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Posts posted by vpi78

  1. I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

    Well, maybe not by mature adults. But it's a fairly common word used when talking about going out in my experience

    nobody ever see TOP GUN, tom cruise needed a WINGMAN

    Any American posting that he has never heard of the term "wingman" is either not an American except or a social misfit.

    As far as the suggestions to use sidekick, best friend, etc., are you guys for real? Keep the PC crap in the bottle. You can play on the web and be anything you like kids, please grow a set If you are male, call them as you see them.

    Jeez the Op is just a gay guy looking for someone to watch his back. Now whether it is just gays that do that ... Let your minds wander.

  2. The US and Thailand are so diverse depending on what region you reside that it is almost impossible to make a comparison even with something even a mundane as availability a variety of cultural food. In many respects, Los Angeles, Calfiornia has more in common with Bangkok than it does with Indianapolis, Indiana. IMHO many of the advantages that Thailand has over the US quickly disappear if you have plenty of money. There are even loads of young beautiful women available in the US to older guys that have big bucks which takes away one of the biggest advantages of LOS or to put it another way, I don't think we are ever going to see Donald Trump chasing young beautiful women in Thailand.

    The Donald would quickly fall for a katoey in Thailand. The hair envy would be too much.

  3. I'm still not sure why senior managers who live here temporarily are "Genuine Expats" while us losers who have lived here many years are just "Failures".

    I always think that the real failures are the ones who are still working. I can think of better things to do.

    You got me thinking :(. Like you, I decided that early retirement was the way to go as I loathed having to work.... But, there are people that enjoy working.

    Neither types of people are 'failures' - as long as one is doing what one want to do, they are successful in their life.

    This whole post although entertaining is just reduced to basics something for the OP to view as a device to make himself feel superior in an ironic way to others. It would save a lot of time for him to just google Jerry Springer and then watch reruns on the web.

  4. unlike you noobs, i can remeber when LK didn't exist and soi bowkhao was mostly tin-roofed shacks..... so jog on chaps and leave the opinions to the experts :whistling:

    Yeah I understand you are particularly an expert in 300 baht steaks.

  5. Sweetie, maybe some of the posters will grant you a little more credibility once you have actually spent a whole month on the board.

    However you are probably better off listening more closely to your grade school grammar teacher. Once you actually do travel to Thailand and learn from personal experiences rather than the Internet you will probably be ok.

    Meanwhile keep on googling.

    Sugar you big big plum I have lived here for 7yrs almost 8 & LK is crap. So sugar plum maybe you should use you drivel on those that holiday in Thailand .

    How long have you been a member ? VIP you . Max funny you are .

    I have heard LK metro is good for plums .

    Went down there last night . Punters galore hahahahahaha

    Yeah, we all believe you ... Maybe the room in Mum's place is a little cramped but gee you can visit places all over the world on the web now.

    Party on poseur.

  6. I just had to jump back in here this topic is just to much fun. After readin tigerwans last post with the below copy I wish to say something about men and women and sexuality if I may. Men donot care if they are sexy so hard to become a sex object and if they are they could care less.

    Women on the other hand want to be desired and be sexy. They dress to be sexy, they act sexy,etc. They want to be desired sexually.. No wonder men donot understand you women especially sexy feminist types. Bras are worn to enhance their shape, high heels are worn to enhance their legs I could go on. I honestly feel most feminist things are born from boredom. Western men treat women way to well and get little respect for doing so. So the answer maybe be a burka . As the old saying goes sex sells so donot promote it with fashion style actions etc ,if you donot want buyers or put up a buyer beware sign.


    That is pretty much summarizes the attitude women's role as sexual things. It is her sexuality that must be constrained, covered. It is always a sexualised female image that is used to represent sexuality. Does it not take two sexes?

    I like for you to adhere a tight nylon strap across your chest, for the entire day for the rest of your life and then tell me how sexy it makes you feel.

    Then we can discuss ways to simulate menstruation too, so you can get an accurate picture of modern day femininity.

    If women are obsessed with being perceived as imminently, crucially f*ckable, then I'd have to surmise it is quite possibly because they feel that is their entire value.

    We get it Tiger, it sucks to be you.

    This is almost as good of a thread now as that Canadian looney who was going to get a "self-supporting" visa issued by Canada so she and her Diesel dude/stockbroker/astrophysicist hubby could come to Thailand for a year with their blond and blue-eyed kids and show the Thais how to live.

