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Posts posted by Bananaman

  1. May be some Major Shumcks and forked tongue devils but never seen any of them wear bananas on their heads,then take pictures, then post them on the internet..

    Err...hello...avatars aren't real, donchano?

    I suppose you look just like Betty Boop and ride a chopper in thigh-length leather boots?

  2. I would recommend dressing well and generally looking wealthy, smiling and looking confident. It's all about appearances in Thailand. Try going shopping at KSK or Robinson mall and look good and shop/purchase some nice things and the store women will be drooling to give you their phone numbers. Easy as that.

    LOL.. Now those sound like the ultimate catch.. :o

    Honestly I don't see the need for all the hate. What's wrong with everyone? Jealous perhaps??

    It makes complete sense to be with one or more friends when going out to the pubs around Nimmanhaemin et al. Being by yourself in those places would be un-Thai; it's easier to make contact from group to group.

    This forum is going down the drain fast.

    I agree, the usual fork-tongued dragons making their entirely pointless, witless and intellectually-lacking responses to what is a perfectly acceptable question.

  3. My experience is that buying it from those vendors at the wet markets who make kra-tit is not always very hygienic (take a look at their machines if you don't believe me) and often the product has spoiled by the very next day.

    Rimping sells a big bottle for around B500 as I remember. I bought one last month and having been taking a teaspoon twice and day and it's not run out yet.

    Can't comment on other suggestions.


  4. In Chiang Mai in December and I need to take a group of friends trekking...I last did it 20 years back..changed I know but this has to be done. I know a lot of the guides freelance and I'm not really into paying the loading the companies charge, would rather give the guide a good deal. So does anyone know a good guide, any recommendations ? Thanks.

    Mr. Roamer, I sent you a PM regarding your query.

  5. One more question, if you would be so kind: do the instructors speak English?

    Lanna Boxing Camp in Chiang Khian is owned by a westerner and the majority of its students are from overseas, so English is definitely spoken there.

  6. It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

    Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

    Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

    Love that name gymboxgirl. What is the significance?

    Some people do definately need to get a life. I, for one have a life and a very interesting one at that. Yes I may be pedantic at times, but that is always on purpose, you have made me a happy man today. Thank you. Boring to some, but not all. Pathetic, nah, I'm a pretty happy guy with 3 kids. I have already grown up and and I'm really big now. My life is full and I have seen more of the world than most.

    I always appreciate people correcting me when I wrong, learning is great. I'm sure Mr. silentjob will be more than happy to know that good old Blinky Bill is always there to help.

    If you don't like reading my posts you could always scroll down the page. Actually I think there may be a function whereby you can block an individuals posts from your browser, but I might be wrong on that point.

    Don't worry about what gets said on this forum. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of tongue in cheek in my posts. Look forward to meeting you at the Thai Visa 6th Anniversary Party at Tuskers on the 8th of November. That is of course, if you turn up.

    BTW I see you are a very new member, welcome to TV.

    This from the guy who corrects other people's English. :o

    Just as well you appreciate people correcting you when you're wrong huh? :D

  7. Presuming your lengthy spell in LOS has convinced you that the western habit of wearing shoes in the house is downright disgusting, I would invest in a stock of those cheap house slippers (B49 a pair, you'll never find anything as cheap as that in the west) that you can find at the same shops/stalls that sell curtains and table covers (that are all made from exactly the same material). They're easily washed and can be kept inside next to the front door for guests who are horrified at the thought of having to tread your house floors barefoot or in socks.

  8. Sorry for yet another dentist thread but I'm wondering if anyone has anything good or bad to say about Funsabai dental clinic. They have branches on Moon Muang, Kotchasarn and Loi Kroh roads and are a good deal cheaper than some of the places mentioned on other threads. Is it a case of you get what you pay for I wonder?

    Comments from anyone who's used them would be greatly appreciated.


  9. With some trepidation as to what might be banned, I am quite pleased with this. I really hate seeing butchered movies or movies with the blurry circle

    Agreed, but what I hate to see more is kids of 8, 9 and 10 sitting in the theatre watching content that may have escaped the censor's knife but is still highly unsuitable for young and impressionable minds.

    I recall going to see Kill Bill here when it came out and there were three nippers definitely under the age of 12 sat to one side of me. I grimaced when they giggled excitedly at images of swords hacking off limbs in the infamous "Crazy 88" scenes. Although the violence was somewhat comic book in its portrayal, it was a long way from being appropriate viewing material for such innocent young eyes.

  10. Having real trouble eating a diet to sustain fat-loss and weight-gain here. In the UK it was easy. Brocolli and chicken breast were pretty cheap, easy too cook. Here: stuff like that is expensive, cooking at home frowned on, and almost all the carbs are white and processed. Anyone got good ideas on workign around this?

    "Cooking at home is frowned on".....frowned on by who, and exactly why would you let the opinions of others get in the way of your healthy eating program?

