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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. 2 hours ago, Trillian said:

    If somebody said to you today that in ten or fifteen years time the value of your currency will be worth half of what it is today, how would you respond? And if your target currency belonged to a third world country that had just emerged from national bankruptcy, one where 90% of the population was rural poor and the literacy rate was extremely low whilst your  home currency was a reserve currency, would you believe that was likely or even possible? If you were honest you would say no, of course not and chances are you wouldn't have done much differently.....if you were honest that is!

    garbage. there is no way i would of watched the value of my money lose essentially half of its value. a few years of decline and i would of called it a day. that is just bad money management. period. 

  2. 58 minutes ago, mikebell said:
    2 hours ago, a977 said:

    Instead of worrying about it get off your a##es and do something about it.

    Please tell me what to do.  I have seen my pension go from 73 to 38.  I'd love to take some action.

    let me get this straight. you have sat and watched the value of your money be decimated over the last 10 years and done what exactly ? you stayed in a place and willfully watched your hard earned money vanish in front of your own eyes ? 


    and your asking what to do ? you would love to take some action ? 


    you're the reason facepalm memes were invented. 

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  3. great timing for this. i have 4 birds who are going on 4 months old and am just about to build my coop. nothing fancy maybe just a 10 foot long run area with a cage jacked up off the ground. all surrounded by mesh wiring. 


    make sure you put some wiring under the ground on the outside around the entire coop. go out about 8 to 12 inches and bury the wire mesh a few inches under the dirt. animals will give up real quick. 

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  4. you sound just like my mom. 


    to answer the original question. facts and evidence. i mean there is a clear cut winner emerging the more we learn as a species. 


    in the modern world with all we know about the universe, science, and technology were supposed to take advice from a population who could barely read or write ? who  believe in a mysterious all knowing and seeing being living in a magical realm ? 


    i have given you all the seed bearing plants and herbs to use.....kinda rings true with this one. meaning you sound high when you talk like that in today's world.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

    Maybe. Maybe not.


    China always recognizes the original nationality of ethnic Chinese, even if they obtained Canadian citizenship. China can prevent these people from leaving China, and really doesn't care if the Govt of Canada makes a demarche.


    It's always wise to consider the unthinkable and plan accordingly.

    sure is. a backpack the cover of night and a border run rio grande style to a neighboring countries canadian embassy should do the trick nice.


    ps... we are talking about thailand right ? china is a little north of here.  

  6. 59 minutes ago, petedk said:
    1 hour ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Not very likely!  If foreigners were banned from the beaches, gogos or massage parlours it might! One temple and  few Govt. bus companies with silly policies isn't going to change anything.  

    We have a friend who owns a Spa-Beauty Clinic and she told me that they will not be accepting foreigners as customers. 


    I asked her why not. Her reply was "we are afraid of foreigners. They are dangerous and can have Covid-19"


    How many other small businesses will do something similar?

    great business model to follow !!

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