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Posts posted by Maizefarmer

  1. Jaideeguy

    I am no expert on chickens (other than the dozen or so we have running round the yard) but from what little I can tell you, I think their prime is over. Rhodes are kept productive (commercialy) by constantly increasing the protein content of their diet and altering the day/night light ratio of the enclosed barns they are kept in. However, once they reach a max productivity point, they then fall sharply - from which point theres no coming back.

    If they're "family pets" hang on to them, why not - they'll keep the bugs and other insects around the house under control (very good at that if left to scamper around the garden), but if you're weighing up egg production against what it costs to feed them, I'm afraid it has to be "off-with their heads" - they'll make a nice Sunday roast! - you're not going to get that high egg production rate back.

  2. John - okay, understood.

    Are you aware that you can still in this modern age buy "passage" on bulk carriers and container carriers - there are a couple agencies around that specialize in selling commerical boat "passages" - one is a company called www. cargoshipvoyages.co.uk - I done it twice in the mid-nineties, once alone and once with the family, and both times had a great time. Took the train down to KL (Malaysia) - the boat took 13 days to get to South Hampton. Accomodation was excellent and the food was first class - and it was a lot cheaper than going by plane.

    I have also sent the web address to your private message box

  3. Used in both dairy and beef farming - excessively. There are restrictions on using milk/meat from animals which are undergoing treatment, as to how well those restrictions are enforced is another story. In the pig farming sector enforcement is hopeless - something like 23% of pork sold in markets contains trace antibiotic or other medication. In the milk sector its hit or miss - if they check your milk and there is trace they will stop buying for at least 2 weeks. What are the chances of been "spot checked"? Quite small in reality but its not worth the risk, but farmers still take the chance on a regular basis.

    Use of antibiotics and other meds' in the animal sector is not quite as bad as the use of chemicals in the crop sector - but theres big scope for improvement/education and enforcement.

  4. hel_l John - you've got yourself into a bit of a mess here, haven't you(?)

    Okay - as far as NHS treatment goes, to the best of my knowledge if you go back to the UK for ANY hospital treatment - just keep your mouth shut and no-one will be any the wiser i.e. give your name and address (address: meaning any UK address you can use - the NHS does not check addresses and electoral rolls, SS numbers ect ect .... to verify patient eligibility. At most - if anything! - it will want to know that you are a UK citizen, and at worst that you are an EU citizen), and quite frankly, you shouldn't have any problem at all getting whatever treatment you require. How the hel_l did it come about that the NHS established you were a no-resident (the primary reason folk loose eligibility) and you had to pay up for NHS treatment??

  5. MF can SPG be changed to Chanote?

    Sorry - I missed your question.

    As a rule - the answer is a NO - but that said, from time to time the government has reviewed SPG titles on a regional/provincial basis and passed legislation that allowed parcels of land to be re-reg'd as CHANOTE by qualifying applicants. What the reasons were I don't recall, other than one of them been the amount of time the land had been held and used by the existing SPG title holder.

    I am not familiar with the fine detail so I am not the person to ask, but - yes, I have known it to happen, although it is very much the exception - very much so. Speaking for myself, SPG land has never interested me at all - and even if I were [interested], any decision to purchase would not be influenced by a statement from a seller (or anyone else) that the land was due for, or qualifies for re-catagorisation.

    It should be kept in mind that the very reason why SPG titles continue to exist today, is to protect rural farmers with limited resources. Any change that put SPG land on the same level as CHANOTE land would invite a free-for-all and undermine the security it gives to the very folk the policy is in place to protect. In short: it would be very very much the exception that an individual managed to get their piece of land changed from SPG to CHANOTE, while no-one else around them qualified.

  6. As you said (the OP), you did leave out the gay options. What happens if your children are gay?

    A very interesting question ........ I guess I'm probably asking too much, but how many members have a son/daughter who they suspect (or know) is gay?

    ....... the irony is that you probably couldn't find a more accepting & tolerent social enviroment than Thailand in which to bring up a son or daughter who was gay, or into cross-dressing etc etc ..... and if they went on to work in the "bright lights" industry, I would imagine they could do quite well - so long as it was a choice they willingly made and went about things responsibly.

    Speaking for myself, I guess I'd be quite shocked at first (as would most parents), but from what I have seen and learn't over the years, gays are perfectly capable of intergrating into society, been productive contributors, having normal relationships with folk - been gay is not a barrier to been a decent likeable person.

  7. The sad reality is that if you had handed the goods in for safekeeping in the hotel safe they would have been insured and you would have been able to assign liability.

    You may like to publish the hotels name, if they take a "not my problem attitude" - then we can all send emails and spread the good news - see how fast their business goes downhill then. That really is the problem isn't it: hoteliers now they are not liable for goods that go missing from rooms, and they make that clear in the small print when you check in. Before the days of the internet they could really just laugh off customers who complained - not sure they can nowadays if folk get their act together and support each other.

