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Everything posted by Anant72

  1. Just like the "ghost" tower on the bank of the Chao Phraya in Bangkok.
  2. Quality tourists! You wanted them, you have then.
  3. Same with the Légion d’”honneur” in France. It has become a trinket for retired politicians, has-been actors, rape-friendly rappers and so forth.
  4. Same here. I did once many years ago and never repeated the (scary) experience.
  5. The smell and the noise must be horrendous. And how many toilets?
  6. Surprise! Surprise! When are people going to understand transitioning is dangerous if done without a proper dysphoria diagnostic. The transgender lobby should be resisted and young people warned about its nefarious activities. How many similar cases have been recorded so far? Such testimonies should be front-page news. The "doctors" who perform unnecessary transition surgeries should be prosecuted and kicked out of the medical profession.
  7. It is time Westerner stopped the guilt trip. Unfortunately, leftist parties thrive on the new anti-white racism for ideological or political reasons. In Canada, Justin Trudeau has been too spineless to confront the Woke trend. The same can be said in countries like mine (France), Germany, UK, Sweden and many other. Add to that the pro-immigration, pro-islamist EU under the dictatorship of empress van de Leyen. The only European leader with balls is Viktor Orban All others are wimps.
  8. You missed my sarcasm.
  9. Maybe the do-gooders could take care of those dogs. They should take them home.
  10. Can it, really? If it could (or would, more likely) there might be fewer incidents of this kind.
  11. What is your definition of common sense?
  12. Macronian France is totally constrained by the yoke of the EU and has hardly a say in matters pertaining to its national interest. Brussels orders, Paris bends the knee. Empress Van der Leyen is in charge. Add to that the enormous power wielded by leftist judges who are a majority in the judiciary and whose judgment are colored by their ieftist ideology: pro-immigration, against deportation and extremely lax when they deal with foreign criminals. All this with the blessing of an aloof, passive, weak, who is in fact a coward.
  13. A death sentence would have made him a “martyr”(a word that has lost its meaning, nevertheless). A slow death in prison is better suited. Only drawback: the UK taxpayer will have to pay for his grub and litter. In France, today, they would have found extenuating circumstances and lock him up for a short while in a psychiatric asylum where he would have escaped or from where he would have been released on his own cognizance. No mention of course would have been made of his name or ethnicity for fear of vociferous accusations of islamophobia from the left.
  14. The police hospital has an amazing team of doctors.
  15. Quite so. This trans lobby is dangerous. The book “Transmania”aims at warning people about the dangers posed by unregulated medicalized transitions without supervisions. Some ten-agers, some say even kids, are encourage to undergo the procedure only to realize later it was a mistake and being mutilated for life as the operation is alleged to be irreversible. But wait until the Moslem brothers come to power in France: Sharia is already enforced in some areas (witness recent killings in that country of mine) and the disease is spreading. Trans, feminists, LGBTQRSTW…et al will be the first victims.
  16. What do you expect from an inept, corrupt, lazy, mafia-like police force?
  17. What else is new, unfortunately? TIT. Compare that with the way the criminal “Boss”, was let go with the complicity of police and others . One can only hope justice will be done somehow (karma?). The scales of justice eventually balance out.
  18. He could ask those policemen allegedly getting 100,000,000 baht per month in bribes from illegal businesses. No problem.
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