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Advocatus Diaboli

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  1. so if that’s the case - are there any Sherlock Holmes out their that can find any goods that will meet that criteria being landed cost of 1 THB? Would love to see that item.
  2. As per the Saftey Push honouring the road death of the Thai Doctor on a crossing in a BP article. But they are the Thai government most beloved money makers … errr … tourists, will we see a bigger safety push to honour 2 Chinese Tourists? … also the push didn’t last long as most of the crossings in CM are now the same colour as the road (or smog).
  3. No … they made that profit by not handing out brown envelopes … it’s now the Stationary suppliers that have had their profits slashed.
  4. looks like it was the Street light pole that was fatally injured and now won’t be providing anymore light to that stretch of highway anymore.
  5. Or refuse visa to all Indians …… oh they won’t do that, so obviously ABBA song more important to these Thais. …. Money Money Money.
  6. And what is he doing to suppress the fatalities on Thai roads?
  7. Well the US government has set the bar low ….. as they now have to do a prisoner exchange of a top level Thai criminal. Just like they did with Russia for the drug criminal Britney Griner. Love to see President talk his way out of this one.
  8. So snakes, ping pong balls, carrots, cucumbers and bananas are also banned in Thailand?
  9. Next … riding without helmets and without a valid licence. Straight to jail as they are law breakers, and they will get exactly what they deserve!
  10. But Thais can still go get medicinally HIGH those days …. As nice and legal to go and do that.
  11. All about Cohen, ….. nothing about proof of Trump. Would not the lawyer do Anything to keep the account? I wonder if a question was asked and a defamatory statement was made, who would be held responsible?
  12. I asked it who would be the next president of the United States ….. it answered ; As an AI language model, I cannot predict the future, thus I am not able to accurately determine who will be the next president of the United States. The outcome of the election will be determined by the votes of the American people and the Electoral College process that will take place on November 3, 2020. looks like it’s AI is a bit behind on knowing todays date.
  13. Only a lawyer …. Not a Thai police or Govt statement …. Thai government would do nothing to upset the Chinese Tourist golden egg cart. Could TAT sue this lawyer for defaming Chinese tourists by his scaremongering?
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