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Posts posted by Cinders

  1. Hi People,

    Thanks for everyone's tips about visiting places. I've got it planned out, few nights in Bangkok to see my mate, then up to Chiang Mai to see another friend and a 3 day trek, then I'm heading down to Koh Samui.

    Does anyone know if you can get a direct flight from Chiang Mai down to Koh Sumui?... What is the cheapest way of booking flights? Online at an Internet Cafe or just at the airport?...

    Can anyone give me any information about Koh Samui - I've done some research on the web and it looks fantastic. I'll be there in May, so I guess it's going to be very hot, and hopefully sunny!

    Whats the nightlife like there?...

    I really want to spend a couple of weeks there lazing on the beach reading books, that is after seeing the local attractions on the islands... Scuba Diving, etc...

    Thanks for any feedback,


  2. Right - I think I'll stick to my original plan of a 3-week de-tox in Thailand!....

    ie. No Drugs at all!

    It's safer and it'll help me in the long run, I'm trying break the habbit I'm currently stuck in at the moment....

    I'm smoking loads of weed each night, passing out, waking up, filling myself full of coffee, going to work 9am-5pm, getting home, sparking another joint up, it's just a cycle I'm stuck in and I need to break it!....

    I don't care that people say weed isn't addictive, it bloody well is!... Well to me it is anyway and too most of my friends that smoke it. Don't get me wrong I hold down my job and do it well, I just crave that joint when I get home, it's bad shit! Luckily I don't smoke cigarette's or drink alcohol, just need to get away from the evil weed, and there's no chance I'd smoke any in Thailand, far to risky!....

    I'll just go with the buzz of being there instead! - The natural way!

    Might take a couple of shots of Sustanon before I go though, just for da ladies... :o

    Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Can anyone give me any examples or anything worth getting?....

    I have to admit I use recreational drugs here in the UK, but there's no chance I'd take anything illegal in Thailand. Especially due to the fear of being caught with them, urine tested, etc. - It's just not worth it...


    Just wondering if there's anything you can buy over the counter thats any good?

    Ie. to perk you up, etc.

    Someone suggested Dostinex (cabergoline)

    Ephedrine is like speed I guess

    Anything else?

    I know this is a bit of a taboo subject, but one mans medicine is another mans poison.

  4. Just wondering what you can buy over-the-counter in Thailand that is banned in the UK?...

    ie. Diazepam, Steroids, Ephedrine, Xanax, Viagra etc?....

    Can you simply walk in to the chemist with a list and they'll get you what you want?.... I've heard you can buy most stuff over the counter...

    Dodgy subject I know, but can anyone help?

  5. Just been looking at the weather forecasts for when I'm over and I think Phuket and around that area is off the cards due to the heavy down pours....

    I was thinking of heading to Surat Thani (whats that place like?!?....)

    and then on to Ko Sumuai (whats Ko Samuai like?....)

    I've heard these places are very hot in May with little downpour.....

    What do you guys think?


  6. I was wondering if someone could be so kind to take 5 minutes just to offer me some advice....

    I'm coming over to Thailand at the start of may for 3 weeks as a much needed break away from England. I need a break away from the mundan 9-5 office job, and all the crap that comes with capitalism... (i won't go on, otherwise i'll never stop - anyway after 7 years of working 9-5 job, the rat race, being invaded with advertising left right and centre, buy this, buy that, get a bigger house, tv, car, look like this, etc. etc. - i've decided this life ain't for me, but thats another story!...)

    Now I'm planning on touring South East Asia next year once I've sold my house, so that way I can just land in Bangkok and go and see places at my own pace, I'll have all the time in the world... but this time I've only got 3 weeks so I'd like to plan out roughly what I'm doing.

    I've been to Chiang Mai twice now, my best friend lives there with his wife, so I'm going to Bangkok, spending three nights there (want to do some site seeing in bangkok), then off to chiang mai for to see my friend, then we're doing a 3-day jungle trek, then I want to fly down south to see either phuket or some of the islands (Ko Sumai etc.)

    I know I'm just another site-seeing farang but I'm after some advice of what's worth visiting in Bangkok during my 3 days (last time i was there, I never saw the day much.... never again!)

    Also, where's best down South? I wanted to spend my last week chilling out reading books on a beach, swimming in the sea etc.

    Any advice or people's opinions will be gratefully recieved!.... It's mainly what to see around Bangkok and what offers the most down in Southern Thailand.

    I'm doing this holiday on a budget as well.

    Any help appreciated!



  7. I'll be living with my best mate, so getting bored won't be a problem, plus I won't be missing anything (TV etc) - I live on my own in the UK, so I'm used to being on my own, thats why I don't need a girl every night.

    I like reading books and just chilling out, seeing places, my partying days are coming to a halt...

    If I ever got a bargirl again, she'd be kicked out as soon as I'd finished, I've been there before, bad scene, never again. It's so easy to get attached, their perfect actors!...