    Your diet is as only as good as the effort you are prepared to put into sustaining it. Brown rice is easily found in supermarkets and a cheap rice cooker costs B500 or less even so there's no excuse for complex carbs not forming a substantial part of your diet. Finding brown rice in restaurants is harder but if you are prepared to forgo the meat, you'll find it at pretty much every vegetarian restaurant in the country. Broccoli is expensive but when there are so many other great veggies out there with just as many nutrients, why limit yourself only to that?

    I'm not a meat-eater myself so I can't comment on the price of chicken but if you are looking for protein, it's by no means the only dietary source and though some others may be inferior, i.e. incomplete, you can always complete the amino chain by combining them with brown rice or another whole grain.

    Oats are not especially expensive (imported Hahne brand are less than B50 a bag) and make a good start to the day when made with either soy or cow's milk.

    Buy a juice machine if you are worried about vitamins and minerals.

    You gotta put some effort in if you want to eat healthily in this country and consider eating out maybe only once a day but if you're serious about your regime, then it's entirely worth it.

  11. In my modest British opinion there are far too many silly american expressions used here... such as "chilling out".... what a ridiculous expression!! But worst of all, in my modest opinion, is the (incorrect) usage of the expression "enjoy". If I´m not mistaken, the verb "to enjoy" requires an object...i.e. you enjoy something. It is incorrect to wish that someone "enjoy". Any other opinions on this totally insignificant topic????? :o

    Almost correct.

    "Enjoy" is technically intransitive but you can bend it a little as in "The things I enjoy": but "Enjoy" alone should have an object or another

    verb after it.

    P.S. American English is just another dialect which Brits have long since accepted. Get over it.

    Is '"enjoy" technically intransitive?? In your example, "the things I enjoy", the verb "enjoy" has an object, "the things (which)". In my opinion, grammatically incorrect expressions, such as this (i.e. "enjoy"), are brought into being by "hignoramuses", who have no idea, that there there are such things as intransitive and transitive verbs and that a transitive verb - such as "enjoy" - is always followed by an object (i.e. ...the meal/the film etc.). They coin an incorrect phrase, which is then adopted by other "hignoramuses" and in some cases they become widespread and are adopted by (dare I say ignorant....?) sections of society, despite the fact that they´re bastardizing the English language.

    Now you can call me pompous, if you wish (whoever it was....)..... :D

    Though the point you make about "enjoy" being transitive and requiring an object is correct, the object is in fact always inferred by the speaker, even if not actually spoken.

    In the example of a waiter placing a dish down before a customer and simply saying "Enjoy", the words "your meal" are absent from the phrase but are always inferred, making the meaning entirely understandable to the party listening.

    There are plenty of examples of single words or phrases in which absent words are inferred. Back home, guys checking out a hot lady would look at each other and say "I definitely would"; the absent and inferred words in this example being "have sexual intercourse with that fine specimen of womanhood"

    Grammatical purists would indeed say that the inferred words needs to be spoken in order for the sentence to be correct; however, spoken language is flexible and open to adjustment provided both all parties involved acknowledge such revisions.

  12. A minor irritant is the incorrect usage of 'already'.

    For example: "Let's go already!" or "stop complaining already!"

    Incorrect verb tense makes it sound silly.

    I am not sure where it originated but seems to be cropping up more & more often in print & on tv.

    I just wish it would just go away already. :o

    Yeah, this would have to be a pet hate of mine too. The frequently used "alright, already" to indicate someone grasping another's point or having had their fill of moaning, bitching, whatever, just sounds moronic and illustrative of a complete inability to accurately use the language.

  13. I'm glad someone brought this subject up 'cause it's something that's vexed me for a long time. I had a pair of expensive Nike ACG sandals that I didn't wear for a while and they fell apart in the same way others have described. I've had sports shoes do exactly the same thing. I don't think the quality of the shoe has any bearing on the matter, that humidity just eats through anything.

    I like to swim but had a break from it for a while and when I next came to pull out the Speedos and the rash vest (combined value of B2,500!), not only had the elastic gone around all the seams but the lycra content of the material had just disintegrated leaving the material loose, floppy and to all intents useless for its intended purpose. Anything with an elastic waistline, cuff or trimming is the same, sooner or later is succumbs to the damp.

  14. Dam_n, if the cinema offerings of the last month have not been the biggest pile of horse sh*t ever. Makes me wonder what they're getting at the theatres down in Bangkok that Vista and Major consider too arthouse, educational or culturally enlightening for us hick Chiang Mai Philistines.

    Not only that, last week Major had the balls to show 'Virgin Territory', a movie that was cr*p when it first aired in 2001 and is still cr*p, a staggering seven years later! <deleted>?!!!

    Thank God for DVDs and the internet!