    Let us know how the hotel management responds.

  8. I was a bit confused with you original post.

    I, too, am confused, but mainly because of lack of specifics.

    You said:

    1. I (Farang) bought a plot of land in my Thai children's name.
    2. The land has a "special janot document" (the once who state: cannot be sold for a certain period of time – in our case: cannot be sold for 10 years).
    3. The seller is the grandfather!! (wife's father)
    4. (my wife died 5 years ago)
    5. We made a contract. Seller signed, his wife signed.
    6. Our lawyer signed.
    7. I signed (as the legal guardian of the children)
    8. We paid with check.

    My comments/questions to the above list (based on being involved in a land dispute and listening to lawyers):

    1. You/Thai citizen children bought land.... that should mean the title was tranferred to/registered in your children's names at the land office. If this was done, then title seems to be legally clear.

    2. But, you said a janot/chanot exists that says land can not be sold for 10 years, 2 years remaining. My limited knowledge of chanots has them defining the use of the land by a non-owner. And any sale that takes place can not abrogate that usage. I can't imagine a case where the owner of a piece of land would simply, for no outside imposed reason just up and issue a chanot upon himself saying "I can not sell for XX years." So what is the exact wording of the chanot; what was it purpose? When was it executed and by whom? There have to be some other parties involved, some rationale for creating it.

    5. You made a contract .....for what? This implies the sale was not registered; the title was not transferred. The father made a written contract to transfer the title to the land to you at the expiration of the "chanot"? If this is the case, #1 did not take place. But you have the contact for an action to take place at the proper time.

    8. Can you today produce a paper trail showing you paid for the land at the time the #5 contract was executed?

    Given 5 is correct, here is what I suggest.....

    1. Review the chanot; get a copy in English and insure you understand exactly what it says. Assuming it predates your contract and that there is nothing in it that abrogates your contract..

    2. Go to court and file for protection of the land IAW the contract and showing the paper trail for having already paid. This can be done; a friend has done so on a home that is being contested.

    3. If the MIL wants to fight that, my understanding is she would have to file suit and put into escrow the full value of the land and probably the improvements. Plus pay court fees of 100,000 plus and attorney fees. Most likely this will not happen.

    4. If she does not do that, then you have no legal battle pending, most likely, and you just execute the contract at the end of 2 more years. By virtue of being granted the protection, the court is saying the contract is legal and binding, monies have been paid, and transfer of the title can take place upon the expiration of the chanot.

    I sure hope you post the chanot wording here. It would be most education for me, if not all your avid readers.

    I reiterate what Noise has said above - there appears more to this than meets the eye.....

    If you wish Raiberg, scan in a copy of the Chanote and send it to me by email - I have sent you a private message with my aol email address. Personally I still feel the restriction on change of titleship has little to do with ultimate legal ownership, and that you (meaning: kids) are the legal owners and that this is all sour grapes on her side - but I'd very much like to see the Chanote.

  9. There is a big market in Thailand for GPS units that can be user loaded with Thai language and maps - I too bring a few back with me every time I go to Europe - ideally ones that can be compared like for like (i.e. same model) as models avalible in Thailand - so folk can see exactly what they are getting and how much cheaper it is: they sell in a flash: post up on any of the Thai language fishing, hiking or flying websites (microlight, powered glider, PPG etc etc...) and you will sell whatever you bring out to Thailand very quickly.

  10. Out of all the countries in the world he's decided its going to be Thailand ...... and he's decided he's going to sell his house in the process ??

    Very honourable and after 57 years of been married, no question about this guys ability to follow through with a decision and/or committment, but honestly, I think you need to get him to sit back and broaden his options and alternatives before selling up lock stock and barrel to come to a country which he may not like after 6 months or so - then what?

    Well he can just "move on" birdbrain.

    He now wants to do something with the years he has left, not just vegitate in front of the telly. So why not Thailand, i am happy here, how about you ?

    And what does "in the process??" mean, or is that sarcasm? He has already decided to sell up wherever he goes.

    Nope - no sarcasm at all was mean't - and to answer your question: yes - I am 100% happy here, and have been happy in Thailand since my childhood - and that really is part of the point I was trying to make: every one's circumstances are different. You see, you have added something in your reply above that was not evident in the thread opener - "where ever he goes.....". Thats not the issue is it (?), the point as you conveyed was that he has decided to come to and settle in Thailand, and what I was trying to say was that it was my opinion (only my opinion - take it for what you think it worth) that he should perhaps come out here, spend some time, see if he likes what he finds etc etc ...... then make the decision/committment. After all, he could undertake work for the Redemptorist order in parts of Africa, or other parts of Asia, or parts of Latin America ........

    Nothing more than that - makes sense doesn't it?

