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Everything posted by Anant72

  1. A death sentence would have made him a “martyr”(a word that has lost its meaning, nevertheless). A slow death in prison is better suited. Only drawback: the UK taxpayer will have to pay for his grub and litter. In France, today, they would have found extenuating circumstances and lock him up for a short while in a psychiatric asylum where he would have escaped or from where he would have been released on his own cognizance. No mention of course would have been made of his name or ethnicity for fear of vociferous accusations of islamophobia from the left.
  2. Quite so. This trans lobby is dangerous. The book “Transmania”aims at warning people about the dangers posed by unregulated medicalized transitions without supervisions. Some ten-agers, some say even kids, are encourage to undergo the procedure only to realize later it was a mistake and being mutilated for life as the operation is alleged to be irreversible. But wait until the Moslem brothers come to power in France: Sharia is already enforced in some areas (witness recent killings in that country of mine) and the disease is spreading. Trans, feminists, LGBTQRSTW…et al will be the first victims.
  3. What do you expect from an inept, corrupt, lazy, mafia-like police force?
  4. What else is new, unfortunately? TIT. Compare that with the way the criminal “Boss”, was let go with the complicity of police and others . One can only hope justice will be done somehow (karma?). The scales of justice eventually balance out.
  5. He could ask those policemen allegedly getting 100,000,000 baht per month in bribes from illegal businesses. No problem.
  6. You wanted more and more visitors, millions of them, right? You exempted citizens from China, India and other countries, right? Well, deal with it now.
  7. Exactly. Thaksin would never have accepted to come back knowing he would ACTUALLY spend time in jail. The whole thing is a sham and a slap in the face of the Thai people.
  8. In Belgium, it seems the Islamist danger is not taken seriously. Moelebek remains, to all intents and purposes, a nest of extremists. However, saying that in Brussels would immediately qualify you as islamophobic.
  9. Indeed! In the meantime, a civil servant who used an official for his personal use for two years gets a 50 year sentence!!! Mind-boggling but, again, TIT “justice”.
  10. Pedophilia in the Catholic Church has been well documented because the omertà was lifted. There are good reasons to believe it is rife in other religions, too, but the fear of revealing incidents involving religious figures, as was, and still is, the case in the Catholic Church, has deep cultural roots.
  11. No, no! Let him die in prison. The death penalty is too lenient à treatment.
  12. A perfect example of old-fashioned, macho stereotyping. One would have thought such attitudes belonged in a best-forgotten past. Wake up, man!
  13. It is corruption writ large. It will be rebuilt in the same manner and destroyed again and on and on and on, A big chunk of the repair budget will line some pockets. TIT for ever.
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