I suppose you would rush to live in the US if Trump came back to power. You could join the “Proud” boys or the “Oath” keepers or both for good measure in order to keep America safe! World leaders (which ones apart from Bolsonaro?) probably made fun of [Trump] but were also weary of his cozying up to Putin and his chum, the very democratic Kim Jong Un, he drooled over. Trump was the butt of jokes the world over, and rightly so, starting from those two who were playing up to his ego and naïveté. Dictators of the world unite!. As for making America great again, this just a slogan to attract morons Trump despises but uses to further his only goal: keep himself in power, like any other dictator. If, god forbid, he ever came back to power, 2024 would turn into 1984 and Joe would be the first victim. But we are not there yet. Many things may happen until then.