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Posts posted by Mayhem11

  1. 18 hours ago, Dan O said:

    I think there are quite a few "tourists" that would come given the chance to if borders were opened to allow it. Many tourist come for longer than 2 weeks. I certainly would. The cost of the ASQ hotels are not all in the same 100k range and if more tourist could come then more hotels would participate in the program to generate income. 

    I am sure you are joking.

  2. I agree with Simple1. The flu vaccine is not a panacea, sine the 2019 version is useless against the 2020 version of the flu. The flu vaccine is developed from the 2018 version for 2019. This seems to be an exercise in futility and Big Pharma chicanery. The Covid 19 vaccine will be another money spinner for Big Pharma. As for herd immunity that is just a buzz word for pro-vaxxers. You eliminate diseases caused by pathogens and viruses by eliminating the reservoirs where it thrives. Even that isn’t necessarily effective with polio on the rise in Eastern Europe and TB cases still being detected. 

  3. This story is fake news. Qld and WA closed their borders months ago. The latest furore is about Victoria’s mismanagement Of Covid 19 by opening too soon, and hotspots erupting. NSW has closed its borders to Victoria AGAIN. Not that NSW has a lot of glory in this arena. They let the passengers of the plague cruise ship Diamond Princess disembark at Sydney and scatter across the country without quarantine or testing. Meanwhile one of Australia’s corporate villains is contesting the constitutional validity of closing State borders. More of the farce that is dear old Oz.

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  4. It is amazing how everyone knows how to teach because they went to school. Ferang 123 ignore these absurd comments above. I seems to me it is a more complicated lesson plan schedule, with the saving grace that you get to teach the same lesson 2 or 3 times. I think your real concern is dealing with littlies, and I agree that is a challenge. This is because infant language learning has to be fun, games etc. our daughter teaches infants English in China. Maybe she can help. If you want to PM me send me a link.  I am an ex-schoolie of 14 years standing and I refuse to listen to anyone who hasn’t done the job, like the “learned” brickie above. 

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