    Western feminists, thanks for the reminder about a positive of living in Thailand.

  7. I worked here for a number of years. I have had a chance to watch Thailand grow and change from the late 60's to the present. Nothing particularly special about the land, culture or food except there used to be a lot more fish in the ocean. When I got here some of the ladies wore short skirts and had permed hair. Each of us I guess notices different things. It's a feminine place. Almost all of the women and a lot of the men are feminine. Even the very old women can turn girlie is a second. I like watching Thai women run. It is a girly style run with hands flailing about and short mincing little running steps in the rain. The ladies with their little dogs are very feminine. My GF got home after 12 hours work last night at 6 PM and apologized to me because I washed the dishes. She was a bit off because of some bad soup and I cleaned up after dinner. No big deal but it was cute that she thinks in addition to working and bringing in a considerable salary (by Thai standards) that she should also wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean the house; an endearing quality.

    It is not only the feminine women here but the absence of the opposite kind of woman.

    In another thread about the London riots someone mentioned the PC crowd had a lot to answer for. I agree, I think they have ruined the West. I am sure there are PC people in Thailand but TV is the only place I encounter them. The rest of real Thailand is blissfully without the PC crap.

    And the other element of Thai society? The working girls don't really work and the pros aren't really professional. They are just nice people who took a wrong turn or made a misstep and are stuck for a bit, but having fun.

    Last year I spent a total of 25 minutes with Thai immigration, they have greased the wheels for old guys with a little cash and a pension and that's what I am. I have been extremely lucky to catch a couple of moments in history that have been kind to me. I was a young man with a pocket full of money during the 60's and caught the sexual revolution when the pill was new. If you are not roughly my age now you missed the apex. Getting to Thailand 10 to 20 years ago you also caught an apex of sorts. The GF experience was in full bloom as was the free wheeling go go style. Things change. I've adapted, got out of Bangkok as my spoken Thai got better.

    So what am I? A genuine expat? Was I a failure in my own country? As far as marriages go, roger that. A born loser? Well I am not Bill Gates, are you? Mentally ill? I still date beautiful women on occasion, you'd think I'd learn. A sexpat? Only a couple times a week I am getting better.

    I'm just an old soldier, not a hero, not a Rambo, who came back to Thailand because his country and family grew tired of him and he grew tired of them.

    But the question that rings loud and clear is what is our arbitrator of morals and all things Thai Andrewbkk?

    Nice post and well put. It will no doubt anger some of the rabid western feminists (or is western feminist an oxymoron?) and PC brigade that resent western men being happy, especially in SE Asia.

    It does make for amusement however reading posts by the know it all recent arrivals to Thailand; is there nothing they do not know?

  8. So what got you so riled up all of a sudden? You've been a member apparently for more than 3 years and a total of 13 posts?

    So why are you here?

    He probably has a life to live and enjoy unlike some people.

    Yeah, 3-year lurker. He seems such a hands-on guy; I imagine he can steer you to some nifty porn sites.

  9. Someone recommended a condo called View Talay 1, I did a quick search on the Internet but couldn't find anything for sale there ....

    VT1 is one of the biggest condo buildings in Pattaya (Jomtien). Not the nicest or the largest room sizes, but cheap and well-located for the price. A lot of Thai residents due to the price.

    No shortage of units for sale/rent and just about every agent in town will have some units there.

    Agreed, someone should improve their google skills. Just for the avoidance of doubt, all you really have to do is google View Talay, so you really are not trying much are you Coralia?

  10. The Property Owner s Observation; ( POO for short) will be the guy coming round to view will be an utter nutcase,however get a few business cards printed and leave it with him. He will think that this is his get out of jail free card. Leave it for a few weeks or months ,you are bound to get a call. Second viewing will be a beer or two with half an hour free with his TGF.;

    There is no better feeling than getting shut and passing the problem off to some poor sucker or country bumpkin People who bought houses years ago here have not got a pot to piss in basically ,all they have is the house, they burnt their bridges back 'ome.

    people who bought a few years ago, bought at a far better exchange rate than today. essentially they are far better off !

    I have 5, all but one is occupied, as to a pot to piss in,, well you may be right :) but you're not

    Yes you are absolutely right. Many of the posts on these real estate threads are from renters who failed to buy at exchange rates much more favorable to them.