  15. As long as I've lived in Thailand and in SE Asia I think I have only ever seen a for real, live, all singing all dancing Dengue type mosquito once and that was in Phuket a few ago. Up until that point I had seen loads of mosquitoes but I had also read that the Dengue mosquito is striped and I thought to myself, heck, all the mossies I've ever seen have been so small I can't imagine ever trying to tell if one had stripes or not - maybe this is just me and after all, my eyesight is not truly brilliant. But a few weeks ago whilst watching the surfing contest I felt something on my arm and looked down to see a huge, very clearly striped mossie and I swear I have never seen anything that size before. I therefore wonder how many people can put honestly and truthfully put hand on heart and say they have seen a a clearly identifiable striped mossie such as the one I saw. Just knowing about them and having heard about them doesn't count!

    I can put my hand firmly on my heart and tell you that I see these stripey blighters every day - they fly up the drainpipe and find their way into my bathroom. They're a good deal more common than your once in a lifetime sighting would suggest.

  16. I was looking for a Gym around 6 months ago and could only really find fitness centers, which to be honest was not really what I wanted. I then was told about the Gym at Tanawan 2 complex, its perfect for free weights and just basic weight training, there is some cardio machines such as rowing and running machines but also alot of free weights which is what i wanted. I joined after visiting a few times, it cost me 960 bhat for the year that includes a membership for the full size swimming pool, with the membership each session is only 20 bhat without it its 50 bhat each session for the gym and 40 for the pool. I went at different times to start with then i worked out its usually empty when it opens at 7am well apart from me. gets a bit busy around 9ish then thats it until 5pm then its gets a little busy. it closes each night at 8pm. the only downside to it really is that it closes on a Monday.

    I live just around the corner..it takes me less than 4 minutes to walk there.

    I might just see ya, look for the "mini-whale" bobbing around towards the deep end..

    I wish the TV upstairs had a DVD player on it though..

    Where exactly is the Tanawan 2 complex?

    Never mind, I found directions to it in another thread.

  17. I was looking for a Gym around 6 months ago and could only really find fitness centers, which to be honest was not really what I wanted. I then was told about the Gym at Tanawan 2 complex, its perfect for free weights and just basic weight training, there is some cardio machines such as rowing and running machines but also alot of free weights which is what i wanted. I joined after visiting a few times, it cost me 960 bhat for the year that includes a membership for the full size swimming pool, with the membership each session is only 20 bhat without it its 50 bhat each session for the gym and 40 for the pool. I went at different times to start with then i worked out its usually empty when it opens at 7am well apart from me. gets a bit busy around 9ish then thats it until 5pm then its gets a little busy. it closes each night at 8pm. the only downside to it really is that it closes on a Monday.

    I live just around the corner..it takes me less than 4 minutes to walk there.

    I might just see ya, look for the "mini-whale" bobbing around towards the deep end..

    I wish the TV upstairs had a DVD player on it though..

    Where exactly is the Tanawan 2 complex?

  18. Firstly may I inform the rather uneducated Niloc and Bananaman that the word Pommie comes from the letters on the jackets worn by your ancesters P.O.M.E. Prisoner Of Mother England. Secondly the "pommie muck" is made by a massive american company called Heinz.Hardly unheard of unless you have spent most of your life under a billabong tree in Wagga Wagga

    I guess sarcasm is way over your head.

  19. Not that pommie muck but real baked beans, packed by Ardmona foods

    Yeah, real baked beans made by that world famous company Armona foods unlike that pommie muck made by that entirely unheard of company Heinz.

    Reputations speak volumes.

    1.Never heard of that mis-spelt company and :D

    2. I'd check your facts where Heinz originated from cos it wasnt The Dis-United Kingdom, mate. I think it was in another colony somewhere! :o

    Well we already established that I made a typo there and missed out a 'D' but that doesn't detract any from my point that Ardmona is known to no one outside of Australia and Heinz is known worldwide. With regards to your second point, nowhere in my post did I say that Heinz was a UK company, I just suggested that it was a tad more famous for its beans than certain other companies.

    Anyways pointless bickering aside, I think beans are one of those things that you grew up eating so everyone has a clear idea of what they think they should taste like from an early age. Horses for courses and all that.

  20. Not that pommie muck but real baked beans, packed by Ardmona foods

    Yeah, real baked beans made by that world famous company Armona foods unlike that pommie muck made by that entirely unheard of company Heinz.

    Reputations speak volumes.

  21. I've visited several vets with my cats over the years and every time they've been ill i've just been told "it's a virus, need antibiotic". Well first off, knowing what kind of virus it is would be helpful and secondly any fool with an ounce of education knows that antibiotics are only useful against bacterial infections. My experience is that many vets just pull out the hypodermic at the first opportunity because they can make some money off of it.

    If you live anywhere near Ruamchok market on the Mae Jo road, I recommend Ban Hong Hong Meaw on the row of businesses just after the market. They saved my cat from the ravages of distemper earlier this year and were remarkably efficient and caring.

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