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Everything posted by Taboo2

  1. American democrats and leftists are now into endless wars, censorship, unlimited spending of tax money and killing young kids for endless wars....my God, is this the same universe that got us into Vietnam....?
  2. Set up....everyone seems to be an expert today. Kids are dying in Ukraine and Russia, and all you all care about is a "set up"? Trump is consistent...he is begging for this nightmare to end! My God, humans do enjoy killing each other because the Orange man wants peace. NO MORE ENDLESS ATMS FOR THIS MESS! OK!
  3. As we speak and type, their are young kids and some middle age men with families dying in Ukraine and Russia. For what? Someone's ego in Ukraine? Putin. Finally, Trump comes along and wants to talk to Putin, to stop the war, but since it is the Orange Devil, noooooooooooo, we cannot allow that to happen. Humans disgust me...seriously, humans are disgusting.
  4. Anyone think that Ukraine will defeat Russia forgot history....you cannot defeat Russia today, unless you adapt Ghenghis Kahn's war methods. Fact!
  5. AS fare as I can tell, Trump wants the war to end. Those into this useless war can go get their balls blown off, a bullet in their spine, or half their body filled with shrapnel at anytime. Stop hiding behind your keyboards and insulting Trump. Go fight for Biden and Kamala. Also, use your own money. My tax money is going to pay down the interest rate on our maxed out ATM card called the US Government.
  6. Then go fight for Ukraine. Our ATM is closed. Non Sufficient Funds for that Grifter Comedian from Ukraine.
  7. You keyboard guys hating on Trump should go to Ukraine and sign up to fight.
  8. Of course Trump had to be brought into this mess. <removed> Alert!
  9. Rest assured, you will never hear of those people once they land in China.
  10. Please note, if you are around these dogs, prepare for a fight to the death. They are predators...and take no prisoners! It is you or them. In my hood, I carried an ice pick with me every day when I had walk pass the cray neighbors who had these dogs....I am a human...top of the food chain...no dog will ever kill me or my kids back then....
  11. The cops in Patts are relaxed and lenient because the folks here are not as obnoxious as the spoiled, entitled Pai newbies, who think they are back home and can insult locals and act like pricks. I smoke everyday in public, in front of cops in LK, WS and TT,,,,no one cares. Glad to see the cops in Pai reminding those morons who is in charge.
  12. The finger point of death....he is done and dusted!
  13. Excuse me, is there anyone on the planet who is NOT an influencer? My God, what is going on today? Maybe Uncle Putin should light a candle or two. We need to start over.
  14. Another idiot who does not understand that there are a cameras everywhere in Thailand. Be warned.
  15. And it is not worth the price anyway. You can get better views for much less than what they are offering.
  16. As long as they are "managed" , I could give a F!
  17. I hope these scumbags get "managed" in prison by some local Thai mafia guys.
  18. No problem for me, I respect this country as a guest and obey the rules. Not sure why some folks are unable to behave, but thanks to the Thai cops for sending a message.
  19. I do hope the tourist babe use the "bum gun" and soap. They tend to smell real bad, especially the women. God Bless Thai people, who are always clean and are not afraid of soap and water.
  20. Bad boy, bad boy, what you gonna do, when they come for you.....555555.
  21. Everytime she goes to the bathroom, she will ask this question, "Was that selfie worth it?".
  22. But, she was "entitled" to her selfie. The Dopamine rush to get that photo was more than anything on the planet. Common sense does not apply.
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