    They are bitter and they often react by posing other scenarios about the dire consequences about what might happen with Thai real estate. But it does make for amusement in the potherwise low/summer season.

    Renters ... Please keep posting about your macro and micro economic theories.

  11. So.... you want another heterosexual (white) male to be around you while you chat up the ostensibly interested Thai ladies, in a nightclub... why?

    Some interesting theories that come to mind:

    1. I need someone who is less attractive so I look better

    2. I'm afraid the Thai men will beat me up if I'm alone

    3. I'm afraid the Thai ladies will beat me up if I'm alone

    4. I'm secretly gay but can't just come right out and say I prefer white men, hoping you are too

    5. I'm very insecure and I'd like someone to be supportive while I figure out how to do this

    6. I'm very insecure and I need an audience to witness how good I think I am at doing this

    7. I want to experiment with swinging

    But at least, OP reassures us that he is normal.

    I would guess that OP is #5 but masquerading as #6. No harm in it, though. Best of luck. But what if your new 'friend' is better at it than you after all?

    Very good....I am going with # 3

    # 4

  12. I was referring to VPI's comment about LK "booming" and agreeing with your reply.

    Stickman has run a few articles about LK Metro in recent months saying how it's the new boom area of Pattaya when it is clearly nothing of the sort...

    Thanks for that , I knew you was agreeing but was interested to hear who stickmans new sponcer is.

    Or was that tongue in cheek ?

    I find LK a boring place . I will be down town Patts tomorrow night so I will take a look again at the empty bars on LK as I drive past :rolleyes:

    Good for you. LK Metro is one of the more under development places in Pattaya.

    Personally, Slackman is the last one I would ask about anything to do with Thailand.

    Yeah you can cruise by Walking Street with the rest of the package tourists, but the businesses that are actually making a sustainable return are elsewhere in Pattaya these days and LK metro is one of them. But then Indian and Russian package tourists would not know.

    Your funny you are hahahahaha

    Sweetie, maybe some of the posters will grant you a little more credibility once you have actually spent a whole month on the board.

    However you are probably better off listening more closely to your grade school grammar teacher. Once you actually do travel to Thailand and learn from personal experiences rather than the Internet you will probably be ok.

    Meanwhile keep on googling.

  13. I was referring to VPI's comment about LK "booming" and agreeing with your reply.

    Stickman has run a few articles about LK Metro in recent months saying how it's the new boom area of Pattaya when it is clearly nothing of the sort...

    Thanks for that , I knew you was agreeing but was interested to hear who stickmans new sponcer is.

    Or was that tongue in cheek ?

    I find LK a boring place . I will be down town Patts tomorrow night so I will take a look again at the empty bars on LK as I drive past :rolleyes:

    Good for you. LK Metro is one of the more under development places in Pattaya.

    Personally, Slackman is the last one I would ask about anything to do with Thailand.

    Yeah you can cruise by Walking Street with the rest of the package tourists, but the businesses that are actually making a sustainable return are elsewhere in Pattaya these days and LK metro is one of them. But then Indian and Russian package tourists would not know.

  14. There was something about that place that was off-putting. Ghosts, maybe?

    Or LK Metro perhaps

    Not by the building and refurbishing going on now. Bob actually sold the place to another guy who got stuck with a lot of the bad will Bob had generated. Looks like that was too much of a burden to overcome. Meanwhile there is a much better BBQ place by a much better restauranteur about to open called something like the Texas Lone Star Grill.

    Too bad about Bob's but LK Metro is a booming area these days.

  15. So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman

    Why would you say that? What information is available to you yet unavailable to me which would allow you to make such a statement?

    told you any more porkies you can share or not?

    Please feel free to completly ignore a comment I made in a previous post.

    Or I missunderstood?

    This is a prime example of many members propensity to disregard answers so as to perpetuate their own fallacious argument. I leave it to others to imagine how this is viewed by both non vocal members and guests of the thaivisa site. I have said I may have missunderstood yet you continue to attack the character of a person unknown to you. If I have indeed missunderstood, would not that person be entirely innocent of making a false claim?

    Ok, you are as naive as the OP is. You seem a little gullible overall if you believe the crap your Russian/Ukrainian/Uzbek/Khazak neighbor is spouting ... about as gullible as believing everything you read on the internet, especially TV.

  16. You don't seem that knowledgeable about investment. No one living off investment income keeps the bulk of their funds in low return bank instruments.

