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Toon Army

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Posts posted by Toon Army

  1. I have seen numerous 'Rescue' vehicles, parked in a variety of location throughout late evening and presumably throughout the night. Can anyone throw any light on their scope of duties, costs etc and do they replace the local ambulance services between certain hours of the night for all emergencies or only road traffic accidents. And who are their masters? Anyone had personal experiences with these services, good or bad?


  2. Sounds like a load of hooey.

    Btw, you can get 2 visa's if you just ask for the second one at Vientienne.

    So you only need to go to a consulate every 6 months.

    A year or two back I did a variation on the Mae Sai run and got a small boat across from Chiang Kong to Huay Xai (Laos) for 20 baht. Needed to get a Laos visa on disembarking ($30) had a look around, something to eat and back to Chiang Kong and picked up my new visa. Has this now changed?

  3. There are courts at Grace School, which might soon become World Club Sports Centre again soon!

    (First thought this might be a thread about vegetable marrows or pumpkins!)

    In the inimitable words of Captain Manwaring (Dad's Army) "Stupid boy!"

  4. Thought with all the intelligentsia around on TV, a TV team would do very well in "The Pub" quiz. Come on guys a chance to make a name for yourselves! (And a plug for TV). Sorry I can’t join you, I help set some of the questions. So if you think you can beat a ‘Geordie’ (and you wouldn’t be the first) you know where to come. See you there.


  5. CMT, The pros at Gymkhana and Green Valley speak English and given the amount of Japanese and Koreans (and a few Geordies :o) playing here now I would imagine most of the other main courses also have English speaking pros. Their English may not be Queens, but well up to the task.

    Good luck......and keep the head still (that's for free!)


  6. I hear that there’s to be a “Renovation Jubilation” party at The Pub on Saturday night. Grahame has put his hand into his deep pocket and found some left-overs and decided to treat one and all. (Nice guy!) Free buffet and live music in the garden (weather permitting) Old and young dinosaurs are welcome!! Maybe an opportunity for those concerned to case the joint before deciding on the venue for the tv barbeque party. .

    Just a thought. :o


    Toon - fyi I did the reccie at the Pub and spoke (at length) with Grahame about holding the party there. Have the bungalows been completed already?


    CB - Not all complete, Grahame is looking to open-up sometime around end of next month, hopefully before the weather breaks.

  7. I hear that there’s to be a “Renovation Jubilation” party at The Pub on Saturday night. Grahame has put his hand into his deep pocket and found some left-overs and decided to treat one and all. (Nice guy!) Free buffet and live music in the garden (weather permitting) Old and young dinosaurs are welcome!! Maybe an opportunity for those concerned to case the joint before deciding on the venue for the tv barbeque party. .

    Just a thought. :o


  8. Grahame at The Pub is having 6 bungalows built as we speak so there will be accommodation on site if the BBQ is held there. Roughly 600 per night, they look nice so far.

    He now has John Smiths and Guinness on tap as well..


    He also has a web address now: http://www.thepubchiangmai.com

    Things have certainly taken a turn for the better down at the pub, had a very enjoyable music quiz last Friday. There were even a few of the younger set there also. Word must be getting around. Good luck to Grahame.


  9. Having just left Grahame at The Pub and tasted his Cod and Chips (the best in Chiang Mai) washed down with a pint of creamy John Smiths draft beer I have to give him my vote. He is very keen to host the TV BBQ, especially following the extensions to his bar and restaurant. In addition his garden facilities are more than adequate as is his car parking area. By August he expects the bungalow accommodation currently under construction, to be complete for long distant revellers. I have attached a map for those not familiar with the location of The Pub.

    And for the not-so-faint-hearted he now stocks Newcastle Brown Ale, granted not everybody's tipple but the elixir of life to some.



  10. We've eaten at the new Duke's 3 or 4 times because it is more convienient for me to get to than the original. The menu is mostly the same, other than a bunch of new "gourmet" pizzas which are pretty good.

    There are problems with this and that - especially when Dave isn't around - but all in all, the place seems to be doing well.

    I hear John has resigned!! This true?

  11. Sorry, but know not of a place in CM.....but if you are ever in Penang,there is a chap there who reconditioned my very old Miranda......he did a wonderful job, at very reasonable cost...

    I have his card....so if you are heading that way,PM me for details....

    Thanks ronw. I have no immediate plans to go to Penang but if and when I do I will PM you for more details. Guess maybe I'll keep them a little bit longer...just for old times sake you understand. :o


  12. I dug out my old (30 years) black Pentax MX the other day with several of the lenses. Was thinking about dropping them in the rubbish bin but sentimentality got in the way! Apart from the mirror, which seems to be sticking everything else seems in reasonable working order. The SMC Pentax lenses (2.8 28mm/1.2 50mm/ 2.8 50mm Macro and a Tamron 75-250mm telephoto) all need an internal cleaning but seem to work ok.

    Anyone suggest a place in CM who could restore or would the cost be prohibitive? Checked eBay...no great value.

    It has been a faithful servant over the years and I'm hesitant to throw it on the heap. Guess I'm just an old sentimentalist. Or maybe I sense some bonding or analogy between us, whatever, be grateful for advice/suggestions?


  13. Dukes was scheduled to close for 3 days 16-18 incl. for Songkran holiday. Dave and nearest and dearest have gone to Chiang Rai for a well earned break. Back to normal on 19th. New place is hoped to be up and running on 20th, but this is only tentative. Can't throw any light on the kidnapping, sorry.


  14. > Or if it's so close then advise people staying at the Four Seasons to get the taxi

    > to Mae Rim, then negotiate with one the Songthaews to drive to the hotel at a cost lower than 150 baht.

    There is no need. The Four Seasons is within the city limits of Mae Rim by roughly 2.4 kilometers. A ride to the Four Seasons is a ride to Mae Rim. You're correct, it is a 2 minute drive from the center traffic light by the overpass, which would certainly not make for it being a different price. A taxi wouldn't need to drive as far the Mae Sa turn. But the actual price wasn't the issue in the first place. . . The issue was the rip-off of the unsuspecting tourist.

    Obviously no one spending $400-$500 US a night in Thailand will give a ###### about a 120 charge for the actual value of the money. On the other hand, how do YOU feel about dual pricing?

    > And then there's walking

    > It's close after all right?

    Eleven minute stroll from the traffic light by the overpass to the entrance to the resort. Yeah, you're right. It's close.

    > People staying at the 4 seasons are bound to travel light or use backpacks.

    "I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei

    He says it better than I. :D

    The Fly Fisherman

    How about.....the 300 Baht is very cheap and the 450 Baht is a more realistic fare!!!

    Just a thought. :o


  15. S**t Rasseru you stole my line and a line was about all it was worth.... a short one at that! No, in all fairness, CB has a point...somewhere I'm sure. Just if he were to get to it a bit more succinctly it would give his efforts that much more impact. But as a great man once said; "There's none more blind than those who will not see" :D

    Don't take offence CB, it's not for long only for life!

    And just to show I'm impartial on this discussion "Viva la Dukes!! :o

  16. Maybe the declaration of Songkran NOT starting on the 1st hasn't reached the sticks yet :o But I have to agree about the foul water used by some, it just aint cricket!! :D

    Roll on the 12th when we can get drenched by good old klong nam.

  17. I'm hearing the opening at NM has been delayed, the latest is sometime after Songkran. Rumour is that with all the publicity he's getting on TV he's building an extension :o

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