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Everything posted by Anant72

  1. Oh yes! Don’t let his apparent dozing fool you. He is actually oozing energy but he is biding his time.
  2. Did they check the cop’s bank account by any chance?
  3. But of course! Damned rain! No, I was not speeding. Bad luck, I guess.
  4. A fine of 2000 bht should be levied for good measure, to get the bike back
  5. Exactly. I guess none wore a helmet. As long as the authorities WON’T CARE ONE BIT about people flouting the law on the roads and let people use motorcycles to carry children and cramming people on pick up trucks, more deaths to expect.
  6. At last. I hope they have enough evidence to book him for life….Am I too optimistic or naive?
  7. Agreed. They are so lazy they’d rather have the culprit come to them. Thai police continue to be a disgrace to the Kingdom.
  8. The father must have his share of responsibility. How was his son brought up? Did the parents do everything they could to raise their son? Just wondering, without condoning the son’s behavior of course.
  9. Waiting now for the sanctions that will be meted out. Owner: slap on the wrist (assuming he can be found), electrician: 5 years in jail for sloppiness; Staff: 2-3 years for not warning customers the exits were locked. No doubt the relatives of the victims were touched by the PM’s condolences and sympathy and impressed by his order to check the safety in all entertainment venues. Nothing will be done of course and the same tragedies will make headlines again, TO NO AVAIL.
  10. One can bet safety was, as usual, given short shrift.
  11. I agree with that. The world does not need another conflict now, one that would engulf the whole world. Pelosi made the wrong move and I am no friend of totalitarian China. This was the height of arrogance and recklessness.
  12. Let’s not forget the kickbacks that have to be paid all around from the budget allocated to the project (they say 30% of the budget of any government project go into various pockets) resulting in using substandard material. By the way, I wonder how much money went into those pockets for the construction of the new still unfinished parliament building.. Remember those clocks, among other?
  13. Still, what other governor before him did that?
  14. Indeed, I am waiting to see how this measure is going to be enforced, especially when it comes to “do you know who I am” characters. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
  15. It could be heavy. Could he not check beforehand what the law was in Indonesia? A vacation ruined for a few grams of cannabis: was it worth it? He was lucky not to have been caught in Malaysia.
  16. This is a mental condition called syllogiomania or compulsive hoarding. I know a Thai couple like this, their house is cluttered with mountains of plastic and cardboard boxes, plastic bags and other wrappings, all kinds of other junk and have a very small space to live in. They are happy that way.
  17. Har har har dee har har! TIT! He will be back on the road in no time.
  18. Child marriage being akin to pedophilia it should be prosecuted as such.
  19. The refusal to take a breath test should be sanctioned by a heavy fine (10,000bht) payable on the spot. If no money, jail for a couple of days.
  20. Third world mentality: no responsibility, no law enforcement, fatalism (karma and the like) and recklessness. A dreadful cocktail that kills thousands everyday in this country.
  21. I suppose you would rush to live in the US if Trump came back to power. You could join the “Proud” boys or the “Oath” keepers or both for good measure in order to keep America safe! World leaders (which ones apart from Bolsonaro?) probably made fun of [Trump] but were also weary of his cozying up to Putin and his chum, the very democratic Kim Jong Un, he drooled over. Trump was the butt of jokes the world over, and rightly so, starting from those two who were playing up to his ego and naïveté. Dictators of the world unite!. As for making America great again, this just a slogan to attract morons Trump despises but uses to further his only goal: keep himself in power, like any other dictator. If, god forbid, he ever came back to power, 2024 would turn into 1984 and Joe would be the first victim. But we are not there yet. Many things may happen until then.
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