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Phoenix Rising

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  1. When the old elite is out to get you it doesn't really matter for them what flimsy reason the need to come up with. It could be a few meaningless shares, a cooking show or maybe a parking ticket. If the old dinos want to retain power they'll come up with something no matter what. I just hope that this time the people's reaction is strong enough to counter their move.
  2. Well, when there's nothing to investigate all he's got is gum flappin' I guess. Lots of pro trump posters are oddly silent after having a bit of a glee fest in the "Is it Joe Bidens turn to face JAIL?" thread. Not gonna lie, I find that quite satisfying.
  3. Well, I guess we got our answer........ https://aseannow.com/topic/1294674-‘you-don’t-actually-have-any-facts’-even-fox-isn’t-buying-gop’s-claims-about-biden’s-foreign-business-dealings/
  4. Do I want to make peace? It's not about what I want, it's about what the Ukrainians want, and I'm pretty sure they want the Russians to stop attacking them and to retreat. So what is it really you thing the Ukrainians should negotiate about?
  5. Wow. Putin's Russia viciously attacks a peaceful neighbor and your concern is that Putin's feelings might get hurt if someone calls him a war criminal. I must say you MAGA guys have made tying yourself into knots to defend the indefensible into an art form over the years. Well done!
  6. And in the process his lying pie hole most likely earned him another defamation law suit. Well done, donny!
  7. There have been several coups in Thailand. I cannot think of crimes committed in Thailand more serious than that so there's your details. You're welcome.
  8. CNN town hall audience laughs at sexual assault as Trump reminds us how awful he is "Donald Trump took full advantage of CNN’s willingness to give him a platform Wednesday night, spouting lies faster than a sprinkler on a cocaine bender and giving Americans a reminder — as if they needed one — of how deplorable he and his supporters can be. Sexual abuse, like the kind a jury just found Trump liable of? That’s a laugh line for these folks."
  9. No doubt about that. He has his carnival barker/snake oil salesman/aggrieved pre-teen down to a T.
  10. Correct, I'm assuming that President Biden will get the Dems' nomination based on him having crushed trump in an election already. President Biden's popularity ratings are down and a guy like DeSantis could have had a chance against him. But trump? No siree Bob!
  11. Analysis-Thailand's ex-PM Thaksin shakes up election with talk of return - Reuters ""The announcement could hint that Pheu Thai is seeking a deal that could see them join up with their former rivals in order to get Thaksin home," said Titipol Phakdeewanich, dean of the faculty of political science at Ubon Ratchathani University. Either way, Thaksin has again put himself at the centre of a political scene that has at times over the years brought bloody chaos with rival street protests between his supporters, who loved him for populist policies, and his opponents, who despised him as a brash, corrupt opportunist. Along the way, the army has staged two coups - the latest in 2014 - and courts have intervened to remove pro-Thaksin governments and dissolve parties loyal to him, yet his reconstituted parties keep on winning elections - five and counting."
  12. I believe this is game, set and match for the Dems. trump has fed the MAGA base with his stinky meat and the other GOP hopefuls cower away in fear of the (what was the word Hillary used?). trump will again be the GOP candidate and yet again he will lose. Well played!
  13. I, for one, am all for it! If he runs as the GOP candidate then President Biden's re-election is assured.
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