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Everything posted by Richard1950

  1. If you have half a mind to go on holiday to Thailand that is all you need, especially with Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia in the same area. At least those countries pretend to like you and give you value for money whereas Thais hate all falangs and rip them off openly. More fool people who are taken in by the land of smiles - there's more sincerity in a crocodile's smile.
  2. What a stupid, uninformed and needless comment. Be careful what you wish for because the UK has helped more countries that any other in history. Financial support through foreign aid and military support to name but two, both given freely at our own expense
  3. So the wokies and virtue signallers have reared their heads in Thailand now. A tiny minority of anally retentive morons trying to tell the rest of the world how to live. We live in a sad, sad world where sad, sad people have to virtue signal at every opportunity because it is the only way they can feel important. Wake up call, you are only important to other people like you, to 99.99% of the world you are irrelevant. Yes, it was inappropriate behaviour no matter the circumstances but get off your high horses and stop being so judgemental.
  4. As if Thais don't kill and eat anything that fly's, swims or walks anywhere on a daily basis. Thailand is rapidly returning to the pits it crawled out of with this bunch of clowns in charge. Anyone remember the tsunami. Falangs flocked to Thailand to help the economy recover, even after prices tripled overnight, they were happy enough to welcome falangs then. But the innate nature of the Thais soon kicked in - beg for help then mug the helper. They can't help it, if you save a snake it will still bite you. Problem for Thailand is people are wishing up and spending their money in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc.
  5. Teaching a Thai about 'tomorrow' is like teaching a fish to walk.
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