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Everything posted by Bobydog

  1. BS flows faster than truth, Move Forward Party for example took months to build (scamble together) make up, all the reasons to get rid of it. Such bold and very public manipulation.
  2. HheNah, they aren't that bright, rtp, don't bother to do any thing about the 100 cc modified scooters on Ko Samui and the noise they make attempting to break the 70k barrier lol
  3. MFP was all of that and look how that worked out. these clowns are lacking in decent management practices, also giving hard working "CLOWNS" a bad name lol
  4. Why not appoint a Chinese scammer, drug dealer, ????? and make big brother happy
  5. It's high time the jerkoffs behind all these "on one day off the next schemes" come clean and just confirm what we already know, they are only in it for self gratification and of course, the money.
  6. From the picture, it looks like PM is partaking in too much local product, that might also explain the decision to dismiss MPF...
  7. UN Human Rights Council should ban Thailand and any other Nation who is guilty of openly mistreating their people in the face of world opinion.
  8. Hear hear, now the world at large can see the true face of Thai administration, lets not have a just and productive party, Junta and grubby money grabbing mentatity. Setting the pace for 4th world seniority.
  9. Activity that promotes the drive for family friendly destination for visitors, well done guys....
  10. One can't help noticing that in most all cases of accidents etc, the response is nearly always presented as immediate, prompt, speedily etc. Something that rarely applies to contropl of terrible riding practices occasioning death etc along with drunk/drug affected motorists. The list goes on .
  11. Lookat the promo for TOP STORIES side by side. Pattaya brands as family friendly. Former Dutch Soldier arrested for drug making in Pattaya. Picture perfect lol.
  12. There goes the County if that happens
  13. She probably believed that the love affair between Thailand & China would keep her safe?
  14. Agreed, put him down, sorry doesn't cut it.
  15. They want to pocket more money, open the visa gates, allow more criminal enterprise, discourage retirement , mone money money lol
  16. Following Covid, 1500 people were surveyed and 60% said they didn't want Tourists, how did that work out, now the silly buggers are looking to get rid of all the Expats.... don't figger lol, they will be leaders of a 4th world natiopn in the not too far distant future.
  17. I wouldn't put it past them, most figures produced come out of a local area where the sun doesn't shine.
  18. Is that all Arrivals or does it include departures as well. Lol
  19. The Thais should give him the one way ticket to hell. This is widely advertised and the example should be set for all that are stupid and take the risk.
  20. It's still way ahead of the poll of 1500 taken of Thais that didn't want foreigners/tourists a few years ago, how well did that pan out
  21. Hopefully the court will insist the Son appear as a supporting witness for his Father for the case to be heard.....but after giving evidence, he be allowed to escape back into hiding 🤣
  22. No mention of any portability and at 80 I figure I am qualified if it existed. Aust Gov has been catching up with their game over the years and many a happy lad in Thailand with their family taking care of the mail back home received a "Front and Center " request, whoops!
  23. Yes I'm afraid so, checked ATO on line, it wasn't easy to find, also because I rec a spitl pension with NZ, the NZ component would stop because the arrangement only existed because I lived in Australia, mutual deal.
  24. I actually found it on line at ATO with help from my tax agent
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