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Everything posted by Kalorymetr

  1. Simple question: Will digital work permit app stop working immediately upon work permit cancelation? Hypothetical situation: Let's say, you stop going to work and get fired without any contact from the employer, how can you know when to leave the country? (This is not my case, just an example of when this may be useful)
  2. No, we have signed so the last day is in the future, so official I am still working, can you even read the question I posted?
  3. Hi, I got fired from my job after few years working and living here, I still have my extension for the time being, but chances of finding decent work in such a short time are slim, so I am considering what to do after it expires. I thought I would go fly to malaysia and apply for a tourist visa, will this be approved considering I am currently not a tourist?
  4. I paid for clean and nice room, not bugs infested Contract never signed Why would I be grateful about deposit? It's normal to return it in case nothing got damaged
  5. Hi, I made a huge mistake and paid for a condo that turned out to be filthy. I wanted a monthly retreat in another city and found one on fb. Looked good, so I paid 14k baht for 1 month and then later I signed a contract with an agent. I also paid 14k in deposit. Contract was never signed by the owner as apparently she is abroad on a business trip. Condo turned out to be dirty and infested with ants. I had them clean it but it didn't help so I moved out after 3 nights. Owner has returned me the deposit but is refusing to return the rent and she is also saying we never signed any contract. Can I get the money back, is there any chance? Will I waste the money and time on lawyer and police? I understand I will probably loose it, even if on lawyer fees, but I want the landlord to bear the consequences of being a scammer if possible.
  6. Do you have source of this information? Can be in Thai, I will send it to the landlord
  7. what if airbnb does a tm30 in phuket for me, do I have to re do it when I come back to bkk? They say the owner is facing fine if they dont register me
  8. Hi, so I have been living in the same condo for almost 2 years, I did initial TM30 here, but I never knew I was supposed to re-do it after coming back from abroad(which I never did). What repercussions could I have because of that? I have a extension based on working in a BOI company, which I got extended no problem despite that reset. When does it reset? -after stay in a hotel? -after going abroad? I am going to Phuket for a month and renting a condo there, they want me to do TM30, I am reluctant because I don't want my current address to change, how to go about it?
  9. There is no visa you can get by buying a condo.
  10. It is if you bribe the officer. Now you have to bribe him again for another cert. You had the car registered in your name, so you know the process. Apologies, if u did it on another type of visa.
  11. Oh okay, I guess I won't be investing money here until these laws change then. Thanks for the info.
  12. While, there may not be problems with dual citizenship, there may be obstacles like the one mentioned few post before - golf club not allowing a guy because he's not Thai and that's it. What will you do, go to the police? This is very unlikely, but possible.
  13. Yeah PR is an option, not this year though, perhaps next. Would it be possible to have my GF take a loan and then me just take it over from her for free?
  14. Yup, I will convert to this new visa as it offers flat tax rate which I would benefit from. I will wait for others to test it out first, no rush. Exactly, having anyone else on my property deed is a big nono. I won't play the govs game of transferring my life savings onto Thai citizen. Worst case I just won't spend the money here.
  15. It's so sad this country treats working people that contribute to economy same as tourists, no rights here. Thanks for the reply, I was hoping that maybe, there was some exemption for BOI work permits or some salary threshold to reach. I actually have funds to buy the condo with cash, but I rather buy in one of the EU countries instead. I wanted to leverage my working here to get a cheap loan.
  16. Thank you, no. How about you share banks names buddy as that was my original question Rest of you: I asked about which banks are best to ask for condo mortgage, and you discuss house ownership.. Less drinking mates.
  17. It's all the same pretty much, I see little to no difference between different scooters, they are all okay for short commutes and suck for longer rides
  18. You can try taking ferry across from around rafinery to bang kachao and exploring that
  19. Hi, Simple question, which bank is best to inquiry about condo mortgage, considering: -I am around 30 -have been living here 3+ years -salary over 200k from a Thai company Is this even possible? Has anyone done it?
  20. Even though, he didn't probably need full course, current consensus is: -better safe than sorry and no doctor will risk it -antibody test is more expensive than the course of vaccines and takes over a week time and at least in Thailand there's only one places that can do it
  21. vaccine is 100% effective and widely available. Thais even though not most educated, they know they need it They said cases were people that didn't seek treatment. My question is: Why invest so much into vaccine manufacturing(they make it here) and distribution(must be freezed in transport and there's many remote places), when you can just solve the dogs problem
  22. whatever the OP is used to, clearly not what he found here
  23. Most people here are like that, if you want a solution, find educated woman, especially western educated. They are "normal". If you want to live with village girl, prepare for village wisdom. Can't change them.
  24. It's up to you, it's just good to have a choice.
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