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Yorkshire Tea

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  1. so, on the tm8 form, where it asks where & when your non-O was issued, do you input data from your last extension of stay?
  2. News reports on CM Facebook pages say the roo has been found dead.
  3. Why is this in Isaan news? Another geographical brain failure?
  4. Wouldn't be necessary if they only gave driving licenses to those who can drive 😉
  5. Fair enough, but what about when walking around the cabin?
  6. And then. they never buy rice from Thailand again 😉
  7. Rice harvest just about finished around Chiang Mai, coincided with end of burning ban at end of April. Farmers now burning their fields. They still burn even though they use tractors to plough their fields. It's local tradition. Last night pm2.5 concentration over 120 ug/m3 inside the bedroom before I turned the air filter on.
  8. Have the water park owners considered lowering their prices to attract more visitors?
  9. Decathlon sell them. https://www.decathlon.co.th/en-TH/search?query=kettlebell
  10. Have they released the number dying due to the smoke (or dust as they seem to prefer to call it)?
  11. Time for a "tourist tax", just like Venice is introducing 🙂
  12. My wife asked me why isn't the govt giving subsidies/grants to encourage home solar power. I told her she needs to ask her govt, not me 🙂
  13. Tell your wife's son to get married when he can afford to 😉
  14. Make an appointment to see Dr Morgan at the Healthcare Medical Centre that is almost directly across the road from Geriatric hospital.
  15. Or visit for a holiday at this time of the year. How many will read about the pollution & make a mental note to never visit, whatever the time of year?
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