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Everything posted by popabear

  1. Please close the thread i have no more to say on this matter thanks , Kind Regards .Popa
  2. Not true, I was asked who are you staying with; that to me is my private life and in a tone as if was dirty old man, come on is this a really nice way to welcome some one into your country and you say the thread is a chit chat about nothing ,,, come on. Kind regards Popa
  3. I was wheeled from plane door right through to my taxi ,what other way do I describe it.. Kind Regards Popa.
  4. Come on , I spend 3 or 4 months in Thailand as tourist with big gaps between these trips, that's not living in Thailand . Kind Regards Popa
  5. Poor assumption you are wrong on this one , like Andre0720 says just wait some years and you will understand...Kind Regards Popa.
  6. Come on mate , I only said a few words to her softly, do think i am silly I been coming here a long time .i know not to stir them up, The way you talk on here as it was me giving her a hard time , that is incorrect . Kind Regards Popa
  7. When visiting Thailand and coming through IO I am always well dressed.. kind Regards POPA
  8. I suggest you all have a look at the article in Bangkok Post in new Thai Visas arrivals , you will see a video called dive deeper , there is a Thai government minister on there stating back to back Visa are okay and quite openly has endorsers long stay VE , why don't these people get it right , I would be happier they said only 3 VE' and you can only stay up to 4 months total then we would know what to do. Regards POPA
  9. I not live in Thailand i come as a tourist don't need long term O Visa and oh i would not be touching Elite visa at 81 years your joking every day is a bonus at my age. Kind Regards POPA
  10. I have spent 44 years coming to Thailand and have always picked a male immigration officers were i can ,this time i was in a wheelchair and did not chose this one , there was only 2 wheelchair booths working, there was one male who had a long queue who were all avoiding the lady, with no one queued with the lady,I won't get caught next time . There is the right and the wrong way to go through immigration. kind Regards Popa
  11. Yes all in all I properly got this immigration officer on her bad day , I have had plenty other pleasant lady immigration officers. Kind Regards Popa .
  12. I never said i had never been asked , sure i been asked many times , but in a polite voice ,even one time joking with 2 immigration officers. Kind Regards Popa
  13. Come on mate , what attitude , I hardly said a word and what I said was polite . Kind Regards Popa.
  14. No problem, Icame 3 VE the year before and the year before that, be doing it consistent for more than 20 years except for Covid, first time this has happen . Kind Regards Popa
  15. Been to Vietnam many times ,, they hardly said word and treated me in a polite manner. Kind Regards Popa
  16. Sorry, you don't get the meaning of my post ,why be spoken to like I am a piece of Sh,,,t Kind Regards Popa.
  17. On my onward trip to Thailand in November last year, I got that uneasy feeling of going through Immigration, which most of us do, as this was my 3rd VE I was a little more uneasy than usual, not that makes much difference I am uneasy on the 1st VE for the year . I am 81 years old and wheelchair assisted, so when I was wheeled into immigration for wheelchair assisted people, I could see that what was Coming and to my horror a young female immigration officer and straight away new that things would not be easy . I know The Lady IO was only doing her job, but as I put my fingers onto the finger print test, she started how long you stay in a very very abrupt high tone non welcome voice, 39 days I replied in a soft voice ( had bite my lips ) ,next who are saying with, are staying with someone ( meaning a lady ) ,that's my private life, anyway I replied going fishing and to get Thai massage for the bad legs I have, next where you stay ,I replied I have a hotel booking on my phone do you want to look, so she l looked and then stamp me in. I do understand the lady IO was only doing her job, but in the all 44 years of coming to Thailand nothing has changed ,this time I felt so un welcome , it would be nice to be spoken to nicely, I use to think Thais had a lot of respect for older people I had the feeling my 3rd VE was maybe some of the issue in her abrupt tone, but she did not bring that up. Kind Regards Popa
  18. i gave up smoking 30 years ago and really don't want to breath second hand smoke, just how the arrogance of people who come to Thailand, think they have the god dam right to sit down ,light up and blow smoke or vape all over you , Most cannot do it in their own country , yet they ignore others around them , it really piss's me off , as for many nights of having to leave to go home early from a night out ,because it gets so bad with many smoking all around you . Regards Popa
  19. Yes how true , but I can remember in my past time of 43 years of coming to Thailand ,the Bath getting down to 15/16 Bath to the Australian $$$$ ..Regards Popa
  20. Yes they made it easy to come in, now they are going to make it harder to come in , it seems to me the end product to all this is , they want follow what you are doing in their country , I think like a lot others , I will be finding some were else to holiday . Regards Popa
  21. Every body is forgetting that this seems to be covering death and injuries only , what about health problems such as heart attacks , strokes or a lot of other serious health problems , there are more and more older people that find it impossible to get insurance because of age, or to many pass health reasons , to be covered with this insurance would be good for them also.. Regards Popa
  22. Coming for the third time VE in middle of November always feel a little uneasy , but have never had a problem in past , came in 3 times VE last year , I am 81 years old and come in a wheel chair assisted , i am unable to use a computer just to old and to hard to do a visa for me. Left last stay two and half months ago , Regards Popa
  23. Yes I do agree , I have been coming and leaving Thailand for the past 43 years and for the past 25 years, I have been coming and leaving 3 times a year except for covid .I enjoy Thailand , but prefer to come and leave and would never want to live in Thailand . Regards Popa
  24. Yes I fully agree , more more more money , I really don't understand why any of you bother with this. Regards Popa
  25. The only time i have ever lost money was not in a room safe , but safe deposit box's behind reception desk ,which opened with your own password . The staff of course denied taking money from it , but at first use of it ,I was only putting Thai Bath only in and as with Thai Bath , there is so much of it , I thought ,maybe I miss counted it ,when I thought some was missing , but the next time I put only Australian dollars only, $ 1700 in 100 dollar bills easy to count and of course $ 200 went missing,,they were cunning , only taking a little amount at a time , in the hope you did not notice . Regards Popa
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