judgement and morals expected of a senior officer.

    Despite what some on the forum  think about Thais, the senior members of society to try and maintain a veneer of upright morality and propriety.

  9. 10 hours ago, Tug said:

    Rabas I beg to differ it was the first small steps towards normal relations towards peace now we are on the verge of war beeing run out of Iraq who’s winning there?trump imo is an utter fiasco the looks on those troops beeing deployed for god knows how many times when Donald tweets from his resort gots to be getting old no sir imo he has squandered all the blood and treasure we have invested in the last 20 years in the Middle East nope I’m not buying it

    What about the westerners held hostage? The westerners who were tortured and murdered are nothing then? What of the ongoing support of Hizbollah and the support of the Assad regime?

  10. 7 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Instead of the USA  protecting its oil interests low-key protection......

    Please explain, as my understanding is that the USA is  energy self sufficient and exports oil. There are about 22 oil companies operating in Iraq. with the exception of minor player Exxon, all are non American with China,  Russia,  Egyp, Turkey, Japan, Korea, and other arab countries the dominant entities. BTW, Exxon is nominally American now.


    7 hours ago, bannork said:

    Downing Street livid with Donald for no warning, endangering 400 British troops.


    LOL, seriously? The incident was done as an opportunistic  event. These events are never signalled ahead of time. They can't be, because these guys travel under tight security, with a human shield entourage, including their wives and kids. The intent is that if they are taken out, the non combatant casualties causes upset. The guy was on the hit list for years, so  no one  should be surprised he was taken out. 

    I have an interest in this because this guy advocated  hijackings and civilian targeting.

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  11. 2 hours ago, tifino said:

    anyways the double agent Iraqi was eliminated too. He was advising their natural enemies.

     Can't see why Iraqis are upset... the Iraqis and Iraninnies hate each others' guts. Iraqis were better of without him

    To clarify: Sunni iraqis do not accept Iranian colonial actions, whereas the Shiite population does.


    17 hours ago, baboon said:

    Remind us why there are two Koreas in the first place...?

    Russia declared war on Japan as the USA defeated Japan. Korea had been occupied by the Japanese and the Russians swarmed in seeking to take control. The USA stopped the annexation of Korea by Russia. Had it not been for the action of the USA, much of Korea would now be enslaved.


    17 hours ago, candide said:

    Since the war against ISIS/ISIL started until the time the US declared an economic war against Iran, how many Americans have been killed by Iran or the militias they control?

    Ever hear of Hizbollah? Hamas? All are backed and supported by Iran. They are defacto armed militias of the Iran state. Iran through its proxies  wages war and disrupts the Arab world. It threatens to  fire missiles in Europe and at the USA. it   holds western nationals hostage. It supports the Taliban. 


    Did you notice the reactions if the Iranian population  outside the country? In Toronto they took to the streets celebrating. In the UK, they expressed relief and gratitude. However, in the Hamas controlled Gaza they protested . LOL. The Palestinians always pick the losing side, always line up with the murderers, just as they supported the Taliban, and the Iraq invasion of Kuwait, and the Muslim brotherhood repression in Egypt. Sunni Arabs hate them as much as they despise Iranians, so this is going to be interesting.


    My prediction is that the Iranians were not expecting the US to pull a Putin response and to slice off an Iranian finger. They will behave for a bit longer now. That's how you deal with them. 

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