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Posts posted by Cinders

  1. I'm getting one from the UK now. My friend is bringing it out in 2 weeks time.

    That way if it messes up (like the Xbox360) I can get it back to the UK at some point and use the warranty.

    I've been told the Wii and XBox360 aren't covered by warranty out here in Thailand.

    Cheaper in Bangkok and its modded. Mine was 11000 with 10 games. Wii's failure rate is VERY low.

    Hey mlkmnz, where abouts in Bangkok do you get them for that price?... My friend bought one not so long ago at MBK, it cost him 18,000.

    I might take a trip up this weekend when I'm not at work. I'm dying to get one, my friend said the Wii is great fun!

  2. Hey Everyone,

    I'm trying to get some of my belongings over from the UK. The most important thing is my old laptop that's at my parents.

    It old and second hand, probably worth about 300 UK Pounds. I really need it as it has a lot of personal data.

    If I get my brother to federal express it over to me will I get hit by customs?... Someone told me I'd have to pay 30% of the value.

    Is this true?... If it is, is there any way of avoiding this charge?

    I don't mind paying something, but 30% of it's value seems a lot.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Hey Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone knows if TrueVisions broadcast in Analogue or Digital or both?...

    I've just moved in to a new place with satellite and I'm trying to work out what I've got.

    The receiver box looks very old. It's got Dstv on the front and UBC stickers, it's made by Cal-Comp Thailand and has the purple / white menu.

    One of my friends has UBC and his menu system is completely different to mine and his box is as well. He had it put in a month ago.

    I went to one of the satellite shops but they weren't very helpful so was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?... If there is a digital option available I'd like to upgrade. My landlady called UBC the other day and said they couldn't help her. I've checked out the TrueVisions website but it doesn't state if it's digital or not.

    Any help is appreciated.


  4. Hey Everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone knows if TrueVisions broadcast in Analogue or Digital or both?...

    I've just moved in to a new place with satellite and I'm trying to work out what I've got.

    The receiver box looks very old. It's got Dstv on the front and UBC stickers, it's made by Cal-Comp Thailand and has the purple / white menu.

    One of my friends has UBC and his menu system is completely different to mine and his box is as well. He had it put in a month ago.

    I went to one of the satellite shops but they weren't very helpful so was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?... If there is a digital option available I'd like to upgrade. My landlady called UBC the other day and said they couldn't help her. I've checked out the TrueVisions website but it doesn't state if it's digital or not.

    Any help is appreciated.


  5. I definitely need a 4x4 truck/pickup/jeep/whatever-you-want-to-call-it as I'll be going over to Koh Phangan and also off-road quite a bit. This truck is for work and my own safety. I'd love to go without one and stick to my motorbike but it's impossible, so I have to buy one.

    I think I'll go for a brand new one as it'll come with a warranty and will give me peace of mind. I'd prefer not to, but I know what type of mine-field the car market is back in the UK, yet alone Thailand!

    I guess it's cheaper to buy off-island. I'd prefer to buy one on the island so I'm not bringing another truck here. However if it's a lot cheaper to buy in Bangkok then I'll go there.



  6. The flights arrive and depart from the airport on Koh Samui NOT Suratthani.

    There is one flight daily.

    The plane leaves Penang at 11.30am (Penang Time) and arrives in Samui at 11.30am (Samui Time)

    It then leaves Samui at 12.30pm (Samui Time) and arrives in Penang at 2.30pm (Penang Time)

    If you want your 30-day stamp it's an overnight stay, fly out there one day, fly back the next.

    If you want your Tourist/Work Visa it's a two-night stay. If you leave your passport at the embassy you have to pick it up the next day after 12pm (a guy coming back on the flight today told me) so you miss the next day flight back.

    I spoke to a Firefly rep today on the plane. They're going to be running the service for 6 months to see if it's worth while. It is all low-budget stuff so no advertising has been done yet. So spread the word guys... (and gals!) They are looking to contact travel agents so you can book locally. Remember this is very new, has only been going for 2 weeks.

    This is ideal for a visa run, it beats the mini-bus any day. My ticket was 400MYR which is approximately 3800 baht.

    It was pretty funny today as there was only me and a Dutch guy on the plane coming back!... When we touched down we both got a personal announcement from the stewardess on the intercom - "Firefly thanks Mr.xxx and Mr.xxx for flying with us" - Now how many times does that happen in your life?... A personal jet!... well twin-prop anyway.



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