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Everything posted by Anant72

  1. Parents and police are indeed equally responsible. The carnage will continue unabated. TIT.
  2. How many of those traffickers wear a uniform?
  3. I agree. If I were in Europe presently Thailand would certainly not be my destination of choice.
  4. It is your opinion of what would have happened. We can't know for sure. I agree with reopening the country provided people keep masking up and distancing. This said, I am not sure foreign tourists are going to rush in.
  5. Agreed! This is a poorly thought out strategy. By the way, what is the definition of a “quality tourist”? I want to know whether I am a quality expat. Let's not forget that the backpackers are the ones who contribute to the “little people”'s livelihood. Well-heeled tourists go to expensive places and do not venture outside their “comfort” zone too much. This obsession with money and wealth is sickening. Tourists are only written about as milk cows who will bring billions, even trillions of baht. It is like saying: we tolerate you only because of the money you bring: you are just a bunch of cash cows. Appalling!
  6. Just…monitoring the situation: delicious morsel might come its way.
  7. Fatalism, mektoub! If it happens, it is because it was written and nothing would have prevented that. Add to that the karma thing and you get the explanation for their behavior.
  8. Tax avoiders and money launderers that park billions in safe havens, especially dictators and other political crooks, are preventing millions from having better living circumstances. One can only hope these revelations cause some harm to those rapacious characters. Exposing them for what they are is already a good thing.
  9. This scam like most scams work because people are gullible, ignorant and greedy. Con artists should of course be punished but the people who fall for their scams have only themselves to blame.
  10. Pathetic indeed! Which goes to show how well thought out that measure was. And, by the way, has it contributed to a reduction of drunk driving cases? Statistics, please!
  11. One more example showing how the 2-5pm alcohol-selling ban, thought up a few years ago by a nitwit, is effective and does deter people from getting intoxicated.
  12. Just like the SRT, the TAT is totally hopeless. Run by nitwits.
  13. A funny way to entice or lure wealthy foreigners. There is a two-tiered justice system in this country. one for Thais, one for foreigners. Caveat emptor.
  14. Louis XV's famous word : “after me the deluge” rings very true in this country.
  15. In France, we do not have a middle name (only supplemental first names parents used to give you at birth: I am not sure they still do) and up until now I have left that particular box empty and haven't had any problem with it. Now, if they require a middle name, what should I do?
  16. But they don't! Can you imagine? Youngsters thinking by themselves and able to criticize? Horresco referens ! Besides, considering the political context with narrow-minded uniforms at the helm, you cannot expect anything to change. Change will have to come from those youngsters.
  17. I think your “friend” is a closeted gay like a great many homophobes, frustrated that they never could, for whatever reason, come out and live out their sexual lives as they wished. I guess the frustration grows with age as it becomes less and less possible to follow one's true nature.
  18. NO, what about the risk of infecting others? Doesn't that count? Severe restrictions should remain in force to protect the general population from a selfish minority.
  19. Where do they get those pie-in-the-sky figures. They are really delusional. Well, dream on and let's see if they can do better than Thaksin with his Elite card which was supposed to bring in billions and billions….
  20. Or have diarrhea like a famous architect….let's see what happens with the crooked chief whip!
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