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Posts posted by Donga

  1. 10 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

    Yes, the same WHO who change their advice according to new research and knowledge about the decease. Anything wrong with that?

    Well yes, a hell of a lot wrong.

    1. Masks are common sense, which WHO and most western authorities dismissed with "they're not 100% effective and can provide a false sense of security". Good grief. Even a bandanna would be effective if you're talking to someone who doesn't show any symptoms and better if they have something.
    2. Asians used masks to control SARS and swine flu.
    3. Studies existed to show the effectiveness of masks, which were ignored. Here is one.. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30134-X/fulltext?

    Patronising attitude, ignoring past experiences, and/or sheer incompetence cost thousands of lives, especially in Western Europe. Can you imagine how many lives would have been saved if masks were common (especially in aged care homes) as they are in Asian countries, which by and large have blown Covid away. Even the subcontinent has miniscule death rates per mill by comparison, let alone East Asian countries.

    Yep, a lot wrong.

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  2. Covid-19 is at different stages in various parts of the world. By and large the countries between the tropics have much lower rates of death than the Western European nations that got smashed in the middle of their Winter. Not many countries are still raging after three months, unless they have big populations spread over a large area. So much information on this site and can drill down on each country.. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

    Laugh with some dismay as watch WHO (who should know better) and media play the doom game as they move their focus on those countries in their peak as the others subside. Then the 2nd wave syndrome - remember Japan, then Singapore - couple of clusters brought under control. US and big countries like India, Indonesia are seeing covid-19 move around. For example Jakarta got hit well before Surabaya. This simplistic continuing coverage of doom is hurting the world economically.

    As far as record cases - why don't they come clean and admit most countries are testing more. Guess what that's going to do? Duh - more cases. The money man to track is deaths, recognising some countries are not as truthful or lets say accurate as they could be, but that becomes relative over time. This is how cases vs deaths measure up...

    CV deaths.jpg

  3. On 6/20/2020 at 3:53 PM, Lacessit said:

    Depends on how long you want to live. The statistics say obese people are far more prone to diabetes, cardiac disease, stroke, and cancer. Their death rate in the current pandemic is indicating vulnerability on that front as well. Your life, your choice.


    Suggest sensible food (occasional KFC and steak but loads of seafood, veggies and fruit), and alcohol (say 20 std drinks a week, say 8 long necks), 45 mins walk, swim, cycle and gym work most days of the week will lead to a decent quality of life, with less niggles and probably less visits to hospital. Gets more important as you age when the muscles start seriously wasting away. Hence those folk you see with walking sticks or in wheel chairs much earlier than need be.

    Also keeps the younger partner happy longer. But more to the point, enjoy healthier twilight years and usually fade faster when the gene clock kicks in. Worth the fitness and sensible diet investment and it starts paying dividends fairly quickly.

    So while I agree poor health can lead to early deaths, it's not just about longevity. Many unhealthy people stick around for years. Ultimately genes play a big role even for the healthy.

    For me it's about the quality of life, especially in the last 15 years. That's my rationale anyway ????

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  4. 2 hours ago, steven100 said:

    This is old news ... Australia found this a week ago .......  lol

    poms are too slow off the mark ...

    As an Aussie, I wonder if you're confused with another medicine. I can't find any reference in Australian media about dexamethasone other than recognising the British study announcement this week. Maybe some docs have been using it in Aussie as well?

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  5. As an Australian, believe Thailand deserves 1st place - 70 mill people with four borders, 11 mill Chinese visitors a year and has achieved zero community transmissions in past three weeks while Australia is still has a few clusters. Seems a lot of miserable folk don't believe or understand why Thailand has been so successful, which I find staggering, given it's 6th ranking in John Hopkins University Health Security index.. https://www.pacificprime.co.th/blog/thailand-ranks-6th-for-the-worlds-strongest-health-security/

    Apart from some earlier confusion, Thailand settled into restrictions with their community conformity, including masks (yes the white experts and WHO recently changed their tune on what Asians have known for ages - they reduce transmission), and their one million health volunteers in the villages. Compare this effort with most countries.

    Well done Thailand!

    Now let's tackle high level corruption and road carnage..

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  6. Thailand nailed it, just haven’t got much media attention. Masks from the start, community conformity, diligent tracing and quarantine of contacts with known cases plus one million health volunteers. There is a good reason why John Hopkins University ranks Thailand no 6 in Global Health Security and surprised people who live here are so suspicious of the numbers. The Thais know if their hospitals been under pressure - ask them. This didn’t get much global coverage as media focuses on the current hotspots... https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN23B044

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  7. The amount of BS from authorities and experts from this pandemic is breathtaking. From Imperial College estimates of 510,000 UK deaths, the denial that heat, humidity and Vitamin D have a role in reducing the impact (UK have recently changed their protocol for elderly with Vitamin D) https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/05/200512134426.htm and the big one, face masks.

    So blindingly obvious that two people wearing masks in conversation are safer than two not wearing masks. What's more, been statistically proven and by scientific transmission studies - earlier dismissed, but now being recognised.

    How many lives, particularly in Europe? How many people worldwide have lost their jobs, many in countries hardly effected by CV-19 but decimated by tourism, through "experts" incompetence and sometimes driving their own agendas. WHO is culpable but so are many others in their patronising view that masks are not 100% safe and can create a false sense of security.

    Mainstream media are largely quiet in examining  the impact of these huge calls, easier to roam around the world and report the worst of the current spikes. Such a tragedy and hope people learn.

  8. Rabid festival goer for many years so no chance of remembering them all - dementia maybe ????

    Anyway, most memorable - Toss up between Bob Dylan in a small Dallas venue, seemed like a pub in 1996. The guy and his musicians are always superb but the intimacy was very special. Then Byron Blues Festival over 14 years So many standouts, but for me Fat Freddy's Drop, Eric Burden, Bela Fleck, Bo Diddly, and Cat Empire (they don't do it on "vinyl" like they work on stage). Was often disappointed by the big names and pleasantly surprised by lesser names at the time. And usually found that Age does not weary them ????  

    Neil Young, Leonard Cohen, Willie Nelson, David Bowie, B-52s, The Cure, Toumani Diabate, Selif Kita, and Half of Led Zep (Page and Plant) were standout concerts. And top Sydney bands in the 70s: Midnight Oil, Mental as Anything, Rose Tattoo, Cold Chisel and The Sports  - loud, hot and tight!

    Most memorable for the wrong reasons - Knebworth 1976: 10CC hassles with their live recording, no-one gave a <deleted>, as they seriously delayed Rolling Stones. Whatever they took to get up, Mick and the boys were done by the time they hit the stage. Got to see the Stones again in Sydney, Toronto and Fort Worth.

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