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Mike k

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  1. A cat fight in string bikinis and oil 😂😂😂
  2. Surprised the defacto pm hasn't given her a full pardon
  3. She was removed from the gene pool
  4. I thought that was the Indians
  5. Because bitch slapping might offend some soy boys and karens 😂😂
  6. Other than the idiot with the child porn the government is just upset they didn't get any of the millions
  7. Other countries use LNG for public busses with out a problem. Maybe Thailand needs to forget about a submarine and invest that money in foreign workers that can maintain the busses (not third world countries)
  8. With large brown envelopes as pillows
  9. They are bailing the sugar cane leaves and selling it here probably as bio fuel
  10. I don't think the government has the balls to do anything the other night there were 3 huge fires burning you could see the red glow in the sky
  11. Or say something about a certain individual
  12. In his eyes he killed one the lady
  13. Cant always trust the science look at what some of the untested covid vaccines have done
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