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Posts posted by Taboo2

  1. Remember, if you disobey a cop, there is good chance they will not be happy when they catch up to you.  So, not sure what these two cowards were thinking when they finally pulled over for the Thai Cop.  Then lying about self-defense. Spoiled rich kids got caught up in Thailand now....better hope Mommie's millions will save them.  If my parents were rich, I would not quibble about a fine from cops in this country.  I hope they get years in prison for their Moronic behavior.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, maddox41 said:

    The Thais crack me up 😂 

    The  are so racist and sexist themselves. The dont like  Blacks or Indians  they hate the Chinese  and are open about it. 

    Thai men have  many giks and on TV its all based on Cheating, sex and violance. 

    But dont say anything bad about them they wont like it. 

    They remind me  of Americans they believe it's the best and only country in the world 🗺, which is funny as only 20 % of Thais have a passport 🛂 they dont know anything else.

    Brain washed from day one at school if you can call it education. 

    Toughen up Thailand instead of getting upset about a song  why not stand up to your government and make a change that actaully means something. 


    Excuse me, as an American, most of us do not think we are the best country in the world ok dude!  We believe it is the best country to make money in the world!!!  If you do not believe that, take a trip to our southern border ok!!!  Americans are very quick to point our  our flaws and often criticize our own government more than anyone else that I am aware of.  But, we do know how to make money.  Ok!

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  3. 39 minutes ago, The Old Bull said:

    In Phuket airport I noticed all the Russians get their luggage wrapped with many layers of plastic wrap. I see a message there for anyone travelling to Russia.

    Exactly....the Russians I meet here always warn me to never travel their unless you do an in-depth research about where you are going and pay, if necessary for someone to help you through the process.  It is not a welcoming country for Western folks, especially Black Americans.

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  4. 3 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

    fortunately they hardly use their guns here in Australia


    But ......there is a habit of kneeing alleged offenders particularly in  Sydney which should be outlawed,


    I have witnessed this myself as they shout out "stop resisting" and use knee kicks to the ribs !!

    Usually to some poor drunk who is NOT resistjng !

    What other police force allow this !!! 

    Absolutely barbaric stuff ,it's almost like Sydney police learn this barbaric technique on their first day ,there is no need for knee kicks to ribs 


    I fully agree with your post.  In California, and especially the Sheriffs and LAPD, they are  known to use this "stop resisting" bullsh**T and beat the crap out of you.  This originated in the CA prison system, where the guards would yell our "Stop Resisting" when they beat you, sometimes to death.  Cameras were installed to mitigate this and then body cameras followed.

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  5. 17 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

    what a quandary, Thailand is desperate for more tourists but eager to kick out tourists that overstay. if only there was an amnesty to get them legal so they can stay and spend more money. the visa process is frustrating and that doesn't help either


    This is a country of laws...unlike a few countries in Europe and America who ignores their immigration policies and let folks abuse the system.  I love Thailand and am so happy they kick people out who ignore the generous time offered them to visit here.  No one is forcing tourists to over stay here.

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