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mr mr

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Posts posted by mr mr

  1. 5 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Yes, you are wrong.  Bitcoin 'value' is heavily manipulated by whales (owing such quantities of BTC that their buying/selling actions beoome self-fulfilling prophecies) as well as the traders that determine the Bitcoin 'value' by balancing the orders of the buyers/sellers.

    i am more talking about bitcoin and blockchain itself. you're talking about its value. all assets that are traded and exchanged are manipulated. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Contrary to a company that creates value by providing products/services for which there is a demand, Bitcoin does not create any value (it being just numbers on a digital ledger).  And so the value of Bitcoin is somewhat artificially determined by the broker firms where buyers/sellers of Bitcoin trade their 'numbers'.

    So Bitcoin can only rise in 'value' when there are more buyers than sellers, which will drive the price up.  As I said before, hence the continual propaganda to get new users to step in the game and buy Bitcoins.  Without any new 'investors', Bitcoin is doomed.  Hence this game is not sustainable in the long run and it only survives on gullible people driven by greed and Easy Money to step into the scheme.  It's a modern and clever 'pyramid' scheme.

    that could be argued though.


    all of the material things involved with mining bitcoin come at a cost right ? someone else is providing the cpu's and graphics cards and warehouses and wiring etc etc etc. there is a lot of real product and value being created there. 


    with the insane money policies of current governments all over this earth printing trillions upon trillions and devaluing their currencies btc at a never changing 21 mil gives a great stability vs the printing and devaluing right ? 


    bitcoin should be viewed as a modern form of value storage. like digital gold. soon enough everything on this planet is going to have a digital value. personal ledgers installed on every smart phone will allow billions of unbanked people world wide access to value and transactions that were never possible only a few years ago. micro payments and ledger to ledger instant transactions will be common very soon. bitcoin will be widely used in a lot of these new and upcoming systems.


    everyday people have lost faith in governments and the money system. many recognize that it is doomed to fail.


    correct me if i am wrong but bitcoin is pretty much corruption proof isn't it ? meaning because of the blockchain everything is available to see at any time by anyone sorta thing. i may be wrong with some of my wording so please excuse the mistakes if i have made some.  


    since btc was first introduced has the number of wallets not been going up year after year ? the market is there and growing every year i think. 



  3. during this whole virus situation we have been told over and over about social distancing and stopping the spread etc. fast forward to this past week and there was mass protests all over the world. now...


    if in 2 weeks there is not a massive new wave of the virus. what then ? 


    if there is not a huge uptick in the new cases does that not sort of blow the whole social distancing and isolation thing out of the water ?


    time is ticking on this one. i bet we don't see a big increase in corona cases. if that happens you can be sure as shoot that people are going to be a little more angry than they are now. 


    i don't see this ending well at all. 

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  4. 22 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    Good point.  I was only referring to Bitcoin, and agree that there is certainly future in digital coins when build on a value-creating use case.

    eth chanlink ada and xrp are what i like. just starting to understand a lot of it now but the whole staking with eth is a very very nice looking investment. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, steven100 said:
    31 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

    How can santa social distance? He has to visit a home for every child in the world and could spread the virus to all of them.

    and how can he wear a mask with that huge white beard   ?

    what about inter provincial travel ? will he need to get insurance ? that's an awful lot of thai chana scans in and out's.



    • Haha 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    Note: I am a no-coiner by conviction as I refuse to make money by stepping into a scheme that ultimately amounts to scamming gullible people that are greedy and looking for Big and Easy Profits. 

    what about the actual real world use case of many of the other crypto projects out there ? i really hope you don't think the entire crypto market and blockchain is a ponzi scheme. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. i need some advice.


    my wife just asked me if i could lend some money to her brother. my one question is.


    she seems awfully close with him. always touchy feely, laughing and generally seeming to really enjoy each others company . is this normal in thailand ? they seem to spend a lot of time together in his room during the day time as well.



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