    No one is living off low yield financial instruments? You're kidding, right? The relative safety of treasuries, corporate bonds and "low return bank instruments" are the bread and butter of long-term investors, nations and central banks. That is IF you have sufficient capital to make the return worthwhile and you are more concerned with safety than yield. All depends on how much you have to invest and what your appetite is for risk.

    The stock markets have been kept afloat by QE which devalues currencies. Is the 5% a year gross enough to cover the rise in real inflation and dollar depreciation - do you feel richer?

    You are so naive. Some currencies have risen and some have fallen. It is a zero sum game. Do you understand?

    If you don't understand the question or don't know the answer, don't just wing it while masking it with an insult. Your response speaks volumes about you financial prowess.

    Perhaps you should check your ego at the door. Most of your posts are condescending at best, while highlighting your own ignorance of things you claim some expertise.

    Cite some facts or data to back up your stupid reply nutcase? Ego, can you even comprehend the response? That was a rhetoric question, as your post reveals your ignorance. Low yield bank instruments include basic low to zero rate savings accounts. Higher yield bank instruments are entirely different financial instruments.

    I would add more about the nuts such as yourself that run in and out of the stock market at every little drop/rise but you wouldn't understand and besides it is from folks like yourself that the rest of us make money.

    So please keep on keeping on with your financial acumen.

  17. So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

    No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

    She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

    Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

    But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

    She is not reading this topic anymore. As for the "diesel dude" remark. :lol:

    dam_n, guess I am going to the movies tonight after all.

  18. So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

    No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

    She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

    Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

    But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

  19. Firstly, you need to sort out your visas. As others have said, you are misinformed about what type of visa will be available for you. Neither of you are over 50 years of age, so no retirement visa is available. If you are not (legally) working, then no business visa either. Student visa? That would be a good option if you attended Thai language lessons, which would be a good way to learn more about the country and language.

    The Russian lady who lives next door sends her 6 year old daughter to an international school and gets her visa because of it. Rather than a perent working in Thailand which allows the family (child) to also stay, it's the other way around.

    That is nonsense. She is probably telling you a lot of other porkers, please share as the board is a little slow today.

    Or I missunderstood? I'll check when I get back because I for one would like to know how she manages to go on trips outside of Thailand during some school holidays, doesn't work or go to school herself.

    Maybe she works at night. Sounds like she is renewing her tourist visa on the trips in/out.

  20. For Bangkok check out Dave the Rave

    Yeah a burned out Go go manager is quite an authority.

    OP, according to folks at Hanrahans, the Huntsman Pub, and the Dubliner, nothing is for certain until closer to the date but they do not expect to be restricted on alcohol sales on 12 August. It can vary a bit by police districts, e.g., Thong Lo can be different than Lumphini but the Queen's birthday is not historically an alcohol free day in Bangkok and it not likely to be this year either.

  21. HA HA HA HA HA, this post sounds like something out of one of those Pattaya real estate magazines... and the post was written my a "newbie" - DUH :wacko:

    Gosh and you are so much more experienced, you and your vast year of experience.


    I have lived /worked here for 7 years to know how the real estate market is in general terms. Yes, there are a few exceptions where people have made profit, especially if ones condo faces the sea. It doesn't take an "old timer" to notice the housing/ condo climate here in Pattaya.

    So the guy being a "newbie" doesn't matter then.

  22. It all depends what the breakfast is. I'll certainly not pay anywhere near 99 baht for 2 eggs and a square of ham with 2 slices the cheapest bread money can buy.

    Call me a cheap-charlie but I fail to see why my hard earned money buys rubbish. I'd sooner give 20 baht to each of the nearest five beggars.

    Ok, you are a cheap-charlie, and there are a couple of threads about hard done by beggar farangs; apparently they could use your 20 baht and insight about what to pay for breakfast.

  23. Firstly, you need to sort out your visas. As others have said, you are misinformed about what type of visa will be available for you. Neither of you are over 50 years of age, so no retirement visa is available. If you are not (legally) working, then no business visa either. Student visa? That would be a good option if you attended Thai language lessons, which would be a good way to learn more about the country and language.

    The Russian lady who lives next door sends her 6 year old daughter to an international school and gets her visa because of it. Rather than a perent working in Thailand which allows the family (child) to also stay, it's the other way around.

    That is nonsense. She is probably telling you a lot of other porkers, please share as the board is a little slow today.

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