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Posts posted by Chiphigh

  1. 8 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    The result is that trump is forever impeached.


    About 75% of the public want witnesses. Without that the oubluc will not consider it a trial, which it isnt, and not a real acquittal.


    The further evidence will also come out anyway and then senators will have a lot of explaining to do.


    I see parnas is trolling trump nearly every day. Trump denies, parnas publishes more.

    Yes, we heard Nancy and watched her smile at the signing ceremony, which proves this is all a political hit with zero actual validation. 


    That will be forever 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    It is the case. Each senator swore an oath before the trial. But even before that lindsay graham said he wouldnt even listen and had made up his mind. And moscow mitch is working in lockstep with whitehouse counsel.


    Its a wonder the bible didnt go up in flames.

    And over a dozen people on the house judiciary Committee voted to impeach before this phony hearing started. Have at least some objective reality based thoughts before Making these kinds of statements. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes. It's not a real trial and the preordained acquittal will have no credibility in the eyes of the the public that aren't already 45 cult of personality followers. 


    No coup attempts. Try please to be more fact based. 

    The credibility failure was in the house. You can believe what you need to. The lack of having a vote prior to hearings and subpoenas is not the correct procedure. 


    No previous president has ever been a target of this kind of unfounded attack. 


    Sad thing is, the people cheering it on stand on some kind of moral superiority that it is all justified. 

    • Like 2
  4. 1 minute ago, Tug said:

    Congress is running pretty smoothly it’s the senate that’s gridlocked and that would be mostly Mitch McConnells doing and why all the jabber on this subject no evidence or witnesses = rigged trial we all see it and the republicans will pay the price in November 

    No, but you can keep believing it. 


    The rigging was done in the house. Now you are going to reap the result. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    I never said it would. You are certainly having comprehension issues today.



    This attempt at a coup is actually doung their constitutional duty.

    Thank you for the continued condescending tone, must be those years of govt service. 


    This is not a constitution issue, if it was, there would have been bipartisan votes to approve the impeachment articles because there would have been undeniable facts and a reason other than a partisan attempt to remove a president. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Im not american, we dont keep records of conviction rates as our appointment is not political.


    where did i say i saw guilt without evidence? Circumstantial evidence is still just that, evidence. Do try to read the post before you comment. I said you need lots of it.

    The Circumstantial evidence you refer to is full of assumptions and innuendo. 


    It will go nowhere. As will this third attempt at a coup. 

    • Like 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    I hate the fact that trump supporters never stay on topic and keep deflecting to bidens and other things that are irrelevant to trumps charges.


    All irrelevant noise.

    There are no charges, there are accusations without the small issue of any kind of crime or impeachable act. 


    That is quite relevant. 


    But you keep on hoping for all your might. You'll have another 5 years to keep up the fight. 

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Sujo said:

    Then why isnt the doj investigating him. You must hate the repubs being so incompetent.


    all of which has nothing to do with what trump is on trial for.

    I hate the fact things take so long to get answers. I hate the fact that the fbi lied about the facts of the unjustified spying on a political campaign. I hate the fact that the govt can willfully ignore foia requests for years. I hate the fact that more people have not been indicated for their role in this type of activity. 


    But mostly, I hate the fact that they have still gotten away with subversion and an attempted coup. 


    For now. 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    The evidence is quite convincing and uncontested under oath or by documents. If not true, it would be easy for Trump to contradict it. The fact that Trump and the Republicans want to prevent any additional evidence to surface tells a lot.

    Most people understand that. Why do you think that two thirds of respondents in the poll proudly linked by muzley want witnesses?

    No, there is nothing in this entire matter to be impeached with.

    That makes this ridiculous ordeal even more unnecessary. 


    If you want witnesses, why do you think that schiff is hiding testimony already given and refuses to interview the whistlblower? 


    The democrats look desperate. This will be another reason why he will be reelected.


    Time will tell just how bad this will be for the democrats. But if you think it is a good idea to keep pressing on, go ahead. 

    • Like 2
  10. 7 hours ago, Sujo said:

    True, they complain about lack of evidence but refuse to call them.


    The only way to get to the truth when both sides are so far apart is to call witnesses and documents.


    These things will come out eventually and repubs will look ridiculous and have a lot of explaining to do.

    Perhaps they should have thought about that and voted in the full house in the first place so their subpoenas were following the rules. Instead we had the fastest most one sided investigation in history. 


    What did you expect to be the reaction? 


    These idiots are still trying to foment the lies of Russian collusion. They will never give up, until they no longer have the majority in the house. 

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  11. 5 minutes ago, candide said:

    As I said many times, no problem for me if they do. The timing starts to be good for the Republicans as they may not have finished the investigation before elections.

    Well, at least Biden is not trying to hide his financial information (contrary to Trump).


    Does the net worth include all the relatives who have gotten rich while he was vp? Or is selling influence not to be looked at? 

    • Confused 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, candide said:

    Which insult? Trump himself talks about Trumpers and never Trumpers.


    Come on, Trump and Republicans are full steam against the Bidens and the left in media and social networks, with full coverage.


    Then comes the question that Trumpers never want to answer: despite such "blatant" evidence, why is it that the Republicans don't start any investigation into the Bidens and only want to make shows?

    I believe Lindsay Graham just announced that he will push for an independent investigation into the entire Biden issue. Isn't a remarkable thing that his entire family experienced great increases in business deals and wealth when he was vice president. That is of course, a mere coincidence. 


    Because there aren't any "valid" news sources that fit into the narrative you have,it can't possibly be true. 

    • Haha 1
  13. 22 hours ago, Redline said:

    Trump is only a fraction of the man Bloomberg is-Donny must have gotten picked on wicked bad as a child, so he’s taking it out on people now-man child poster boy 

    So you have deep insight into the minds and hearts of people you have never met or spoken with. That is an amazing ability. It seems like people on the left have this magical ability alot. You must be rich with this kind of talent. 

    • Sad 1
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