    Over the years I have come to meet loads of ex-pats who have come out to Thailand with intentions of staying. Some with the intention of starting a business, quite a few in retirement, many who have lost a partner or been through a messy seperation/divorce, some with limited means and some with considerable means. Whatever the reason was that motivated them to come out originally, and however long they stayed, the original intention of many of them was to stay - but at the end of the day, most of them left for one or other reason. Their health declined and they discovered the security that was avalible back home in old age outweighed what they got out of staying in Thailand, for some the business venture didn't work out how they had hoped, for many it was the relationship they got involved in with a local that ultimately failed, or their financial circumstances changed ... but whatever it was it was not what they thought would happen or what they planned for - and one other thing was for certain: those that had a home to back home to move back to found it a lot easier.

    I am not making any judgements here - just saying that to sell up up lock stock and barrel to go and stay in any country, let alone one with the contrasts and cultural differences to Western lifestyles that Thailand has, with little to no previous experience of Thailand, is probably not how I would go about things, and is not how most of the ex-pats I have seen come and go over the last 20 odd years would have gone about it - with the benefit of hindsight.

    You asked, so here is my advise: by all means come out to Thailand with the intention of staying, but stay open minded for a year or so before making a committment and final decision.

  11. The Red Stamp regards change of Titleship time-frame restriction has little/nothing to do with this dispute as I see it: the relivant questions at this stage are:

    1) why is the contract illegal, or why is she claiming the contract is/was illegal.

    2) exactly what is mean't by referal to a/the contract - what contract - is this reference to the Red Stamp and time-frame regards change of Titleship/ownership, or the original sale its self, or some or other aspect related to the the property been in the kids name c/o of legal gaurdian - or is she claiming something else is illegal, and if so, just what is it grandma is alleging??

    If her argument in any way revolves around the fact that you are a foreigner and as such cannot own land, I can tell you now that a) I don;t see it as you owning land, and :) yes - the precedent has been set: i.e. foreigners are allowed to hold land as security, or on behalf of their children - I have held land as security for a debt owed to me by a Thai national in the past, and I currently have "control" (not ownership) of land that ultimately belongs to my children, one of whom is still a minor.

    So - just what is grandma claiming Raiberg?

  12. Whats the name of the shopping centre just round the crn from Nana on Silom - same side as the hotel as you head towards the motorway flyover, but before you get to it??? - the ground floor has a MacDonalds at the entrance on the left hand side, and a supermarket at the lower level - the top 2 floors are all hi-end audio brand name dealers (or is it the 2 floors below the food floor - can't remember).

  13. Dual pricing is illegal - period - there is nothing in the legislation that I know about, or have heard about, that permitts or allows the government to practise dual pricing (i.e. I haven't read the legislation, but I'd be very suprized if there was a clause that exempted government).

    National parks are government - yes, right at the top of the pyramid I guess they are, but they are left alone as independant entities to get on with the job, and my guess is that the dual pricing national parks practise, would, if it were challenged in a court, be found just as illegal as any other dual pricing practise.

    In reality the only way to put a stop to it is to launch a campaign that gets all foreigners to turn there backs and walk away from anything that is dual priced - then you'll see just how quickly "dual pricing" comes to a stop. The problem is, I just can't see much success in getting everyone to participate. As CobraSnakenecktie points out: Thailand is home ground to many illegal practises which the authorities tolerate and turn a blind eye to.

  14. Out of all the countries in the world he's decided its going to be Thailand ...... and he's decided he's going to sell his house in the process ??

    Very honourable and after 57 years of been married, no question about this guys ability to follow through with a decision and/or committment, but honestly, I think you need to get him to sit back and broaden his options and alternatives before selling up lock stock and barrel to come to a country which he may not like after 6 months or so - then what?

  15. It's her choice - my daughter will be permitted to go out with and marry whoever she wants -when she is old enough, and if I and her mother have done our jobs properly I don't think we will have to second guess her judgement any more so than any other parent has to as their daughter grows up (other than step in from time to to keep a lid on those matters teenagers tend to overlook).

    But at the end of the day - the choice will be hers, after all she'll have to live with that choice, not me or her mother!

  16. The wife reckons you were bit by something, as opposed to stung - see how things are in the morning: bite sites tend to be slower to develope but are more prominent when they do develope.

    Usual precautions: anaphylactic reaction, tissue damage etc etc........ all things that can take time to occur but if in doubt don't hesitate to go see a medic.

  17. You don't say how they fell off? .... is it through your driving or having an accident, or were they not holding on properly?

    Theres also the "farang factor" to keep in mind: in Thailand, the experience of many ex-pats is that it's often immaterial who's actually at fault - the fact that they are a foreigner quickly stacks up against them unless they get their act together (meaning: make sure the embassy knows, don't sign anything, don't agree to anything, don't say anything and most important of all, get proper legal advise ultra-quick)

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