    Still I suppose you can meet non-bar-girls out there, my friend lived with a nurse for 3 months who never asked for anything.

    I just want time out from Blighty, I hate Tony Blair, George Bush, I hate the people I work with who whinge 8 hours a day about their kids, their cars not fast enough, they don't earn enough, these people will never learn or be happy.

    A year out will do me good!

  8. yeah everyone has to read Private Dancer, it helps dispel the illusion of the bar girl...

    I'm going to do it, my mate comes back shortly, so when he goes back I'll be going with him.  He lives in Chiang Mai, very beautiful place.

  9. I meant credit card companies and banks.  I was planning on getting a big loan, running up all my credit cards and dispearing - i'm just wondering if they could come after me in thailand!?!.....

    But it's a stupid idea, I'm going to use the money I've got and just go over to live for a year or two and not burn my bridges.

    At least the CSA can't get my in Thailand!

  10. thanks for the reply guys - no don't worry i'm not going to burn my bridges in Blighty, I've got a house, I've just had it decorated so I'm going to be sensible and rent it out while I go away, it should make me £100 a month, which will easily pay for my accomodation in Thailand - I know I'll have to come back some time.

    My friend did a runner with £30K last year and went over there, I've been out twice to see him.  The first time I went I fell for the "illusion" and blew money on women like no-one's business, coming back from Thailand was a downer, but getting my credit card bill later that month pissed me off even more, never again I swore!

    Anyway my mate got mixed up with a bar girl who he married to put the business in her name, it all went tits up and now he's got nothing, he's learn the hard way and I've learnt from his mistakes.

    I went over in December for a month (1st trip), had a whale of a time, but after I got back I have spent everyday reading this forum and listening to my mates misfortunes...  I've also read Private Dancer by Stephen Leather, which is so true it's unbeleivable - I think EVERYONE should read it.

    My 2nd trip I have just come back from was spent with my mate and his thai wife, they have no money and are living in a block of flats where all the bar girls live, the goings on in that place was amazing, they're like trained Russian Commando's those women and they stick together like the KGB.  Luckily I met a girl there who'd quit the bar for her boyfriend and had been living there with him for 6 months (all paid for by him - of course!) anyway he'd just gone back to Blighty to work for a few months to come back for her.  It's a long story but basically I ended up staying the 2 weeks with her, paying her nothing and sleeping in her aircon room (thank god for aircon) - she didn't want a penny from me (amazing) because she liked me.  It caused a big stink, all the bar girls there took the piss out of her because she wasn't getting or conning me out of any money.  She was a nice girl and didn't ask me for a thing, so don't taint them all with the same brush.  Finding a girl like that is very rare, however, you can't trust them (well I can't) and I haven't been in touch with her since because I know one day I'll probably get an email "My mother is ill, I need 10,000 baht..."  It's all about the money, and I know that.

    I just want to spend a year or two away from 7 years in the the same 9-5 office job, bored, whilst I'm young, this time however no bars and definately no bargirl girlfriends - I'm goign to see a bit of Thailand this time!.......

    Thanks again,


  11. I'm just really bored with my life, I work 9-5 in the same office (for 7 years), same people, in front of same PC and I'm bored to tears...

    I loved living in Thailand with my mate, even if it has only been twice (once for a month, last trip 2 weeks) - We didn't do the bar girl thing the 2nd time, I just looked around the place, I don't need a woman next to me every night, I'd never pay another bar fine again (I learnt my first trip!)

    Maybe I need to take a year or two out instead?  I wonder if £10K could me in Thailand for a year

  12. How long do you think £50,000 would last you in Thailand?...

    If you lived sensibly?  ie. Single Room apartment (with thai bathroom) in Chiang Mai, Cheap Thai Food and No Bar Girls?...

    I'm so tempted to sell up and just bugger of there to live, I'm 26, been working since I was 18 and have had enough of living in this country - sick of the rat race, keeping up with the Jones's - my tv's bigger than yours life, etc.....

  13. Say....

    I was to up and leave my job, home, etc with all the money I could get together, how safe would it be if I open a Thai bank account and put it in?...

    ie. if the "authorities" in the UK were looking for me, could they find out about this money or touch it at all?....

  14. WOW - I think everyone visiting Thailand should read this!...

    My best friend moved out to Thailand last year with about £30K, now he's living with his Thai Wife (ex bar girl) and he hasn't got a penny less.  He bought a business, lost it, in fact he lost everything through her, poor bloke.

    I must admit the first time I went over to see him, i fell under the illusion - it's very easy...!  Bar Girls are such perfect actors...

    I have just come back about 2 weeks ago from spending 2 weeks there and this time I went there the wiser from the mistakes my friend made and the mistakes I made from the first time.

    It's a crazy place, I still want to go and live there, not for the women, but just for an easy, relaxing life.

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