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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. I am so very happy to see the Thai police finally arresting those annoying MCs!!!! Why in God's name do a DJ need an effin MC? The MC is loud, annoying, interrupts your songs, and add nothing to the club vibe. MCs are useless! Any DJ that needs a MC is not a good DJ. No more MCs!!!!
  2. What kind of Green are they smoking on that island? Can they share?
  3. 55555555555555555555555555555555
  4. 90 Day Visa baby.....best idea in a long time for a certain group of people.
  5. My response to that recommendation is: EFF EWE!
  6. Before kicking him out, they should send him to IDC or jail and have the LBs take care of him for a weekend. He will be in good shape when they are finished with him. He will behave.
  7. Is that why they get flushed when drinking copious amounts of alcohol?
  8. this More Run was raised in the hood by More Run parents and the cycle continues. I wish he ends up in IDC for a month or BKK jail and get his cherry popped by a LB.
  9. Keep dreaming. The Thais have done a great job keeping those folks out...and they have the best immigration laws on the planet,. There is a reason why the UK has lost it's soul and France is finished. But Hungary, Thailand, China, Russia and Vietnam will all prosper and never lose their identity.
  10. This is Thailand and not some Western country! Like it or leave! Deal with it or leave. The Thais do not need anyone telling them how to run their country.
  11. And? Their country and they can do whatever they want. Expats need to learn how to live here or leave! Not your country.
  12. Not your country! Leave the Thais alone. They have been doing just fine without us here trying to tell them how to live. They know how to handle their business. If you do not like it, then leave! Who is forcing you to stay here if you do not like that that Thais break the rules?
  13. You see what happens when you abuse your welcome here in Thailand. Soon, all of us will realize that no amount of tourist or expat money will suffice. Leave these people alone, respect the authorities, deal with the system and life will be fine. But, if you drive thru a traffic stop, fight cops, kick pregrnant women, then expect to be treated in a manner that will piss you off. No one in Thailand is begging you to come here to live. It is your choice. So, act accordingly or go home.
  14. I hope all the roaches are sent away. Some folks just do not belong here.
  15. I am glad to see this policy come into effect. Some folks just do not belong here. They have no idea on how to party in Paradise. The trouble makers are spoiled, entitled, cowards. Example, they would never fight cops in their own country. They would respect a store if they say remove your shoes, etc. I hope the Thais revolt and start taking actions against these folks.
  16. I am glad to see this policy come into effect. Some folks just do not belong here. They have no idea on how to party in Paradise. The trouble makers are spoiled, entitled, cowards. Example, they would never fight cops in their own country. They would respect a store if they say remove your shoes, etc. I hope the Thais revolt and start taking actions against these folks.
  17. Normal? Normal? Dude, Normal is respecting the Thai police when they tell you to stop. Jesus, what is wrong with the generation today?
  18. Hey, we Americans love animals....the Horse did not complain about the sex with the American....5555.
  19. I guess the Russians got jealous of the Kiwis and took back the spotlight.....55555.
  20. Does he realize that the nice food he is used to is now gone forever. I hope he enjoyed his high. More Run!
  21. So, if these two "kids" are not guilty, then why try to bribe their way out of the issue? Why fight a cop when refusing to stop? We all know cops get angry when you ignore them. It is a sign of disrespect, and in the Sates, you will get beat up seriously, just to teach you a lesson. These punks should go to the toughest Thailand prison and prove that they can fight real Thais, not a cop, but real Thai Gangsters who are highly trained and like to fight. Enjoy your stay boys.
  22. What is going on in the States? WE have illegal people invading the country...not legal tourists. We have no issues with tourists...we have issues with people taking services away from veterans and American citizens to support one political party. Try living in America before throwing stones. The Thais are fed up with folks who come here uninvited and then think they can beat up cops and their citizens!
  23. Not sure why folks come to this country, uninvited, then whine and complain about the culture and the cops and other issues. Consider yourself lucky to be here. Deal with the positives and the negatives and just do not piss off the locals. Is that too hard to understand? They did not ask you to come here. It was your decision! So, if you will ride like Easy Riders, respect the laws, wear a helmet and if you speed, expect to pay the "fine" and move on. You will fight in a bar, expect a few Thais to beat the crap out of you, if you hurt a Thai person, then expect to deal with the consequences. Just enjoy the great benefits of Thailand and live happy and enjoy the beautiful sunsets. God, is that too hard to do?
  24. Jesus Efin Christ...do you all think cops should be nice and patient if you refuse to stop? My God, do you know what would happen to you in your country if you disobey cops? There is no <deleted> excuse to attack these cops. Those two jerks are the epitome of stupidity. Stop trying to come up with excuses for their stupid behavior. A COP SAYS TO PULL OVER, YOU PULL OVER, PAY THE FINE AND GO GET YOUR HAPPY ENDING MASSAGE!
  25. Lack of Critical Thinking Skills training is the root cause.
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